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The Perfect Sandwhich

Inspired by this thead I just got from home from work and put together what I could.

Toasted Rye Bread
Smoked Turkey
Swiss Cheese
Sliced Avacado
Toasted Rye Bread

Delicious :D
Yeah, but I only eat them when they already come on sandwiches in restaurants and such. By themselves, avocados taste funny to me, very bland and "blah."

Then you're eating the wrong avocados. Seriously, there are tons of different types with all sorts of flavors and textures but 99% of the time super markets only carry haas because they grow quickly, become quite large, and look nice on the shelf. The problem is they have very little flavor. That's the same complaint I have with supermarket tomatoes.

Luckily, they grow a lot of avocados around here so I can get better ones very easily.
Does anyone else like avacado on your sandwiches? I have had it on a few, they were all good experiances.

Yep; mash them up and use it as a spread. Good stuff, especially on burgers. Very healthy too.
I was always a fan of what is commonly called a "California Club" or some variation thereof around here.

Basically an enormous Club sandwich with avocado and occasionally cheese. Toasted is a must unless you are some sort of unsophisticated simpleton.

Add a nice pickle and you've got about 50% of my diet.
A tip for your sandwich goers. Toast your bread in a skillet instead of toaster. Only toast one side and put the toasted side on the inside of your sandwich. When you are building tall sandwiches like stacked clubs this keeps the crumbs down and prevents you scraping the top of your mouth.
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