The Third World War 1989


Feb 7, 2010
Thanks, Lionic. This is a mistake and will be corrected.

I considered having not Saudi but Bahrain as a U.S. post but decided against it. The AI will reinforce cities and have all nearby forces withdrawal there. Having only airbases makes the nearby units act more expeditionary. This is why there are no Soviet cities in Eastern Europe, as it forces the AI to use its units to move west to take cities faster.

The update is taking more time to complete. This is because we are running back into the old problem of the game being too large. I had added all the VPVO missile units but had to then remove them all because of the damage; the Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigades are now represented by Anti-Air buildings inside Soviet cities. I will also be making some other changes, and new additions such as the 9K37 Buk probably won't be able to be included. Some reserve units are being removed as well...they will still be buildable but not on the board to start. More to follow.


Mar 6, 2015
Hi Anthony Boscia,
firstly let me say that you did really A GREAT WORK!!
A game in the game...I'm really impressed :)

I just have some tecnical issues about your scenario: I have steam version of Civ III, with last Conquest patch, but it doesn't work the NO RAZE.exe file
I put it in the Conquest folder as you say but when I start it appears: 'error: Please insert the Civ III conquest CD-ROM, select OK and restart application'
But I haven't CD-ROM since I bought on Steam

Also, without NO RAZE.exe I can starting scenario and looking some things, but it crashes very simply, when I try to do something

Any ideas?

and another time: congratulation for the scenario


Feb 7, 2010
Hey, Esul. I'm not sure what's causing the problem with the game for you. I am still using my original discs and haven't played the game from Steam, so I am not familiar with how it is set up. I am guessing that the default folder would be something like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete\Conquests

But the NoRaze exe should work even without the disc. And also, the game should work without the NoRaze exe, it just would allow the AI to raze. Maybe another player is familiar with the reasons for this issue?

In other news, I've been working on the update again in earnest. It is running again without crashes. Some of the changes are focusing on the central European battlefield and air base placement. The air bases are critical to preventing the AI from wrecking enemy air forces in cities where they are vulnerable. They must be kept to a minimum, however, not only because of the AI error of stacking air units with enemy ground units, but more importantly because the computer will squander valuable offensive units as airbase guards and leave them there for eternity.

Here's a quick shot of the alterations as they now stand. Esbjerg and Kiel have been moved north, though Kiel still only faces eastward and does not connect the Baltic to the Nordsee (the water not the restaurant). Wismar is out so the Zoners lose a city, and Lübeck now is on the Inner-German border. 6 Panzergrenadierdivision protects the city facing 6th Guards Motorized Rifle and the NVA's 9 Panzerdivision. Rostock is shifted south and the coastal squares were adjusted so everybody has access to water. The Bundesmarine Tornados are now back in Schleswig-Holstein, protected by two cities to keep the Soviets from disintegrating them on turn one without a lot of effort. The northern airbase on the map, representing several real-life airbases, now controls the neck of the peninsula and all access in and out of Denmark.

Airbases in Lower Saxony have also been amalgamated, requiring ambitious Soviet players to cut through both Hamburg and Bremen to reach them. The Dutch airbases have been pushed back. The Belgian airbases were consolidated. The British lost their forward airbase and now have only one to serve (and protect) RAFG. The Americans lost their thoroughly useless Chièvres Air Base in Belgium.

Spoiler :

Soviet Field Army Spetsnaz companies are being folded into the Independent Air Assault battalions, so these units will get a little combat boost. The Soviet and WP tech tree is getting some minor tweaks also. Poland and USSR will have access to freighters and amphibious ships (and probably new naval infantry later down the line). The T-72 Wilk is introduced as a later game entry; it requires the Poland resource and serves as an alternative to strictly Russian exports for the Warsaw Pact forces.

More to come.


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Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
Hi Tony! That's a good news. Please also have a look at USAF airbase at the East of England (I don't have my scenario file with me right now but it's somewhere on the place of Norwich, there's also a RAF base nearby). During my game as a USSR Americans rebased LOTS (all their carrier air forces I presume) of aircraft. They sunk my battlegroup that attempted to get close to land marines (two Kirovs, two Kievs and some more ships that I did not count), however they left no one to protect airspace, so I've landed VDV and took that base the next turn, winning the war in Northern Europe as British had no effective units to counter me. There was another USAF base somewhere near London, but Americans did not use it. May I suggest to remove the USAF base from the British coast to prevent easy victory for the Soviets? May I also suggest to add naval mines and place them near cities like Kiel? They won't be much use, BUT they would prevent those who take the city from moving it's navy there and loosing it to counterattack next turn. American liberated Kiel with naval assault a few times during my East German game, placed the convoys that brought troops inside the city and lost it to Soviets next turn. A naval mine belonging to Germany could have prevented them from doing so, at least for th first turns, while Germany is standing.


May 26, 2011
Hm, that picture looks crowded indeed .... Do we have an issue with toooo many units in this superb looking scenario ?


Feb 7, 2010
Lionic...I tried a few options for those airbases. Seaborne invasions are very hard, like you found out. Moving the base inland doesn't protect it against airborne drops though. There's just no way to prevent the AI from overstacking vulnerable units. As for sea mines...there are so many locations for the computer to stack its fleets that there would have to be mines everywhere. Besides making a mess, it would slow the turns down. Also, I have done testing WW2 games and the AI will willfully throw its ships away on vain attacks against naval mines. I can't think of a way to make this work right.

Clamel: It's a handful but the game does function. Most of those units are dead after the first twenty turns anyway.


Mar 11, 2015
I just have some tecnical issues about your scenario: I have steam version of Civ III, with last Conquest patch, but it doesn't work the NO RAZE.exe file
I put it in the Conquest folder as you say but when I start it appears: 'error: Please insert the Civ III conquest CD-ROM, select OK and restart application'

Maybe you could try following:
Your NO RAZE.exe file should be named exactly the same as your original Conquest.exe (or whatever name it has) file.

Before giving name to NO RAZE.exe it is important to rename original .exe file (by adding 'orig' or something else to the name) in order to back it up.

I am not sure if this helps as I don't have experience with Steam version but you can try anyway.


Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
Hi Tony! Poland sold out all it's national resources to somebody, therefore USSR under my control won't be able to win a 'Space Race'(((((( Think that I would have won a Conquest victory sooner any way...


Feb 7, 2010
I don't know the best solution to this problem. You have to make national resource trades on turn one, but that's not always an option for every civ. I think you can have Spetsnaz bombard and isolate Polish cities, station units on the tiles to prevent them from rebuilding the roads, and then wait for their trades to expire before rebuilding the roads and immediately trading the resource. That's hardly an acceptable solution, though.

I wanted to do some videos for the game (like Space Race Victory) but I just ran out of time to learn how to do one more thing and get it done for release.

FYI: Apparently the new Steam Multiplayer update is a disaster and causing issues with single player and scenarios. We'll keep our ear to the ground for more news on that.


Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
Hi Tony! I think that USSR could have a preplaced colony on the Polish territory in the tile with the national resource. This is allowed as long as that city does not change sides.


Feb 7, 2010
Or the Soviets could have a Polish resource in, I don't know...Lwow? :) There are two reasons I didn't go that route. First is that this issue affects every country trying to get foreign resources. I don't know if you have played as a NATO power yet, but try getting not two but four friendly resources that you can't conquer. Second is that the national resources are an attempt to provide some representation of how the economies of these nations function. Warsaw Treaty powers are dependent on the U.S.S.R. for a number of resources and critical technology. For East Germany and Poland, their national resources are their only ace in the deck. Playing as Poland, I was able to get all kinds of crucial resources from friendly nations by leveraging the Polish resource. I did want to keep this dynamic in the game. It is a trade-off either way.


Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
No, I am planning to try someone from NATO when the next version of 1989 is available.
Regarding resources, I could not afford buying them out in the start of the game, as I was loosing lots of money. Things started to improve greatly soon as number of units decreased and I've robbed Western cities, but AI sold out it's resources even sooner...


Mar 24, 2011
In the East Germani there are no Warsaw Pact Engineer Regiment.

League of Arab States crashes after loading.


Feb 7, 2010
In the East Germani there are no Warsaw Pact Engineer Regiment.

League of Arab States crashes after loading.

I thought the DDR Engineer had been fixed. It will be fixed for the update. Thanks.

I never had an Arab League crash before. Did it happen before the game finished loading? I can test this out again.

East and West Germany are switched. East Germany is on the West side and vice versa.

You got to turn the monitor over the other way.

No, seriously. Is there a screenshot of this? Because I've definitely not come across this before.


Mar 24, 2011
I never had an Arab League crash before. Did it happen before the game finished loading? I can test this out again.
Before the game.
I choose them - then download, and after the reset.
European Neutrals is also not loaded.
Probably at me with a computer problem.


Mar 24, 2011
On the map there is no unit Combat Engineer Regiment for Yugoslavia.


Jan 31, 2005
German Czech Border
Hi Tony,
I am currently playing this game as West Germany (~turn15) and made some observations:
-WP took Bremen and Hamburg first turn France was able to retake Bremen but hamburg is lost till now

-US defended their bases in Europe more than once with only a single Apache helo (well perhaps some sam but as they can't defend against anything they don't count

- Belgium defended Liege only with a single Bofors flack unit while sending APCs deep into WP territory, I think Denmark does the same but I have no prove for that part

-M113 Territorialheer doesn't show which resources are required in the pedia (pedia shows no resources required while it needs iron and oil)

-As I lost Kiel @ ~turn 13 I am no more able to build the oil trade pact and I am not sure if the sea trade with US/Arabs will be of any help as it also requires a coastal city (which is not surrounded by soviet cities)

=>while i am faring quite well in my current game (at least better than in my other minor NATO games) I don't have access to the sea so I won't have access to oil and with it any unit of the tech tree. Even if I might survive long enough to liberate Denmark/Kiel i can't guarantee I will be the one to take the city => current game is broken for me

- the AI tends to concentrate their bombardment/airstrikes on certain stacks and even when all units are down to 1 hp they keep on spending their bombing capacities until the infrastructure bellow is also destroyed- this happened primarily with carrier aircraft and submarines

I would also like to know if anyone has successfully played as a minor NATO nation


Feb 7, 2010
Hey Samez,

Thanks for posting. West Germany is meant to be a tough position and the ever-present threat of friendly allies 'liberating' cities that you badly need is a danger to all players on both sides. I've beaten the game with France and Germany, and have played most of the other NATO allies but in test games where they couldn't properly be concluded.

The offense/defense land unit flags are a big part of the game and I'm glad you brought that up. The traditional Civ 3 method is to have tanks as offensive and mech units as defensive. The problem here, though, is that the enemy will dutifully use their mech units for defense and have no offensive imagination. As much as possible, I was trying to recreate 20th century mechanized warfare at its absolute apex in Civ 3 format. Position is inferior to maneuver; the defense is an undesirable temporary situation before regaining the offense. When the AI stacks great mech infantry units in cities, they are as good as dead. Other AI opponents, and certainly the player, will bombard and redline them as much as possible before directing overwhelming force to subdue the defender. On the other hand, by freeing up mech units with the offensive strategy, the AI becomes more unpredictable. Not any smarter, surely, but at least they won't meekly wait at home for you to kill them. I tried to exploit the civ mechanics as much as possible to put these dilemmas to the player. Knowing that the computer can and will attack in areas that you are weak changes how you play. In my last game as Poland, victory seemed almost assured when the AI suddenly launched a two-pronged counter-offensive in both France and amphibiously in East Germany. I lost three divisions and the Russians were wrecked; it completely switched the tempo of the game.

Anyway, I bring this up because I know you appreciate the trade-off difficulties when modding on how to 'program' things at the outset. I agree on the Low countries and Denmark...they probably will have a few mech units re-designated as defense for their major cities. I'm testing with Germany's Marders as defensive only units, too. The Americans are a special case, as they will only transport offensive units across the ocean and like you said, love to garrison cities with artillery and helicopters (with like 40 subs underneath). I've played a little bit with their settings, too. I just want to exhaustively check these new settings before the next release, because my name isn't Creative Assembly.

I checked the German M113. Its three required resources were None, Iron, Petroleum, which is probably why it didn't show up in the civilopedia. This will be fixed. Actually, there's a great solution for fixing the hyperlink bug if your units have less than three required resources.

One thing to remember about the oil problem (it's supposed to be aggravating :)) is that your friends will build the small wonder also, so sooner or later you can trace your trade route through Le Havre or Genoa. But, yeah, it's tough for the Federal Republic.

I wish I could do something about the AI's mindless bombardments. It's especially bad when your own team bombards an enemy airbase with your units on it. I think the new layout (pictured above) will help reduce some of these problems.

Haddu: Yugoslavia only had engineer battalions at the corps level, with no larger formations. I may add one engineer regiment for each of the military districts just to give them staring workers, though. Thanks.

As a general update: this year is a busy one for me, which is why I wanted to get the game done by the end of 2014. I hope to have sufficient time in the next month to wrap up this update and have the game truly complete. I'm sure there will have to be minor tweaks or corrections later, but I have no intention of George Lucasing this scenario further down the line. I think it's incredible that nearly every military unit of the time is represented by Civ 3 graphics which says a lot for the unit makers. Since the game is pushing against the limit again, I couldn't really add much more even if I wanted to. So please, by all means, share your games, insights, and questions and I will do my best to address them, or at least try to justify my reasoning.


Feb 3, 2010
Used to live in Irpin'
Just to add my few cents. Remember that for every AI stupidity of your Allies there is an equal stupidity of your enemies :) . Cities do change sides often, but if you've managed to save up some
strong offensive units, you could gain more of them later on, when the Soviet army is weakened.

Tony, have you reached the limit of the cities on the map? I was thinking of adding of bases for countries like Western Germany somewhere in Spain and America and countries like E. Germany deep in Russian territories, acting either like "governments in exile" for players who've lost the battle or as facilities where you could let your damaged units rest safe from bombardments.
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