The Official Hillary Clinton support thread

I think you have some misconceptions about the people in need. It isn't all their fault. Some of them fell victim to loan scams and other's lost income due to circumstances beyond their control. To say that it is just their own stupid fault isn't entirely accurate. I would wager than in most cases, isn't true at all.

If there was fraud then fine. But thats an even smaller % of the 1%. Most of these people are fools who bought bigger then they could afford and didn't understand what they signed not because they fell on hard times. So yes it is their fault and their poor choice not mine. Why should I pay for their foolishness? Why should the government under Clinton's plan force me to pay for others mistakes? Why should I be punished for my success? And others rewarded for their failure?

I know all about hard times and being poor. I also know all about taking responsibility for failure. I didn't ask for hand outs. I didn't want the government to take care of my mistakes at the expense of others. I also made suure to plan so any failure of my own actions or of circumstance left me with enough to fall back so I could rely on my self. Its really not that hard.
Im only voting for her because shes liberal and i dont want to see another old guy white male as president right now, especially not a republican.

I just want something different.
Because it should be up to me as to weather not I help, not up to the government to take my money and help them.

1% is the number of people who are in financing trouble right now and going to lose their homes. The 1% Hillery wants to take my money and pay off their mistake. Me being a person who didn't sign on the line a contract I didn't understand. Me a person that didn't buy a house much bigger then I needed or could afford. Why should I under Hillery's plan be punished for doing it the right way while others are rewarded for not? Its part of Hillery's socialist agenda. Take from the hard workers who do well and give it to those who don't work hard. Its as bad as giving trophies to little Johnny because he showed up and lost. After she bails out these people who does she want to bail out next at my expense?

Shakes head. I can understand if you don't agree with this policy but calling it a socialist agenda is ridiculous. Your either being deceptive or don't have a clue what socialism is. Every candidate wether they are democrat or republican advocates taking some of your money and giving it to those less fortunate who might not deserve it.
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that visualize a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.

Social programmes are socialist. They take and redistribute wealth. Argue against the obvious all you want but Hillery's programmes are socialist ideas.
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that visualize a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.
By that definition, anyone but an anarcho-capitalist is a socialist...
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that visualize a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.

Social programmes are socialist. They take and redistribute wealth. Argue against the obvious all you want but Hillery's programmes are socialist ideas.

Then all of our presidents since TR have been socialists, including Regan and Bush
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that visualize a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.

I think you're thinking of communism where the state owns everything including a person's labor. Community based projects are purely democratic ideals that are funded & voted on by the community.

If we want to eliminate poverty we have to make a concerted effort to educate, rehabilitate and elevate people to a higher standard of living.
Sure, if you want to keep the wars going, the military expanding, the military industrial complex growing, and don't want to do anything at all that would in any way harm the interests of the corporate ruling class, then why note vote for her, or Obama, or Edwards. They are all pretty much the same. Onward Christian soldiers...!

I think the political compass sums that up well:

Your special.

Thats cute. Do you have anything of value to add or just weak flames?

Hmm, I'll have to tell ama that he's idolizing a communist then.

How is not wanting the state to control things communist exactly?

FDR: consistently ranked the second best president in US history by historians.
Teddy Roosevelt: Ranked around the 5th best president by historians.

I like deferring to the experts. They disagree with you.

Yes because the nanny state is so great. Just look at all the spending wasted. Social Security is humming along just great with no hitches isn't it. And once one of those wealth redistribution schemes is but in place its really easy to get rid of them isn't it?

But then again Lincoln is ranked real high too at the top even. He suspended Habius Corpus, Aimed cannons at civilians and threatened to open fire on a city if they tried to free arrested senators so they could exercise there right to vote. And when he freed the slaves he only freed the ones in the CSA not the union. Experts..........:rolleyes:
Thats cute. Do you have anything of value to add or just weak flames?

It may be cute but its not a flame. If you really do believe every president is a socialist since TR then it shows that you really do stick to your standards and apply them to everyone. And that would make you special. I fully expect that if you make any commentaries on any republican candidates you will also call them socialists and refer to their socialist policy.
How is not wanting the state to control things communist exactly?
Because he still wanted the state to control some things, just not as much as other people. So, he's still a socialist by your definition.
If a "Nanny State" program results in economic growth greater than the investment, then isn't it a net benefit?

If I'm middle income, I want programs that result in my wealth growing the fastest (and most sustainable)
I think the political compass sums that up well:


Hmm... then why are people saying that Ron Paul is so libertarian?

I'm not that surprised that Hillary and almost all the candidates are in that quartile. I actually wouldn't mind someone like John Edwards either but I just don't think he'll win.
Hmm... then why are people saying that Ron Paul is so libertarian?

Libertarian=social liberal on the political compass quiz, so a social conservative might find himself labeled an "authoritarian", even if he has no desire for the government to enforce his moral views. Still, you'll note that even by that flawed definition, he's less authoritarian than everyone except Gravel and Kucinich.
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