The "OMG! Look what happened!" Thread

Hmm, that looks pretty interesting, maybe I should give RFC:E a shot again. Last time I tried it, there was no interface, so I assumed it was really under work or something.
That AI Austrian empire looks quite impressive too! I've never seen them get that far.

Austria had lot's of help from Germany, Hungary(before they turned on them), Magyar, and me. Then Hungary respawned and had a major war between the Magyar and Austrians(didn't work out to well for either of the sides).
I haven't played the newest version yet but weren't Hungary and Magyar the same civ in previous versions?
Yes they are.
Well in east Europe you've got (by order of appearance)
Venetians (If you count them, their base isn't in eastern Europe but they expand in Dalmatia and sometimes even deeper)
(Hordes of Mongol barbarians)
First Picture: Monarch Turks. Europe circa 1700. Yes that is a Ottoman East Germany and a Dutch West Germany. And yes Portugal has Venice, and Spain Paris.

Second Picture: If the Americans had Astronomy before me, why didn't they send a boat to Europe?

Third Picture: You gotta love Ragnar's choice of cities to take from me. I eventually gave him a city north of the Crimea which he gave back to the Russians who I had stolen it from.


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    Crazy Rhye Europe.JPG
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Well, I was just playing RFC Europe as the Kievan Rus and wanted to grab an Atlantic Access... so I sent some Knights to Gibraltar (Arabia was my best buddy because I'm Muslim).
Approaching the city I saw this huuuuuuuuge stack of Saladins Arquebusiers sitting in front of the city :lol:
Funny thing is, he didn't even attack... God knows how long he had this army there.
This AI is so crazy sometimes :crazyeye:
It's a known problem in RFC Europe. I've reported it twice, but I haven't heard whether they found a solution or not. I think it would be the kind of thing they should solve before going to beta.
This is a picture from my recent game as the Vikings. I was on the track to win, when the Turks won a UHV. I've never seen that before and have been told that it is a very rare occurance.


  • Turkey RFC UHV.JPG
    Turkey RFC UHV.JPG
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This is a picture from my recent game as the Vikings. I was on the track to win, when the Turks won a UHV. I've never seen that before and have been told that it is a very rare occurance.

Yeah, does the AI even seriously attempt any of the UHV's? I know they do historical stuff (colonizing) but I've never seen them get 2/3 on Historical goals. And why didn't you go after the Turks? All you would have to do is Take a few Balkan cities and you coulda stopped them. Or eradicated a Vassal. Or as my Picture of my Turk game shows, demand Istanbul :crazyeye:
Yeah, does the AI even seriously attempt any of the UHV's? I know they do historical stuff (colonizing) but I've never seen them get 2/3 on Historical goals. And why didn't you go after the Turks? All you would have to do is Take a few Balkan cities and you coulda stopped them. Or eradicated a Vassal. Or as my Picture of my Turk game shows, demand Istanbul :crazyeye:

Eh, it was late and I was starting to get a little tired of the game, so I didn't feel like getting into a big war.I figured let the AI win for once, with this thread in mind.
I've got a bunch.

I wonder how many troops Justinian had nearby to capitulate Germany that early:
Spoiler :

And I also played till the end game, mainly to see Mesopotamia like this:
Spoiler :

It used to be even more diverse as Stalin had had capitulated Turkey and had Istanbul, Izmir, Sinope and the city on the Black sea. Arabia has collapsed twice due to super heavy nuking from Gandhi (for once losing Mecca and going to civil war in literally three turns), although Gandhi stopped using nukes right after Stalin collapsed. Later everybody in Asia collapsed, and respawned Mao Zedong (being alone in the whole Asian continent) took an effort to conquer (seemingly) the whole world. Conquered Indochina, India, Persia, Mongolia and overally went as far as Babylon until finally collapsing too, still not having even a single uranium within his whole territory.
I stopped playing somewhere around there.

Also that Incan city on the Philippines Tokugawa lost when I asked him to declare war on Huayna Capac (I was bored). He agreed for just 50 gold and then lost the city in like 10 or 20 turns. Pity.
Also Stalin had build Krepost' Rus' in California, I think it still can be seen from the screenshot
I was playing as the portugese and for some reason, when I started, the Netherlands had conquered all of Germany and most of France. It was strange... Wish I had a screenie.
Wow, that is one heckuva fragmented middle-east... I've never played past 1870, so I've never seen the AI use nukes before, or collapse after respawning, and then respawn again. That world seems really screwed up (not necessarily in the bad way). I guess I'll try the late game one of these days.
I've seen Maya(funny since it's an ancient civ) come back and declare war with America, Spain, England, Aztec, and Nuking them all to win a major war. (I was a neutral Turkey who won a space race later on:)).

I guess those Maya really predict the end of the world then, since they caused it them selves. But, I mean the MAYA winning a war against 4 other civs and it was in ancient! That's really an OMG moment right there.
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