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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots...


Honest Abe
Aug 24, 2004
The White House
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

What do you think Thomas Jefferson meant by this quote? I always thought it meant to say that inevitably, a tyrant will arise in a free society, and patriots(the people), must dispose that person. Agree, disagree?
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

What do you think Thomas Jefferson meant by this quote? I always thought it meant to say that inevitably, a tyrant will arise in a free society, and patriots(the people), must dispose that person. Agree, disagree?

What's the context it was written/spoken?
It means that eventually governments turn evil and corrupt and/or other countries who invade it due to jealous or whatever, so there must always be patriots who defend their country and tyrants who must be killed!
Basically it means what the two posters above me wrote. But I would contend that displaying an example of consistant peace would go much further for a free nation than justifying war against tyrants under the slogan of preserving liberty. If you desire freedom for you and your country, you must share the same liberties with other nations.
I've always taken it to mean that eventually "patriots" will go against liberty in a sort of fascist nationalism and they'll have to be killed in order to regain liberty.
I think it means exactly what you thought it meant
All it means people will be need to die for freedom. More specifically, the United States will need people to fight to secure its place in the world.
Heck no, techno!

You gotta understand that the early US was not the most stable thing and peaceful regime change through elections was a rarity.
It means that when a government becomes tyrannical, the people under it must destroy it. Too bad no Americans have the balls to do so and have forgotten what freedom and liberty really means.
The fact that it's not like Canadia automatically makes it un-free.
It means that when a government becomes tyrannical, the people under it must destroy it. Too bad no Americans have the balls to do so and have forgotten what freedom and liberty really means.

No, we are so used to the government screwing us over(that happens to an extent in every country), that we find it normal. Revolutions happen when a government gives too much freedom or takes some away. Balance is the key.
What pray-tell do you believe is so un free about America?

Taxes, lmao. Nobody has the right to take my money that I earned.

The fact that prostitution is illegal in the majority of the US. It is a womens right to do what they want with there bodies as long as others are not hurt. That being said, mandatory drug testing for johns and whores, lmao

Drug laws. Again, it should not be illegal for a person to do what they want with there bodies. Look at it this way. A guy takes cocaine and has a heart attack, he survives and is then arrested for possession. A guy attempts to kill himself, has a heart attack. Both do the same things, except the man trying to kill himself gets treated and released from a hospital, while the man who snorted cocaine was trying to enjoy himself.
Taxes are unconstitutional! You are one of those anarcho-capitalists! :run:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

What do you think Thomas Jefferson meant by this quote? I always thought it meant to say that inevitably, a tyrant will arise in a free society, and patriots(the people), must dispose that person. Agree, disagree?

Probably something along the line of "inevitably our way of life will be under threat. When that happens, patriots must be willing to give their lives to slay the oppressors".
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