The Reign in Spain: Inquisition, Exploration, and Enlightenment


Mar 7, 2005

The Reign in Spain: Inquisition, Exploration, and Enlightenment​


The achievements are remarkable: Spain was united, the crown power was centralized, the reconquista was successfully concluded, the groundwork for the most dominant military machine of the next century and a half was laid, a legal framework was created, the church reformed. Even without the benefit of the American expansion, Spain would have been a major European power.


Spain must win by Cultural victory.

All victory conditions other than Diplomatic are available to Spain’s rivals.​

Conditions (there are several!):

Proliferation and Support of Faiths

Spain may only adopt Christianity as a State Religion and may never adopt the Free Religion civic.

Spain may never build a Jewish Temple, Monastery, or Missionary. It may not enshrine The Temple of Solomon.

Spain may never build an Islamic Temple, Monastery, or Missionary. It may not enshrine The Masjid Al-Haram.

Spain may never actively spread with Missionaries; Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, or Taoism into a Spanish city that does not already have Christianity present.​

Papal Influence

Spain will adopt the Theocracy civic upon the acquisition of Theology or the Shwedagon Paya, and will remain in that civic at least until the acqusition of both Liberalism and Democracy.

Furthermore, until the acquisition of both Liberalism and Democracy, Spain will be confined to;

Priests and Citizen Specialists being the only specialists permitted (that is, no Engineers, Artists, Scientists, Spies, or Merchants).

Building to completion only Wonders that generate Great Prophet points: Angkor Wat, Chichen Itza, Maoi Statues, Shwedagon Paya, Stonehenge, The Oracle, The Spiral Minaret, all Shrines other than the Temple of Solomon and The Masjid Al-Haram. Note that Wonders may be captured from other empires.​

The acquisition of both Liberalism and Democracy allows all available Wonders and Projects to be pursued except the Temple of Solomon and The Masjid Al-Haram, and the employment of any available specialist citizens.

Spain may still receive 'free' Great People through being the first to discover certain technologies (e.g. Music, Economics).​

Iberian Union

Form a defensive pact with Portugal at least once during the course of the game. This may be done through vassalage or mutual agreement. Elimination of the Portuguese prior to the defensive pact is not permitted. If mortally threatened, Spain may need to come to Portugal's aid.​


By way of simulating the ongoing conflict with the Moors of Iberia, Spain must declare war on Arabia upon initial contact. Peace may be sought with Saladin as soon as he is prepared to negotiate, and this may or may not be the only conflict between the empires for the game.​

Regulated Coinage

Spain must acquire Currency before Metal Casting. One of the reforms Isabella oversaw in her reign was the regulation of currency laws including abolition of the right of coining money, which certain individuals held.​


Spain will create a Colony in the New World (being on a landmass that is inaccessible to the founding landmass prior to ocean travel). The support extended by Isabella to Italian explorer Christopher Columbus was one of the Millennium’s most important turning points.​

Siglo de Oro

The roster is required to commence a Golden Age at one point between 1490AD and 1660AD, provided the game is still underway in that period. The Spanish Golden Age was a period of flourishing in arts and literature, and coincided with the political rise and decline of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty. The Habsburgs, both in Spain and Austria, were great patrons of art in their countries. El Escorial, the great royal monastery built by King Philip II of Spain, invited the attention of some of Europe's greatest architects and painters. Diego Velázquez, regarded as one of the most influential painters of European history and a greatly respected artist in his own time, cultivated a relationship with King Philip IV and his chief minister, the Count-Duke of Olivares, leaving us several portraits that demonstrate his style and skill. El Greco, another respected artist from the period, infused Spanish art with the styles of the Italian renaissance and helped create a uniquely Spanish style of painting. Some of Spain's greatest music is regarded as having been written in the period. Such composers as Tomás Luis de Victoria, Francisco Guerrero, Luis de Milán and Alonso Lobo helped to shape Renaissance music and the styles of counterpoint and polychoral music, and their influence lasted far into the Baroque period which resulted in a revolution of music. Spanish literature blossomed as well, most famously demonstrated in the work of Miguel de Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Spain's most prolific playwright, Lope de Vega, wrote possibly as many as one thousand plays during his lifetime, of which over four hundred survive to the present day. (Here endith the History lesson!).

Game Set-Up

Isabella of Spain: Conquistador (Cuirassier with +50% vs. Melee, receives defensive bonuses), Citadel (Castle with +5XP for Siege units), Fishing and Mysticism, Spiritual and Expansive.​

Map: Terra, Normal Size, Low Sea levels, Temperate.

Difficulty: Emperor.

Speed: Epic. Cities require 75,000:culture: for ‘legendary’ status.

Rivals: Random Personalities;
  • Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire
  • Elizabeth I of England
  • João II of Portugal
  • Louis XIV of France
  • Saladin of Arabia
  • Willem van Oranje of The Netherlands


  • Norvin_Green
  • nocho
  • IPEX-731BA5DD06
  • happyturtle
  • Sengir
  • Cam_H
The first turnset of the game will be of 40 turns duration. The next turnset of the game of 30 turns. 15 turns per turnset after the opening two. Players are expected to complete their turnsets within three days of completion of the preceding player's. Swaps and skips are allowed. Players may be removed from the roster. Players may not 'play ahead' until the game is completed.​




Looking forward to playing this. Thanks for the history lesson and the great idea Cam_H! History is not one of my strong suits for sure. Neither is writing so there won't be any Whosit-style storytelling coming from this corner of the globe. I like playing as Isabella so that is a nice surprise.
Other than starting techs what's not to like about start B? A seems a little brown and C leaves too much to chance in the fog. D would be my second choice but would prefer to play it at emperor.
Any way to model the indebtedness and plethora of bankruptcies during the late 16th and 17th centuries? How about an Always War with Willem?
Interesting set up. My only question: If you are barring the Jewish shrine, why not the Islamic shrine?

Starts: Why go with the disgustingly HoF start B? How about the 3-fishy start D? :crazyeye:
I'm in if there's room :)

Never played a SG, but I play around monarch/emperor and Spain is my favorite civ so this looks like a good one for me.

I'd go with start A or C, B looks too good ;)
Whosit and Timmy,

Thanks for your interest.

Interesting set up. My only question: If you are barring the Jewish shrine, why not the Islamic shrine?

While it's a question / variant I also seriously considered, I thought otherwise for two reasons:

(a.) My take is that following the The Treaty of Granada that there was a degree of religious tolerance and terms of understanding between the Sultan of Grenada and Isabella-Ferdinand. Essentially I understand the Treaty was a vassalage agreement that allowed limited religious latitudes for the residing Muslims, albeit, it was a temporary arrangement only.

(b.) The game's essentially already been chopped down to six religions for Spain, and I'm concerned that pressing it down to five might make the game too unbalanced on top of some of the other obstacles.​


You're in! Welcome. :)
Sounds very interesting, nice civ to play around with as well! :mischief:

I like the priest economy idea. Although the conditions are not totally similar it does remind me of one of the first SGs I played in, P3-01 Our god is better than theirs. We had to found cristianity there as well with Spain, but through the choose-religion setting. Here we have to go the harder way (=theology)? Anyway, we ended up with the AP/UoS/SM combo which proved quite powerful.

It's been a while that I played such a nice start so I vote B. :p
Lurker comment:

Interesting set up. My only question: If you are barring the Jewish shrine, why not the Islamic shrine?

Starts: Why go with the disgustingly HoF start B? How about the 3-fishy start D? :crazyeye:

Amen about B being "disgustingly HoF" start... saw that and thought "if only it had gold in the bfc to complete the HoF wet dream "...:lol:

As for the entire religion thing, seems to me that theocracy as a Civic should be bee-lined and permanently adopted to prevent corruption of Faith.


Seems like 'B' is it. :)

I'd like to see if we can nab a last player, and I'll PM IPEX and Sengir to see of their possible interest.

Thanks for the link to P3-01 nocho ... I had a hiatus from Civ4 around then and missed a lot of games including that one (I got very 'rusty' Civ-wise as well then). It does look like some pretty common elements between the games. I thought you'd like the leader, but I was expecting you to object to some of the variant rules due to historical inaccuracy, or something like that. ;)

Liquidated ... thanks for the suggestion on forced Theocracy. I've tried to implement a very luke-warm variant by prohibiting the active spread of other religions in a city until Christianity is taken up in that city. It's not perfect, but forcing Theocracy on the roster just seems a bit of a tough rule given the victory condition.
I think we can cope with Theocracy, but don't mind either way.

As for starts... B is very strong, D: I'd rather play Emperor, A has too many brown forests, so C it is.
Preference: C > A > B > D

Also, this is a signup :D
Don't have a lot of time in the next couple of days though, so please slot me in at the end of the roster.
Cam H, thanks for inviting me....

After that sitting Bull Game, I say B and B only, hang the good start, thing is, I'd want to move to the Plains hill 1 south of the Corn.

Yes I'd like to join. Having to Adopt Theocracy, seems like a fun variant, why have Pacifism open...nah....Theocracy, war...war....war...

On the Islam front, they did force that religion out, BEFORE the Spanish Inquisition got hold of the Jewish population. Seems to me that those 2 should be excluded, and the other 5, well, never got a look in did they.

Liked the History Lesson, and the variants, beeline Theocracy, possibly with a Great Priest from Stonehenge.

Path, beeline Priesthood, research Monotheism, and take Theocracy as prize.
Thanks everyone for your input and interest so far. :)

Alrighty then ... where we're at;
  • Cam, IPEX, nocho, and Norvin like 'B' (4 votes)
  • TCMIV and Sengir like 'C' or slightly less so on average 'A' (2 votes)
There's some support for forced Theocracy. I can live with that provided we can get out of it when we hit both Liberalism and Democracy (as per the Wonders and Specialists rule). I just see real problems in racking up a decent amount of :culture: otherwise. Happy to go with the consensus, but if we're not of generally one mind on this, I'll go 'all authoritarian' on you :eek:.

There's also some support for treating Islam in the same manner as Judaism (thou shall not construct Islamic buildings or Missionaries). I see it as a not insubstantial handicap, as Divine Right runs down that Great Prophets 'bulbs' line well, and could be a much needed self-founded extra religion (esp. Divine Right also allows the Spiral Minaret?). Again, happy to go with the group's will on this if there's largely unilateral support on a position.

... and welcome to the latest sign-ins and the lurkers!
Mmm, I thought I had posted in a very modern way (through my phone) but it seems clear I'm better off the old fashioned way...

So, what I said was that I'd let us freely found whatever religion we want, but that we can only stick with crisitanity as the one true faith. So only cristian temples (and therefore cathedrals! ;)), monasteries, shrines and of course only adopting the one and only faith.

I'd let us be free in the religious civics department, that is, OR, Theo or Pacifism at our liking. The real culture civic is of course free speech, so that can coincide with any of these. Having only one type of cathedral will make it slightly more complicated as it is, though.

I'm also fine with start C, but I have no scruples about a great start that screams Oracle and Sistine (B)! Oh wait, you don't allow Sistine nor any Artist wonders! That'll make it much more difficult to win culture. Or are we allowed to hire artists? I would say allow artists and priests equally (other types not though), both specialists and their associated wonders. All artists of course are also only working for the Glory of God!
Nope - no Artists, no nuff'n until Liberalism + Democracy are acquired except Priests and Prophets (unless you capture a city with a Wonder that spawns :gp: points other than Great Prophet points). It's part of the challenge, even though some on the roster seem 'hell-bent' on making the challenge more difficult.

Seems 'C' is now gaining momentum.
I'd love to join this game if there's still room. I've played succession games on another forum, but this would be my first one here.
Nope - no Artists, no nuff'n until Liberalism + Democracy are acquired except Priests and Prophets (unless you capture a city with a Wonder that spawns :gp: points other than Great Prophet points). It's part of the challenge, even though some on the roster seem 'hell-bent' on making the challenge more difficult.

Seems 'C' is now gaining momentum.
Okay, good to know it's really priests only, for a very long time! Surely that means we'll have to war a bit more to contain any tech monsters... Looking forward to the mass-beheading of that protestant dutch and english filth. :D

Just to make sure, no HE nor NE either until after lib&demo? Of course same for Oxford, etc...

Oh, and if it's priests only, stone would be much stronger than marble... That makes start B lose a tad of its still remaining splendour. Although it's still great!

I'd love to join this game if there's still room. I've played succession games on another forum, but this would be my first one here.
Of course your avatar makes you a firm candidate, if Cam_H is indeed looking for a 7th player! :goodjob: Just promise you didn't change it for the occasion... :lol:
Heehee... I didn't, honest! Isabella is my current favourite. Slay the infidels! Raze their Unholy Cities! :D
I should add that I'm playing at Prince level though. So if you think I should lurk this game instead, that's okay.
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