The Symbols of the State

I generally find the idea of a state having a symbol to be rather...

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Jan 26, 2008
Do you think state symbols, like flags, coats of arms and anthems are a medieval (or a later times) anachronism or something important, valuable and useful to this day? How inspiring do you find your (or any other) country's symbols? What about less known ones, like your town or municipality symbols?

I'll start with Russia.

Current Russian flag, or better to say the way they usually draw it, is rather meh. Mainly, because of the wrong shades of blue and red. It's supposed to be dark navy blue and dark cherry red, like on the older French flag. Also, a Russian flag without The Golden Double-Headed Eagle couldn't, of course, be taken seriously. It should totally be reinstated on the official flag.

The earliest know version of Russian tricolor (1668) and a modern one


Note how uncool is the version of Moscow coat of arms on this latter shield, which per se is rather okay.

But all this, of course, has nothing on the old Imperial Coat of Arms (note the sword of armageddon the angel is holding. How fudgingg cool is that).
Spoiler :


There are few flags in the world, though, which are cooler than Welsh dragon.

Union flag is also interesting. It and the Star-Sprangled Banner are pretty much the only flags that look good in clothes design. Admit it though, Confederate flag is simply way cooler, if you disregard all the connotations.

Honorary mention goes to Scotland.

It's rather inspiring in its simplicity. Russia too has a St. Andrew's cross as a navy-jack and it's one of the favourite symbols of many people here, actually, because it signifies the (:gripe:glorious and unparalleled in human history:gripe:) achievments of the Russian fleet. It was proposed as a state flag at times.
America, ironically enough, chose an endangered species...

It wasn't endangered at the time. And it no longer is. It's been off the endangered species list since June 2007 - there are now more than 10,000 nesting pairs in the contiguous United States. They are still protected under the Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Acts.
It wasn't endangered at the time. And it no longer is. It's been off the endangered species list since June 2007 - there are now more than 10,000 nesting pairs in the contiguous United States. They are still protected under the Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Acts.

An eagle is still pretty lame. Then again, most of these symbols are.

Not Mozambique; they have an AK47 on their flag!
I think being able to identify people and things with symbols might be just a little bit useful.
I find them useful, but not particularly precious or important in any way beyond their use. The idea that they have some sort of mystical or metaphysical value is ridiculous to me. I even can't comprehend dying for a flag or a banner.

Nonetheless, they are useful. How else would we distinguish our teams in the Olympics?
Symbols are the key to telepathy. The mind wraps its secrets in symbols; when we discover the symbols that shape our enemies thought, we can penetrate the vault of his mind.
I don't wanna come off as a Nazi here, but if I was running an empire, I'd defiantly take some tips from Nazi Germany. The black Swastika surrounded in white surrounded in red is really striking.

It's useful to distinguish difference of allegiance, but that is pretty much it.
Symbols are the key to telepathy. The mind wraps its secrets in symbols; when we discover the symbols that shape our enemies thought, we can penetrate the vault of his mind.


An eagle is still pretty lame. Then again, most of these symbols are.

I can't imagine they picked it stand-alone. Putting sweet eagles on your flag is the sweetest state building tradition there is. See: Rome, Other Rome, The Holy Roman Empire, Serbia, Austria, Poland, Albania, Russia, Brandenburg, Prussia, Brandenburg-Prussia, Prussia again, Imperial Germany, Italy, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and so, so many more.

Canada on the other hand, has opted for the bad-ass unicorn option:

The Coat of Arms of our great King Tvrtko I Kotromanić

The Flag of the REPUBLIC of Bosnia and Herzegovina

And then the Europeans made us use this stupid flag
Sorry, still can't figure out how to post images.

The Australian coat of arms features the emu and red kangaroo. Interestingly, it's a misconception that they were selected as neither can walk backwards (i.e forward progress). They can but rarely do.
I don't wanna come off as a Nazi here, but if I was running an empire, I'd defiantly take some tips from Nazi Germany. The black Swastika surrounded in white surrounded in red is really striking.


Meh. It's just a reversed modern Japanese flag with a swastika on it.

Since we're discussing Axis powers anyway, I'd like to give honorary mention to the Imperial Japanese flag of WWII.


A rising sun, symbolic of the East and of Japan, complete with the rays of dominance extending out in all directions. Perfect for a rising imperial power, as Japan WAS at the time.
What do you mean by "made you"? I do feel your pain though. That is quite possibly ugliest national flag in the world.

The Bosnian "Serbs" and Bosnian "Croats" who lived in Bosnia-Herzegovina after the signing of the Dayton Agreement, viewed the flag as only representing the Bosniaks (formerly: Bosnian Muslims) of Bosnia-Herzegovina, even though the flag was taken from the medieval Bosnian state. The flag had to be eventually changed into the current day flag. The new flag was introduced by the UN High Representative after the Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina could not decide on a solution acceptable to all. The new flag contains no historical or other references to the Bosnian state.
In all honesty, I can't take the bald eagle seriously anymore since he started crying single tears.
I don't wanna come off as a Nazi here, but if I was running an empire, I'd defiantly take some tips from Nazi Germany. The black Swastika surrounded in white surrounded in red is really striking.


I don't think its advisable to use a Swastika on anything anymore, even if you think it looks cool. I mean, maybe in a few hundred years, but not anytime soon...

As for the OP, I didn't really know how to vote. Its a bit more than "Meh" but not "Super useful and important." I think its more "Cool" or something more moderate like that. My loyalties are to God first, my family second, my church third, and my country fourth ("My state" is only not there because NYS is the worst state in this country, IMO) so yeah, I do have some loyalty to my country, but its limited. I'm not a megapatriot:p
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