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The longest continuous war I've ever seen.


Gentleman and Diplomat
Sep 2, 2003
Boston, MA
Right now, the Aztecs and Americans are engaged in a war that has lasted over 1000 year. Around 500 BC, I saw stacks of Jaguar Warriors entering my territory, so I signed a RoP. I signed a RoP with the Americans too, and the Iroqois nation has been a battleground ever since. I'm thinking about blocking the two square land bridge that they use to access each other's territory because I'm sick of waiting for their little battle to end in order for me to take my turn.
1000 years is not a record - I saw worse. And while blocking them may be a good decision, it is probably even better to let them kill each other, as long as it does nothing bad to your own transportation.
yeah, I'd have to agree with das, there. Although it does sorta depend on when this war has been staged. 1000 AD to 2000 AD is a pretty darned long war!
I once waged a war from 600 BC to 600 AD on two sides with China on the Huge Earth map. I had North Africa, and I took out Rome, in India, and America, in East Africa. They made the mistake with attacking me when I had just gotten Riders.
Yes, ofcourse. On the other hand, a war between 3000 BC and 2000 BC isn't much. Neither is 2000 BC to 0 AD, I think.
The longest war I've been involved in that wasn't an AW game, was about 90 turns, most of it spent in Republic :( That was a slow slog through Spain, Mongolia and China, all of whom ganged up on me. Of course, I couldn't let them escape untouched, so it was a fight to the death for me. That is where I found out that a 6hp elite Ancient Cavalry has a pretty good chance at taking out a 1hp Infantry. I had 18 or so leaders in that war, most of which went to armies.
I had a game where me and my ally's (all civ's xept russia) declared war on russia. after 20 turns alliance ended, and i signed peace with russians. but america and england never signed an peace treaty with russia. it was like from 300AD to 2000AD (when i won).
In my OCC game the Zulu and Aztec have been in a war since about 0 AD, its now 1850, the Zulu have a-one-tile island, and the Aztec have been pounding it with Frigates for hundreds of years now, im tempted to send my mariens over there to end the bloddy thing, but their busy in Germany :evil:
And besisdes, the damn town is protected by nearly 50 Impies now.
I've seen a war last an entire game once. It started 3 turns in and lasted all the way to the end. By that I mean the default maximum turn limit.
When did the ame end?
In one game ages ago, I had a continuous war with the Persians pretty much from when I met them until one of the other AI's eventually built the Spaceship.

In a true testament to dumb AI, the only way the Persians had to my territory was through a one-tile bottleneck, which as fortune would have it was a mountain. I had stacks of spearmen pileed high in my mountain fortress, defeating every single attempt to break through.

As the Romans, I thought, great! I'll have my legions marching towards Persiopolis in no time, but no. There is no iron, or horses, or ANYTHING.

This lasted all the way to the modern age, with either my spearmen or riflemen only just holding on against tanks due to sheer numbers. Luckily, no nukes were used. I was last in score buy a very very long way, and was at least TWO ages behind everyone in tech simply because all of my 6 cities where devoted entirely to churning out defenders. Things became much worse when Persia allied up with the other players on the continent, all of whom relentlessly attacked the fortress. It's a good job the AI can't understand bombardment!!!

I kept playing just to see how long I could hold on for, which in the end was until about 1980AD. How I wish there was a "Units Killed/Lost" stat on the score screen.... The game itself took over 30 hours, even with all animations off due to the about 20-30 attacks per turn.
I've been at war with the Aztecs since about 200bc and now its about 1800ad
Longest war I've witnessed was back when I was playing Warlord. I had just gotten C3C, so I was playing a test game. There were two main continents- Europe and Asia. I owned 3/5ths of Europe (England and Germany kept declaring war on me) and the Vikings had the other 2/5ths. In Asia, the remaining civs were Korea, India, China, and Mongolia. In the middle ages, Korea decided to attack India. This war never ended. It lasted until mid-modern age, when I finally got tired of watching the war and called a UN vote. I saw it go from longbows and knights to infantry and guerillas. The asian powers were all fascist, except for Korea, who was communist. Scandanavia and I were both democracies, and whenever the Vikings joined the war I used privateers to sink their transports. Since Korea had every civ in the game fighting them most of the time (except for me), I was her only trading partner, and sold her stuff at cheaper prices and didn't sell to anyone else. I also gave Korea my extra resources that she needed- luxuaries, strategics. I wanted to keep Korea alive, not prolong the war. I think it was close to 2500 years of nonstop war. There were a couple of times where one of the allies signed peace, but they'd be back within ten turns. Ghandi had deep pockets.
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