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The very many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XXIV

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what kennigit said, though i find it odd that they reported two insig figs... shouldn't that mean that the 7 is significant? no?
Yeah, normally it would. I mean, it kind of defeats the purpose to report 2 numbers as insignificant. Normally you just report up to the last number you have confidence in and I guess then you could report the next suspected digit, but printing 2 suspected digits is bizarre. When would you ever even use those 2 digits in a serious computation?

The only purpose I can see is determining the number of fractal colors in the rainbow shot out of a unicorn's ass.

I never realized Quagmire is a lefty.
Just wait until you see that commercial from a couple years back showing Peter Griffin in a mermaid outfit. THEN you will need brain bleach. :mischief:
Dude, I spent a week following all the twists and turns of the Teahadia ******ia party trying to destroy the country with Make Benefit Most Glorious Pointless Government Shutdown For People Who Actually Hate Our Tactics BUT OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:. There's no need for the brain bleech when there aren't any brain cells left to scrub. :lol:
The only purpose I can see is determining the number of fractal colors in the rainbow shot out of a unicorn's ass.

Isn't that in the region of 16,000,000?

Something round about. It depends what the unicorn's been eating, I've heard.
Isn't that in the region of 16,000,000?

Something round about. It depends what the unicorn's been eating, I've heard.
You'll know you have run into a Unicorn that's on an all-snozberry diet when the colors start tasting how they look.
Ew! I never liked the taste of puce, or even the sound of it.

It sounds (or rather, it looks on the page) too much like puke to be pleasant. But it's actually a dark red, or purple-brown colour.
How do Greyhound busses compare to the Megabus double-deckers as far as comfort/sanitation/passenger sketchiness goes?
How do Greyhound busses compare to the Megabus double-deckers as far as comfort/sanitation/passenger sketchiness goes?

My only experience with megabus was in the UK/Europe, but there the service was significantly better than Greyhound in the states. Actually, come to think of it, bus service in Europe in general was of a higher quality than bus service here, that I've experienced.
My worst 'social' experience in the last decade was a greyhound bus trip from Nevada to Missouri. It was hell on earth. It was packed beyond capacity, my butt was straddling the edge of the seat and metal bar on the edge was digging into my derriere, parents not controlling their children, and to top it off it was probably the oldest bus in the greyhound fleet. I cannot speak to the restroom cleanliness, but if it was anything like the rest of the bus, I'm glad I never set foot near it.

Europe cannot possibly be worse.
I've heard that Greyhound is worse than Megabus, but I've only taken Megabus so I can't say from experience.
I'm finally watching Star Trek Enterprise. In my experiences, everyone has said this was the worst Star Trek series out there and it's a good thing it was abruptly ended. However, I'm finding it to be the opposite. I'm nearly on season three and this is actually turning out to be my second favourite series (Nothing can beat my beloved DS9). For those who disliked the Enterprise series, what made it terrible for you?
Enterprise was great. A lot of people moaned about season 3 because it was one season with one grand overarching plot, but I rather liked it. Season 4 was just brutally awesome. Perhaps the best single season of trek of any series. Manny Coto shined. Pity they cancelled it at it's apex, but that's TV and scifi. FYI it was simply called "Enterprise" in season 1. They later changed it to Star Trek: Enterprise for the later seasons. Also FYI, the one thing I didn't like was them mixing up the intro song after season 1. I thought the more simplistic version in seasons 1 was best.

Speaking of intros... and slightly spoilerish, so I shall put it in spoiler tags. An opening intro to a 2-parter in season 4:

Spoiler :
Humph. I'm woefully ignorant about all things Star Trekkie. I don't think I ever watched many of them and hardly any that didn't have Shatner in them.

Maybe one day I'll get some boxed sets and settle down to seriously watch it. Or maybe not.
I saw the last ever episode of Enterprise. I didn't mind the Riker/holodeck plot, but the writers being too lazy to actually write Archer's Federation commencement speech was extremely disappointing.
Yeah, and I didn't even really like that they felt they had to frame Enterprise in TNG for the ending, but most shows have crappy series finales, so I'm not going to hold that against Enterprise overall.

(Remember, in US speak, a series is the entire show for its whole run length. A season is one year (typically) of the show.)
Enterprise was great. A lot of people moaned about season 3 because it was one season with one grand overarching plot, but I rather liked it. Season 4 was just brutally awesome. Perhaps the best single season of trek of any series. Manny Coto shined. Pity they cancelled it at it's apex, but that's TV and scifi. FYI it was simply called "Enterprise" in season 1. They later changed it to Star Trek: Enterprise for the later seasons. Also FYI, the one thing I didn't like was them mixing up the intro song after season 1. I thought the more simplistic version in seasons 1 was best.

Speaking of intros... and slightly spoilerish, so I shall put it in spoiler tags. An opening intro to a 2-parter in season 4:

Spoiler :
Yeah, I quite enjoyed Enterprise. I never saw the final season, unfortunately. I'll get to it when I have the time.
I saw the last ever episode of Enterprise. I didn't mind the Riker/holodeck plot, but the writers being too lazy to actually write Archer's Federation commencement speech was extremely disappointing.

Yeah, and I didn't even really like that they felt they had to frame Enterprise in TNG for the ending, but most shows have crappy series finales, so I'm not going to hold that against Enterprise overall.

(Remember, in US speak, a series is the entire show for its whole run length. A season is one year (typically) of the show.)

I was happy when you they ended the series like that. I could rest easy that all that stuff with the Xindi was all just a holonovel plot.

Then JJ Abrams had to go in and butcher our pretty little planet with villainous super weapons again, rendering the non-existence of the Xindi moot. :mad:
I'm finally watching Star Trek Enterprise. In my experiences, everyone has said this was the worst Star Trek series out there and it's a good thing it was abruptly ended. However, I'm finding it to be the opposite. I'm nearly on season three and this is actually turning out to be my second favourite series (Nothing can beat my beloved DS9). For those who disliked the Enterprise series, what made it terrible for you?

I thought that Babylon 5 did the Babylon 5 plot better than Deep Space 9.

Although I have a soft spot for Voyager and I know that's unpopular with a lot of Trekkies. I still put TNG on the top because that's what got me into scifi along with the original Star Wars trilogy.

I watched the first two seasons and part of the third of Enterprise but they changed the time they were showing it and I missed the season premier of the forth and I just fell out of the show. I want to go back and finish it sometime.
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