The "OMG! Look what happened!" Thread

How did that happen any way?

Netherlands collapsed Germany (600AD Germany is somewhat prone to early collapse), took the resulting independents one by one, then conquered France, I think.
When Germany collapses, Netherlands as often as not takes the assorted German independent cities for itself.
Don't know if anyone else has tried this, but I just wrapped a RFC 600AD game playing as England, then America, and scored UHV for both civs (although the game doesn't officially record the second as a "Historical Victory" -- it just checks all three conditions under "Victory Conditions").

Both were pretty close to the deadline. England hit radio for the Modern Age advancement around 1720-ish and it was 1991 before I got Baghdad from the Turks in a Congress to secure all 10 of my oil for America.

This game also included such general weirdness as:

A resurgent Carthage in the late 19th century which emerged as a strong tech competitor.

Three distinct Viking states (collapsing and re-emerging twice over the course of the game).

Porto Delgada (off the coast Portugal) being the largest city in the world at one point (island=plague isolation)

And my personal favorite, a 20th century China which somehow managed to be the Vassal of both Khmer and Mongolia simultaneously (Khmer was a Mongol Vassal in the turn that China re-emerged, China becomes Khmer Vassal, then Khmer declares independence from Mongolia, all in one turn).

I'll have to pull pictures off the other machine at some point...
I would love to see the China-Khmer-Mongol master-vassal incest in a pic.
Water doesn't protect against plague, it's more likely that there were no foreign trade routes to Porto Delgada or that the plague has spent itself out by the time Porto's turn was due.
Incest Delivered.


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you should try to bribe Mongolia to DOW on Khmer. Would China then autodestruck?
They would probably neither autodestruck nor autodestruct. You can't bribe masters to DOW on vassals, but if some wierd defense pact thing happened and Mongolia declared war on Khmer, China would probably declare war on Mongolia, who would have lost both vassals.
I would love to see the China-Khmer-Mongol master-vassal incest in a pic.
Water doesn't protect against plague, it's more likely that there were no foreign trade routes to Porto Delgada or that the plague has spent itself out by the time Porto's turn was due.

Sorry, I meant polygamy and open marriage. :D
This time I have:

Sub-Saharan Africa as a place to solve European conflicts
Spoiler :

Hellenic Egypt
Spoiler :

And no colonies in Australia.
American Bund is america's name with the nationalist civic. wiki entry here
Same thing with the british union... might need to have police state to idk. Irl its the British Union of Facists.
Why isn't Airstrip One a dynamic name?

For the same reason Fascist America isn't called Dumb****istan or New World Order - the country itself has to have used the dynamic name (or be able to use it) at some point in their history. If you prefer it that way, you can change the dynamic name entries in Assets>XML>Text folder with a notepad program.
American Bund and British Union are bad names. They're the names of organizations and were never envisioned as country names. It's like calling the police state Germany civ the German Party, because of the German Nazi Party. Britain and America's fascists would not have changed their countries' names if they'd come to power.
American Bund and British Union are bad names. They're the names of organizations and were never envisioned as country names. It's like calling the police state Germany civ the German Party, because of the German Nazi Party. Britain and America's fascists would not have changed their countries' names if they'd come to power.

I agree on the first part - both are not the greatest names. But a - perhaps just slightly - different name isn't impossible at all. I don't know - "Fascist United States" or something like that, that could work methinks.
I really can't see why any alternative history American fascist regime would want to rename the country at all, let alone rename it "Fascist United States". No historical fascist regime that I know of has felt the need to make its political creed part of the country's name. Difficult to imagine an American police state anyway, since anti-despotism is America's historical raison d'etre. Apart from Communists and royalists has America ever had a political group advocating an end to democracy?
Communists and Royalists(back when Washington was to be President.) are the only groups that ever have been recorded as threatening Democracy in America. Nowadays more people are worried more of Government take over of our economy and health care then communism or facism. So you could say that Americans are against losing their freedom meaning anyone who believes in Facism or Communism wouldnt last long without a fight.
While I don't think there would be a change in the name of the Federal Republic of the United States of America if it did achieve a police state, I think that a flavorful name would serve well anyway. Exaggeration of national unity is a common feature of police states, so something like "American Union" or "Greater American Alliance" might be options.

Either way, there are countless nutters nowadays who consider the current government to be fascist, but I can't think of anything they call the establishment other than "big government."
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