• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Release Sucks!!!!!!!

i don't think i'm ever going to buy a game w/in a month of it's release date. clearly rushed to the shelves, i mean my cd's are labeled wrong. if you have to be a computer guru just to get the game to function i say the hell w/ it. on top of everything i know it's going to be an uphill battle just to get a store credit from gamestop for a return. all the game stores that i've been hassle computer gamers about returns. nonexistent support...what an all around nosedive for sid and his affiliates.
Your kidding me right, this is the patch you are talking about. 4 day old already tried that and failed work around. LOL. Wow thanks for making my day. Got a great laugh out of that.
rancor said:
I wish that some of the reviews would take note of this horrid version of the game. maybe then Sid and the gang would get on the ball

you're absolutely right. i'm as miffed at GameSpot et al as firaxis/2k!!! i can't believe they didn't come across some of the bugs. of course, they're probably runnign wicked high end machines, but...to be a fair reviewer, they should be looking out for how the game will play for real world consumers.

a review should not just be about the gameplay (e.g. "civ iv is the BEST!!!!"), but the whole product ("civ iv doesn't run on many machines!!!"). to say "the game is great...if you get it to play" is sort of like consumer reports saying "the lexus is great...if you get it to start".
Turner_727 said:
Moderator Action: blue3c - warned for language and masked profanity.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

Cursing should be allowed on these boards now!!!!! How can we discuss this game with out dropping a swear here and there? Anyway take two's stock closed at a lose of more than 15% of companies previous value:lol: I wonder if this will make the company react quicker to fixing this game or will they be to busy laying everybody off to do anything?
Complaining about moderator actions publicly is a good way to get banned.

If you think the rules need to be changed, I would PM Thunderfall about it.
Oh group settle down.... there only having trouble with Nvidia and ATI cards.

WHAT NUMBSKULLS!! What, other cards are there!?!

But I DID get some satisfaction today with TK2's stock price.
a lot of people are complaining around here, but noone really has any ideas what to do with the Lemon... i am really curious how fast a patch can be released, might affect if people will keep buying addons and other games from firaxis?
or was it all take2's idea? and who would have bought the game if they released a demo?

will you still buy addons? there's a poll in the genral section, linked below
Well, I received my Special Edition Copy today, and after reading these posts here, I think I am not going to open it, but return it to EB for a refund.

I have been burned too many times to have it happen again.

Z: Steel Soldiers
Warrior Kings
Tribes Vengeance

And too many more to list, all promised a patch to fix the problems, but the patch never comes after waiting too long to return the item, or one patch comes out but it really needed 2 or 3 that are never released.

Having a limited gamming budget I will go spend my money on something else.
Turner_727 said:
Complaining about moderator actions publicly is a good way to get banned.

If you think the rules need to be changed, I would PM Thunderfall about it.

I have no idea why you nuked my message in the first place. I don't even remember which one it is. Whatever anyway.

Just curious, why wouldn't you just pm him on this. I mean you coming out like this is not a warning its more of look what I can do if I want. I don't get that. If you want to ban me for saying this, then so be it.

I just think with all the frustration over that so called game take2 put out. Comments like that are just asking for negitive feedback that as a mod, you are trying to avoid. :beer:
indeed, blue3c, i feel similar about it

maybe a pm from the moderator to you would be nicer if there is anything to say.

this discussion in the topic its kind of useless, if the rules are made to keep the discussion on civ at not moderator actions/rights because

people might feel like they have to defend themselves . someone should pm thunderfall about this question i suppose
I have an ATI story for the installation of the game. Last Friday I recieved my pre-order from amazon at about 10AM. I had an ATI 9600 pro installed in my shuttle. I had been following the boards so I installed Civ IV as per the ATI install procedures (install civ with the direct x on the disk) on the front page of civfanatics, the game worked like a dream. Two hours later my new X800xl arrived. I had hoped that I could just pop it in and go, but I recieved the "failed to render" error, DRATS! I then removed the PAK file and replaced with the PAK download, it worked like a dream.:crazyeye: :crazyeye: :crazyeye:

I understand why some people are so upset, but I have been gaming for years and years and this install was virtually painless. If you "youngins" knew what kind of hoops you had to jump through in the 386 and 486 days to get a game to run, if you ever did get it to run you would consider this hiccup a breeze. These kinds of issues are very common with game releases still today.

A computer is a very complex machine, the tech evolves very quickly and mine is very different than yours. If you want software that is plug and run I would sugest you stick with, IMHO ,crap console games. Don't be so impatient, The game was released on a Wednesday, and a large fix was available to me on Friday.

It is a basic fact, if you want to play great NEW games you have to keep up a bit tech-wise. It does not take a lot of money (the 9600 pro worked great for this game, what is it worth, $60?) but it does take a little bit of time investigating your purchases. Stay away from the pre-packaged comp systems if you want to play games, most are designed just to get you on the internet, chat, read mail and send photos to grandma . All you need to build a computer is a screwdriver and a bit of reading, it is really quite simple, and if you do not want/like to do that, it is usually very easy to find a relative-friend who would not mind doing so.

It is the basic truth of this business. PC games are cutting edge software-wise. Part of this is to spur the desire of cutting-edge hardware. F.E.A.R of DOOM demand this kind of cutting edge price. Civ IV , not so much, but if you are expecting your work laptop or 4 year old computer or 1 year old Dell built with no gaming capabilities to run it well...

I am probably starting to sound like an a** so I will quit my rant with...

WOW this is one great game. THANKYOU Sid and Firaxes.
No wonder I can't get a response to any of my posts on the problems I'm having...People are busy discussing Moderator actions. Joking aside I'm getting too the point of the OP. I was stoked when a friend told me about Civ 4 being out. I thought it wasn't due out for awhile longer so I went and picked it up. After dealing with several hours trying too contact take 2's CS to no avail. Forum browsing hoping too find solutions, and several posts with no responses or advice, I'm debating just taking it back before the time limit is up. I'd like to believe a patch will fix it, but don't feel like waiting for it.

Anyways guess that's my little rant about this game. I thought I'd seen the worse game release when SWG came out. Now I think I've found one that beats that. Hats off to those with working copies though, and if they wasn't working when ya installed plz share some of that insight.
Hustapha Thool said:
It is the basic truth of this business. PC games are cutting edge software-wise. Part of this is to spur the desire of cutting-edge hardware. F.E.A.R of DOOM demand this kind of cutting edge price. Civ IV , not so much, but if you are expecting your work laptop or 4 year old computer or 1 year old Dell built with no gaming capabilities to run it well...

should work if the box says requirements are met, no matter when you bought your PC, though
rancor said:
I wish that some of the reviews would take note of this horrid version of the game. maybe then Sid and the gang would get on the ball

Yeah, thing is the reviewers will always have top of the line rigs - and games always work best on top of the line rigs, so they will not experience many, if any problems compared to poor suckers like me with a 9200 SE.
BlackTerrain said:
should work if the box says requirements are met, no matter when you bought your PC, though

You are exactly correct, a game should in the very least be playable at the minimum system requirements, that is what they are bloody well there for!
I returned this debacle the day after I bought it.

I advise everyone that is unable to play to do the same.

Edit -
Oh, for the easiest return, call your local store first. Explain the situation (Buggy, mislabled cd's, foriegn language and poor performance.) If they want to give you a hard time, ask for a manager. If that manager won't satisfy you, explain your option to never return to their place of business.

I only had to explain the situation. Drove there and got store credit for a different game (This was my local EB games, btw.)
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