The War Room - an LHAC


President of the United States
Apr 29, 2010
The West Wing
Everyone knew the civil war was coming. When old King Charles took ill on his seventieth birthday, with no son nor daughter nor even a wife, everyone knew what it meant. They were right: upon the King's death, three cousins each claimed the throne, each more distant than the next. Though one did not pursue her claim to the bitter end, already being the ruler of a neighboring land, Adelheid Fitzgreene and Johan von Kenner-Krantuck both declared their right to take lordship of Avalon. Two years of brutal fighting later, the War of the Avalonian Succession hangs on the edge of a knife.

That's where you come in: the Joint Command is a new effort by Fitzgreene's Loyalist forces to break the stalemate on the Eastern Front, by combining the brightest and most promising - or at least, the best-connected - officers in the Loyal Army aboard the dirigible
Capricorn, a flying command center from where you will plan the defeat of the Usurper forces. Prepare your battle plans and study the forces and subordinate officers under your command.

War is coming.


This AC has been a long time in the making. But I'm very excited to finally try it out!

First things first: You are a Brigadier in the Loyalist Army of Avalon, serving the rightful heir to the throne, whatever the other team says. You've been pulled aboard the Capricorn as part of a new joint command initiative, and you can have whatever opinion of that you like.

This AC will be heavily RP-based. There are almost no hard numbers, and the meat of the game will be spent aboard Capricorn. Most likely, in the exact same room aboard the ship. Your goal is to combine the units and subordinates at your disposal to create battle plans that achieve strategic objectives, and then make on-the-fly changes as the enemy's plans clash with yours. Success will come based on your understanding of military strategy and tactics, not from combining advantages and hard numbers.

What numbers we do have: your character's Traits, your Units and Commanders, and SP.

Your Character:

Repeat after me: there is no character sheet. You should provide your name, description, bio, etc, but format it however you want. Keep secrets, or don't, or whatever.

Here is the only part that requires real calculation: Traits. At the beginning of the game, you have two Traits and one Flaw. You can take a third Trait, but it requires taking a second Flaw to match. You cannot go any higher than that.

Trait and Flaw Lists:
Spoiler :
Traits: Take two. You may take a third if you desire, but it will cost you an extra Flaw.
Star of Valour:
Prior to or during command, you were a decorated and dashing soldier yourself. Odds are, you haven't forgotten how to handle yourself if the fight ever makes its way to you in person.
Aggressive: Your men are determined to finish the enemy, and hound him mercilessly for the best results.
Cautious: Your subordinates don't tend to rush headlong into what could be traps, usually for the better.
Ground Pounder: Your Infantry units perform better than others'.
Crawlerman: Your Steam Armor units perform better than others'.
Trickster: You have a gift for subterfuge and misdirection, and your plans involving them tend to be quite successful.
Commando: You have a knack for leading small-unit raids when separated from supplies.
Flexible: Your subordinates are quite capable of reacting on the fly to rapid changes in plans, often for the best.
Surgeon General: Your casualties tend to be lower than others'.
Mechanist: Your Support units perform better than others'.
Clockwork Dragon: Your Dirigible units perform better than others'.
Elite: You are a gifted leader of men. Begin the game with one extra SP.
Trusted: Your men think a lot of you, and their willingness to follow you and your orders is high.

Flaws: Take one. Take a second Flaw if you took a third Trait.
Your command operates on detailed plans and outlines. Asking them to improvise on the fly is a fool's errand.
Reckless: There's aggressive, and then there's this: your men don't look before they leap as often as they perhaps should.
Timid: There's cautious, and then there's this: your soldiers see traps everywhere, and are perhaps too risk-averse.
Supply Guzzler: Your soldiers need a lot of supply, and being disconnected even temporarily will hit them harder than other commands.
Desk Officer: The last time you used a gun yourself was...have you ever? There are reasons you avoid active war zones. Let's just hope they continue to avoid you, too.
Zealous: Your men will obey and follow you into the mouth of Hell. And they won't listen to anyone but you, no matter how important it is.
Head-on: Your style is brash and thunderous - and your command's capacity for more complex evolutions is suspect at best.
Independent: Your subordinates don't take orders very well, and that can lead to problems.
Feared: You've got a reputation, and it's the kind of reputation that makes your enemies fight harder just to spite you.
Laughingstock: For one reason or another, your men don't take you as seriously as they should.
Underequipped: Your soldiers always seem to draw the short stick when it comes to supplies and equipment, leaving them often operating on secondhand leftovers at best.

Your Units:

This is where it gets slightly more in-depth. You start in command of two Units, from a list of four types. Any combination is allowed. Each Unit has a Commander, whom you are encouraged to provide description, bio, etc, for in great depth. All Commanders have a high chance of appearing in the RP sequences, and of having semi-subplots of their own.

For starters, here are the four types of units:

Infantry: Your basic soldiers, equipped with muskets and bayonets and hand grenades. In the open, they're dead meat, but they're lethal when entrenched, and the only units capable of occupying heavy cover areas.
Steam Armor: Steam Armor is formed from tracked and crawling vehicles designed to punch through infantry trench lines. Highly mobile and heavily armored and armed, these units are your spearpoint - but they're very vulnerable to Dirigible attacks, and suffer in constricted terrain.
Dirigibles: These are combat fliers and airships loaded with armor-piercing rotary cannons and rocket pods. They fly over most terrain obstructions and make short work of Steam Armor, but are highly vulnerable to Support units' anti-air brigades. They cannot occupy territory, but can carry Support or Infantry at a one-for-one ratio.
Support: Support units are engineers, medics, mechanists, and anti-air batteries that make them a Dirigible's worst nightmare. They can hold their own if well-entrenched, but Steam Armor tears through them, and Infantry can clear them out of fortified positions with ease.

You are encouraged to provide a nickname and designation for each of your units, plus any battle honors and history you'd like. Have fun with it all!

Once you've done that, name the unit's Commander, providing them a rank between Major and Colonel at your discretion. Any other details you want to provide, do it!


You begin the game with 3 SP. SP are used to level up your Units and Commanders.

Every Unit and Commander will have a unique promotion tree, drawn from a common pool of abilities. Once you list out your Units, I'll provide you their tree, with a complete explanation of all their abilities.

Spoiler Sample Promotion Tree :


Every unit will have 3 tiers of abilities. Taking two Tier One abilities unlocks Tier Two, and taking two Tier Two abilities unlocks Tier Three. Note that this is an unlock mechanic, not a pyramid setup: once you take those first two T1 abilities, you never need to go back for any others to keep moving. Abilities are split between Unit and Commander abilities, though they exist on the same tree. All abilities cost 1SP to take. It's up to you whether you focus on making one of your units the best it can possibly be, or try to even out your capabilities.

Spoiler :
Training Montage: This Promotion is available at all times to all units, and can be taken multiple times. Upon taking it, merely state which aspect of the unit's function you would like to improve. IE, attack, defense, engineering, etc.

Commander Promotions, Tier One:

Doctrinal: This Commander understands that procedure exists for a reason. They're not incapable of adaptation, but they're loathe to disturb set orders even if they don't make much sense, putting good faith in their superiors.
Initiative: This Commander has a brain and uses it ruthlessly: almost always for the better, they are capable of taking stated orders and adapting them on the fly.
Veteran: This Commander has fought in person with great gallantry on many occasions. He or she will perform better when personally "stuck in".
Know Thine Enemy: This Commander is intellectual and studied, and combines experience and research to know all the capabilities at the enemy's disposal.

Unit Promotions, Tier One:

High-Spirited: This unit's complement has very high morale, and all that entails.
Adaptable: This unit is highly adaptable and well-equipped for any terrain challenge that could reasonably arise, and as such takes much lighter terrain penalties of any description.
Bayonet Ya: Infantry Only. This Infantry unit has trained extensively in bayonet drill, and performs better in constricted close-combat than other Infantry units.
Attached Mechanists: Steam Armor Only. This Steam Armor Unit is accompanied by an engineering brigade, which helps keep it functional and moving even when presented with terrain challenges.
Air Superiority: Dirigibles Only. This Dirigible unit is well-trained in air-to-air combat, and performs better at it than most units of its type.
Gatling Guns: Support Only. This Support unit is accompanied by a Gatling Gun detail, which significantly improves their combat strength against Infantry.

Commander Promotions, Tier Two:

Bushwhacker: Ambushes, traps, and tricks are this Commander's stock in trade: their unit will perform much more effectively when fighting dirty.
High Speed Low Drag: This Commander grasps the value of speed far better than most, and can move their unit from one point to another faster than other Commanders would think possible.
Night Fighter: This Commander has a near-instinctive grasp for the realities of decentralized night combat, and as a result, his or her unit will perform better in the dark.
Combat Engineer: This Commander has extensive experience with fieldworks, from trenches to pontoon bridges and everything in between.
Psychological: This Commander knows just how to get into their opponent's head, playing off their fears to make their command seem far more dangerous than it actually is.

Unit Promotions, Tier Two:

Experienced: With a solid core of veterans, this unit performs slightly better at all tasks than a regular company.
Fast March: These soldiers appreciate the importance of speed in action, and can push further and faster than others would imagine.
Bloodthirsty: The men of this unit are bold and aggressive in the best possible way, and they fall on the enemy like a whirlwind of death.
Defenders: This unit is nearly immovable when it entrenches, and performs better on defense than others.
Lightning War: Steam Armor Only. This Steam Armor unit understands the principles of high-mobility armored combat, and both moves faster and hits harder on offense as a result.
Firebomb Rush: Infantry Only. This Infantry unit has trained with close-in firebomb ambushes, making them perform far better against armored units in close quarters.
Flame Tanks: Support Only. This Support unit is equipped with heavy flamethrowers, enabling it to burn Infantry and other Support out of cover.
Heavy Airlift: Dirigibles Only. This Dirigible unit has been modified with heavy lifting airships, and as a result can airlift not only Infantry and Support, but Steam Tanks as well.

Commander Promotions, Tier Three:
Savant: This Commander has studied and trained for a long time, and over the course of their career, has become very skilled at what they do. As a result of all this effort, this promotion grants the Commander's PC superior 3SP for immediate spending however they see fit.
Tactical Genius: This Commander has a gift for war that many would kill for, and their unit works slightly better on all counts for it.
To The Last Man: This Commander would rather see their unit come to pieces around them than lose a fight, and will inspire their men to those same heights. The unit will now never retreat unless ordered.

Unit Promotions, Tier Three:
Band of Brothers: This Unit is the best of the best, simply put, and performs slightly better at all tasks for their experience and grit.
The Adjutant: This Unit's second-in-command is a quick study who knows their current CO quite well. In the event that the commander is killed or incapacitated, their adjutant will immediately step up to fill their place, already having mastered all their known skills. May only trigger once.
Crawler Killers: Steam Armor Only. This Steam Armor unit is supplemented by a company of dedicated Crawler-Killer Armors, giving them substantially increased combat strength against other Steam Armor units.
Supply Wizards: Support Only. This Support unit's logistics division regularly works miracles, and as a result, it can support one full additional unit regardless of circumstance.
Rocket Crawlers: Infantry Only. This Infantry unit is supplemented rocket-bearing assault crawlers, giving them increased strength against Dirigibles and slightly more against Steam Armor.
Micro-Missiles: Dirigibles Only. This Dirigible unit is equipped with micro-missile pods, increasing their combat strength slightly in all areas.

Unless stated otherwise, you earn 1SP for each completed mission, win or lose. Achieving bonus objectives and dramatic successes can earn you more.

The War:

Overall, the war is fought by studying the provided maps and information of the local area, comparing it to the enemy's known goals, and positioning your units accordingly, with fallback plans in mind. Once a battle plan is agreed upon in session, I'll start calculating it while the PCs can RP with each other and NPCs. As the plan progresses, I'll bring up the tactical SNAFUs that inevitably ensue for reactions.

Your units will take losses in action, and you'll have to decide whether to commit the time to reinforcing and resupplying them or throwing them back in without a pause. Remember things like morale and equipment failure are real. Supply will be a serious consideration for extended operation without enough Support units in the immediate vicinity - a Support unit, roughly, can supply itself and two other nearby units, not necessarily from your personal command.

Teamwork will be critical to success, as will thoughtful consideration of the tactical situation. Pay close attention not just to the geography and obvious hooks, but what the enemy's actual goal is - and your own. Don't get caught up fighting street-to-street if all you want is to knock out their refineries on the edge of town. And remember the first rule of military planning: no matter what your objective is, it will be simpler if you have routed the enemy force and face no organized opposition.

I don't know what times work best for whom, but I am tentatively planning on running this AC on Wednesday evenings at 5PM EST. Talk to me if that's an issue: I'm flexible.

Good luck, Commanders.
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Brigadier Vanessa Wyrmwood(Celticfury)

Daughter of the decorated commander Silas Wyrmwood, young Vanessa is a mechanically-inclined soul eager to live up to his legacy. She caught the eye of those responsible for assembling the JC early, and found herself brought in as its senior engineering officer.
52nd Combat Engineers - "Wyrmwood's Wreckers"/Col. Kaylee O'Brien
Gatling Guns
Night Fighter

34th Infantry - "Far Travelers"/Col. Percival Darrington III
Night Fighter

Brigadier Gregory Thiemann(Danwar)

Born a bastard and shunted into the Dirigible Corps, Gregory Thiemann didn't take long to distinguish himself as an ace pilot with a knack for the principles of close air support. Battling Perrelian rebels in the wake of the Old Wars, he made himself noticed in just the right way at just the right time to be enrolled into the Joint Command as its senior air specialist.
16th Infantry - "Flying Footmen"/Col. Joseph Stewart

4th Dirigibles - "Wings of Steel"/Col. Sophia Robinson
Know Thine Enemy

Brigadier Viscount Emil S. J. Pampillon(Patchy)
Not much is currently known.
1st Queen Adelheid's Own Norda Rifles - "Midval's Moles"/Maj. Kili Tyrsson
Gatling Guns

5th Royal Norda Field Hospital - "Valkyries"/Lt. Col. Ramidoll Kilidotyr

Kaymakam Cengiz Cihangir(DT)
A foreign-soldier intent on reforming his native army, Cengiz Cihangir comes at the head of the Abarsi Expeditionary Force, which has been rolled into the Joint Command for reasons currently unknown. Time will tell how effective these volunteers prove to be.
31st Cevik Suvari/Bimbasi Macide Mephare
Attached Mechanists
Lightning War
Night Fighter
Crawler Killers
Tactical Genius

Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum/Boluk-Bashi Dogukhan Dorul
Training Montage: Speed
Gatling Guns
High Speed Low Drag
Flame Tanks

NPC Allies:

Spoiler :
Brigadier Leopold von Dreichus:
A martial legend from the Old Wars, Brigadier von Dreichus helped King Charles expand Avalon's control over the North Regions, wresting them by force from the neighboring Kingdom of Perrell. No one can question von Dreichus' personal gallantry, but that was fifty years ago. He's been assigned to the Capricorn and the Joint Command, and hopefully his solid core of experience and good sense will make him a valued asset to the team.
Star of Valour
Ground Pounder

Fourteenth Infantry - "Shovel Boys"/Maj. Edwin Carlo

Bayonet Ya
Ninth Infantry - "Blood Weavers"/Lt. Col. Mariah Senders

Generallieutenant Else von Anhalt-Stalberg:
Known as "The Red Death", Generallieutenant von Anhalt-Stalberg is one of the Usurper's close cousins. Unfortunately, Stalberg is also quite possibly the best commander on the opposing side, and took personal leadership of the Usurping forces opposing the Joint Command. She proved every bit as capable as she was cracked up to be, and in the wake of the Truce, she's joined the Joint Command as Johan's liaison officer.

Thirteenth Armored - "Red Ravens"/Col. Elizabeth Ventress
Lightning War
Tactical Genius
Crawler Killers
Night Fighter

9. Mechanical - "Bridgers"/Lt. Col. Markus Firestone
Combat Engineer

Third Airborne - "Fight in the Shade"/Maj. Fritz Jeager
Training Montage: Offense
High Speed Low Drag
Heavy Airlift

Major Katrina Harris:
Major Harris served in the Dirigible Corps during recent border skirmishes with Perrell, and despite her young age proved quite capable of stinging the desert-dwellers where it hurt. More than a pretty face, Katrina has a nearly-photographic memory and an intuitive knowledge of tactics and force compositions, whether of Avalon or its enemies and allies. She's been assigned as the JC's information officer, and it's to her you should turn when you need data.
Star of Valour

Her Claimant Majesty, Adelheid Fitzgreene:
Formerly Baroness of Wind Mountain province on the western coast, Lady Fitzgreene is related to old King Charles on her father's side, which gives her legitimacy in the succession dispute. Unfortunately, the King was her father's second cousin, and there is some speculation that an adoption was involved somewhere in the connecting generations. Baseless rumours, of course, but they give the enemy ammunition to besmirch her claim, leading to this pointless war and its many deaths. Long may Queen Adelheid reign!

Hostile NPCs:
Spoiler :
Brigadier Franz von Hipper-Hessen:
A dashing former cavalry officer, Hessen was nonetheless able to transition to the concepts of new-model war when crawlers and dirigibles took over the military. He's bold and headstrong, with a style of "attack and damn the consequences" - but he also has a real gift for subterfuge even if he doesn't enjoy it.

Brigadier Karl Lunderlin:
Lunderlin served in the Dirigible Corps as Major Harris' commanding officer during the Perrel Rebellions, and made a name for himself as a brilliant leader of flying forces. Specializing in fast-action raids and special forces operations, Lunderlin is Stalberg's right-hand man.
Clockwork Dragon

Johan von Kenner-Krantuck, the Usurper Who Would Be King:

Formerly the Duke of the Kenner-Krantuck river valley - if he even is legitimately that, the liar - Johan now claims to be the rightful King, spinning a fanciful story of his mother's being descended from King Charles' grandfather. Even if true, which it certainly isn't, it would not give him a stronger claim than Her Majesty's. Unfortunately, when she attempted calm and reasoned mediation to settle the dispute, Johan resorted to mobilizing his personal guard and attempting to seize the capital by force. His bloodthirsty aggression must be stopped, for the good of the entire Kingdom.

Spoiler :
The greatest of the Realms on the Coast, Avalon has ruled seaside and inland hills for hundreds of years, under the leadership of the Kings in Haven. A land of steam and technology, Avalon colonized far-reaching islands and continents aplenty, knowing no weakness nor rival save the Perrells to the north. Unfortunately, King Charles died childless, and now the country is wracked by civil war. Haven, the capital, is an open city protected by the former King's Guard, and while the Usurpers certainly plan to betray their pledge at the first opportunity, Her Majesty abides by her oath to leave the Palace well enough alone until the war is settled, to avoid risking damage to the historic center of governance.

Perrell is a nation of the desert on Avalon's northern border. They are not the scientific geniuses we are in the south, but instead put their reliance on tribal rituals and shamanistic rites and spells, using them to domesticate the fauna of the sands, which has some fleeting advantages in comparison to proper steam technology. Perrell's Queen Mother, Jasmine Al-Shifar, claims a distant relation to King Charles. She can prove the link beyond possible doubt, tracing back to a royal marriage in the time of their shared great-great-grandfather, but she is the ruler of a nation already, and has not pressed her claim through force or arms or diplomacy. Perrell sells weapons and supplies to both sides, making a tidy profit off of a war that slaughters hundreds of thousands. Fortunately, they are hardly a threat: during the Old Wars, Avalon easily routed their disorganized forces. We could easily do so again if we had to.
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Name: Vanessa Wyrmwood
Traits: Trickster; Mechanist; Commando
Flaw: Reckless; Zealous
Description: Vanessa Wyrmwood is the daughter of Silas Wyrmwood, a decorated veteran in the army of Avalon. Silas served as a sapper and engineer, rising through the ranks to eventually command his own units for several years until her retired. It was this legacy that inspired young Vanessa, who already showed an unique aptitude towards all things mechanical. After completing her studies, she enrolled in the officer's corps, where she excelled in her studies. After graduating, she joined one of her father's old units, the 52nd Combat Engineers, where she was eagerly accepted. Her eagerness to live up to her father's legacy propelled her throw the ranks, until she eventually came to lead "Wyrmwood's Wreckers", as her father before her.
The 52nd Combat Engineers "Wyrmwood's Wreckers" (Support)
The 52nd Combat Engineers were a unit formed under the command of Silas Wyrmwood. Sappers, mechanics, and engineers were drawn for the brigades he commanded and put into a dedicated unit of their own. Under his command, the unit excelled in several campaigns, new tactics to slip behind enemy lines and wreck havoc. This earned them their fair share of distinctions and awards under Silas's command. As such, the 52nd grew to regard their founder with a near fanatical loyalty, a trait which carried over as the unit was placed under the command of his daughter. The 52nd treat each other, and their commander, as part of a family.
Upgrades: Gatling Guns
-Commanding Officer: Col. Kaylee O'Brien
Kaylee O'Brien is a rising star in the 52nd. Raised in an orphanage from a young age, she joined the army as soon as she was able. Despite numerous disciplinary problems, she showed a knack for creative thinking and problem solving, along with a keen interest in demolitions. After passing boot camp, she was transferred to the 52nd. It was here that she finally began to excel. The 52nd display a special type of camaraderie, almost akin to a family, something that had been missing from her life. Her brash enthusiasm, along with her clever tactical thinking, caught the eyes of her officers, including one Vanessa Wyrmwood. Before long, Kaylee's successes in the 52nd earned her the privilege of leading the unit into combat, coincidentally, just in time for the civil war to start.
Upgrades: Veteran; Night Fighter

The 34th Infantry "Far Travelers" (Infantry)
The 34th Infantry originated as a colonial garrison, in charge . Over the course of their campaigns, the "Far Travelers" developed a reputation for their flexibility and skill in small unit tactics, as well as their legendary refusal to surrender or break ranks in the face of overwhelming odds. This served them well in several campaigns in the various colonial territories of Avalon, until the high command saw fit to integrate them into the main armies. Here they eventually came under the command of Silas Wyrmwood, who improved upon their considerable attributes.
Upgrades: High Spirited
-Commanding Officer: Col. Percival Darrington III
Percival Darrington III was the fourth son of a major noble family in Avalon. A stoic, studious man, he achieved distinction in the officer corps, before being assigned to the 34th. Despite accusations of nepotism, Percy, as he is known to those close to him, proved devoted to his duties, and made a name for himself as a stern, but fair, commander. He always served at the front lines along his men, which has earned him their respect and admiration.
Upgrades: Doctrinal, Night Fighter

New Unit: 25th Armored Battalion "Rust Buckets" (Steam Armor)
Commanding Officer: Major Silas Frederickstein
Upgrades: Attached Mechanists; Know Thine Enemy
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I haven't played this sort of thing before, but it looks interesting. I'm in.

Gregory Thiemann
Gregory was born a bastard child, and though his parents married after his birth, a series of hardships and disagreements forced them to break apart again. Not much else is known about his early life, but a curious quality of his was (and still is) taking it in stride. He never dwells on his hardships, taking what he can from them and moving on. He had a fascination for avian biology and studied it as much as he could, but the Northern Rebellion soon started and he joined the military. He was a decent pilot and rapidly rose through the ranks, partially because of major leadership disputes in the airforce which had, up until then, been largely overlooked by the armed forces. However, he proved his worth in Battle of Leran Ridge, where his outnumbered squadron of airships shot down numerous enemy squadrons before quickly landing on the rebel base below and siezing control of it, holding out there until friendly reenfrocements came to relieve them.

Gregory is now an esteemed Brigadier General in charge of a unit of both dirigbles and infantry, a rare feat for a military commander. He has fought in a few minor skirmishes against the usurpers, but not any major battles... yet.
Traits: Commando, Flexible, Clockwork Dragon
Flaws: Zealous, Reckless
Name: Sixteenth Infantry - "Flying Footmen"
CO: Col. Joseph Stewart
Honors: Honor of Leran Ridge
Unit info:These infantry were originally a part of the force that relieved Gregory's squadron in Leran Ridge. After the rebels were defeated, the Sixteenth were integrated into Gregory's unit and are probably the first infantry regiment to travel in a unit of dirigibles. They most often fight as paratroopers or are sent to clear out support regiments before the Dirigble unit engages other enemies.This has forced them to be adaptable and versatile, able to fight well enough on most any terrain.
CO info: Joseph became a far more jaded man after the battle of Kastel. Seeing half of your unit die does that to you. However, he also gained key combat experience that could be rather useful...
Upgrades: Adaptable, Veteran

Name: Fourth Dirigibles - "Wings of Steel"
CO: Col. Sophia Robinson
Honors: Honor of Leran Ridge
Unit info: Perhaps the most famous unit of dirigbles in the entire Avalonian armed forces. Many of them fought in Leran Ridge and the resulting experience makes them highly adaptable and very effective. They have a great deal of loyalty to their leader, so much so that they are far less likely to disengage without orders than most captains.
CO info: Sophia Robinson is a former Dirigitable captain who shares her airmen (and women)'s respect for Gregory, and can be relied upon to carry out orders well enough. She dislikes going against preexisting plans for no good reason, a sometimes valuable trait for a subcommander. In the battle of Kastel, she learned a great deal about the pretender's armed forces. Such knowledge will come in handy in future battles.
Upgrades: Doctrinal, High-Spirited, Know Thine Enemy
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Welcome Danwar! Does 5PM EST sound good for you timing-wise? We'll be playing in my chatroom, here, and using the thread for housekeeping.

Here's your units' promotion trees. Refer to the "Promotions" spoiler in the OP for explanations(still filling out the last few entries, but all T1 and T2 entries are done so you can spend your starting SP at your own discretion.)

Celt, I've added you too, but I'm waiting on unit and CO names for your forces before I upload your promotion trees.

Spoiler :



Got a couple of things to clear up with you on steam prior to character creation, but I have an idea for a commander at least.
Name: Viscount Emil S.J. Pampillon
Traits: Cautious; Mechanist; Elite
Flaw: Laughingstock; Desk Officer
Description: An effeminate young boy, usually dressed up in enough inherited medals to completely cover his rather small chest.
1st Queen Adelheid's Own Norda Rifles "Midval's Moles"
Unit Upgrades (Support): Gatling Guns
CO: Kili Tyrsson
CO Upgrades: Initiative

5th Royal Norda Field Hospital "Valkyries"
Unit Upgrades (Support): High Spirited
CO: Ramidall Kilidotyr
CO Upgrades: Initiative
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Name: Cengiz Cihangir
Rank: Kaymakam (Brigadier Equivalent)
Command: 282nd Kapikulu Sipahi
Description: A tall man with thick black hair and bright green eyes, Cengiz is clean shaven and looks to be in his early thirties. Darker of skin than most Avalonians, he speaks the language confidently, albeit with a noticeable northern accent. While his long green coat is not dissimilar to those worn in Coastal militaries, beneath it his bright silks are adorned with numerous charms and protective patterns, while his rank is indicated by a series of coloured markings on his right cheek.
Spoiler for a Longer Bio :
Cengiz was born a few years before the Tivran wars, the son of a Merchant in Parlakavsak, the Abarsi Capital. During the siege of the city his family fled south, crossing into Avalon as refugees before returning home after the war moved on. Cengiz was profoundly moved by the experience, which paved the way for both his military interest and his introduction to Avalonian thought. A moderately bright young man, Cengiz was schooled extensively in Parlakavsak, and even spent a few years in a university in Avalon. This resulted in him easily obtaining a teaching post in the capital when he returned; as even then the value of Coastal education in the sciences was clear,

Living in the capital, Cengiz had the good fortune to attend the coronation of Ulviye II, after which his life began to change. With the remilitisation, suddenly there were a bounty of spots open in the army for men of his talents, and as an outspoken proponent of Tayfun's modernisation schemes, Cengiz was promoted quickly through the ranks of the new army. Finding his place in the armoured units, Cengiz studied previous wars, taking regular trips abroad, and helped push to innovate upon the strategies the older Coastal armies employed; most notably a heavy emphasis on logistical and engineering support. Despite extensive training however, the new army remains untested in combat, and the Janissaries, the only survivors of the old military, are still institutionally opposed to many of the changes.

Assigned to lead the 282nd Kapikulu Sipahi, Cengiz drilled his troops extensively, but was interrupted by the outbreak of the civil war in Avalon. At the behest of the Armaments Vizier, Cengiz jumped at the chance to temper the New Model Army in the fires of a real conflict. As a result, after going through a few legal fictions, the 282nd has arrived in Avalon to assist the Loyalist forces. Whether these troops were made available to the Joint Command as a gesture of diplomatic goodwill, because of the difficulties of fitting them in with the regular command structure, or just so they'd be in a position where they couldn't cause real trouble is not yet clear.


Desk Officer

Steam Armour: 31st Cevik Suvari - Bimbasi Macide Mephare
Tier 1: Initiative, Adaptable, Attached Mechanists
Tier 2: Lightning War, Night Fighter
Tier 3: Tactical Genius, Savant, Crawler Killers
Spoiler for More Details :
Name: Macide Mephare
Rank: Bimbasi (Col. Equivalent)
Commmand: 31st Cevik Suvari
Description: A short muscular woman with clean-cut brown hair, a smooth face and a voice like silk. Macide has an austere expression and an attitude to match. She wears much the same uniform as Cengiz, albeit with different cheek markings, and appears to have at least some ability with the officer's blade. A strict disciplinarian, she rules her Alay with an Iron fist, demanding perfection from officer and enlisted, man and machine. Another young officer, she has also been promoted rapidly thanks to foreign schooling and her reformist tendencies; she is another of the small cadre of Abarsi officers working to leapfrog their armoured tactics to maturity. Aggressive to the point of recklessness, Macinde personally leads the unit in exercises, and has developed a clear confidence in her own abilities in the field.

31st Celik Suvari:
The 31st Suvari is one of the new Abarsi steam Alay, and although heavily drilled is largely made up of green troops. To ensure equipment familiarity, many of the officers have been schooled in the Coastal Realms, but both they and the enlisted mostly lack cultural background appropriate for the machines they operate. The crawlers they use are a mix of imported and locally produced variants, with a preponderance of Avalonian designs provided cheaply by loyalist forces. However, the formation also makes extensive use of unarmoured crawlers to transport the engineers, magi, and mechanics necessary for the unit's operation, as well as a contingent of scorpion cavalry for scouting and other light duties. Although eager to prove themselves and their sting in combat, it is not yet clear how well the 31st will hold up once the battle is joined.

Support: Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - Boluk-Bashi Dogukhan Dorul
Tier 1: Training Montage (Speed), Training Montage (Speed), Training Montage (Speed), Gatling Guns
Tier 2: High Speed Low Drag, Flame Tanks
Tier 3: Savant
Spoiler for More Details :
Name: Dogukhan Durul
Rank: Boluk-Bashi (Col. Equivalent)
Command: Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum
Description: An older man, Dogukhan's jaw-dropping black moustache is shot with streaks of grey. Although bald, he wears an extravagant silken turban, and rejects the Coastal coat for flowing robes, as well as enchanted jewellery and magical tattoos across most of his body. Born and orphaned during the Old Wars, Dogukhan was adopted into the Janissaries, and is keenly aware that the institution is withering in the face of the reforms enacted by recent Sultans. Mild-tempered and friendly, Dogukhan is one of the few soldiers in the 282nd to have seen actual combat, serving with relative distinction as a line soldier in the Tivran wars. Although many Janissaries consider him a radical, he is incredibly conservative about the Coastalisation of the New Model Army, following the old traditions wherever he can and pushing the men under his command to do the same. Experienced in fighting both northern and coastal enemies, Dogukhan has a clear understanding of his enemies and all the theoretical aspects of warfare; practical knowledge which has been invaluable to Cengiz despite his consideration of Dogukhan as being rather too antiquated in his thinking.

Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum:
The Muhendisi Lotarum are an almost comically mismatched formation. Centred around a core of traditional sword-and-staff Janissary infantry, the rest of the formation includes everything from great towed guns to a squadron of Imps. The sappers mix shovels and gunpowder with burrowing sandwyrms and ward-casting ritualists, while the medical supplies include both clockwork limb replacements and a cart of potion cauldrons. The Janissary Alay suffers from intense internal divides over the deployment of their equipment, the older officers in particular often being disdainful of the Coastalised forces under their command. Almost as bad, the majority of the soldiers were schooled in Abarsi, and only a fraction of them speak Avalonian well enough to communicate wartime operations with the Loyalist forces, although that problem is expected to diminish with sufficient time. A newly-minted formation, the Muhendisi Lotarum's Janissary roots ensures it has a noticeable edge on the 31st in terms of veterans, although still being raw and untested by most standards.

Infantry: 501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu - Bimbasi Taner 'The Glass Corsair' Tayyar
Tier 1: Training Montage (Crawler Dragoons), Bayonet Ya
Tier 2: Psychological
Spoiler for More Details :
Name: 'Cam Korsan' (The Glass Corsair) Taner Tayyar
Rank: Bimbasi (Col. Equivalent)
Command: 501st Kara Mayilari Lejyonu
Description: Taner Tayyar is famously insane. Never seen without an impressive cigar, the left half of his face, along with his shoulder and arm, have been mostly replaced with opaque glass, the animation of which consumes most of his modest magical power. These scars tell the story of his expulsion from the Flying Corps after singlehandedly killing one of their dragons in what he insists was a contest of honour. He has since wracked up an assortment of equally outrageous feats as he adventured across the world, before finally landing in the lap of the Avalonian Civil War. Upon observing the battlefield, the man known to the world as 'The Glass Corsair' immediately hatched another of his crackpot schemes: The Land Marines. Although his old friend the Duke Krenner-Krantuck rejected his scheme for crawler-mounted infantry, when word of the idea trickled back to the Imperial Armaments Vizier in Abarsi, Taner found himself a backer for his plan. Although poorly suited to military discipline, The middle-aged man is brave to the point of foolhardiness, possessing an air of easy charm that enthralls soldier and civilian alike.

501st 'The Wasps' Kara Mayilari Lejyonu:
The brainchild of the Cam Korsan, the Land Marines are a mix of the foolhardy and the desperate. With each man carrying specialised gear, the soldiers can attach themselves to nearby crawlers for transportation at speeds normal units can achieve only with dirigible assistance. One Avalonian officer who witnessed a training session described their disembarkation procedure as looking 'as if somebody had kicked some kind of demented wasps nest', and the 501st have quickly adopted the appellation of 'the Wasps', or 'Esekarisi' as their own. Split into squads each capable of being carried on a single vehicle, the unit requires an expanded medical contingent just to endure the attrition of their chosen form of movement. Unable to carry the usual heavy guns, the Wasps must make up for their lack of firepower with unit cohesion, aggressiveness, and extensive close combat training. Their unusual organisation, eccentric commander, and mad mission have resulted in an independently-minded unit that eschews traditional discipline, causing them to be almost as much a headache for their allies as their enemies. Despite having obtained a few crawler officers from the 282nd, the majority of the Wasps lack any meaningful combat experience, and their particular style of warfare has yet to endure the baptism of fire.

Spoiler for a Brief Description of Abarsi :
The Abarsi Empire sits astride the old spice road, where they once grew rich from taxing the trade between Perell and Avalon. That time however is long past; generations ago the two great powers fought together against the Empire, denying it's overseas ambitions and seizing large chunks of the territory that form their current border. More recently, the Empire was humiliated in the Tivran wars, and forced to dismantle most of the old military institutions. Since the coronation of Sultanya Ulviye II, Abarsi has been flirting with remilitarisation, with Imperial Armaments Vizier Tayfun Pasha pressing for a 'Modernisation' in which the army should adapt Coastal technology to supplement traditional northern doctrines. Seeing the war on their southern border, Tayfun has dispatched 'volunteers' in the hopes of providing his fledgling armed forces with much needed combat experience.

Edit: Below is a quick sketch that scanned terribly. Better than nothing? Debatable.

Writing Briefly :rolleyes:


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All promotions have been added to the list. Player list has been updated.

DT, here are your promotion trees:

Spoiler :



I have remembered that I have something happening tomorrow afternoon. Whereas I can still probably make mission time, I would like to postpone 24 hours and run on Thursday at 5PM EST instead. Does anyone object?
Promotions have been assigned and I have no particular problems with such a delay.
Fair warning, since this is midterm week for me I may have to prioritize studying over doing a game this week.
Mission One Complete

Bonus Objective: Protect the Railway - Complete!

All players earn +2SP. Use at your own discretion.

Units requiring noticeable reinforcement: Sixteenth Infantry, Fourth Dirigibles, Fourteenth Infantry, 31st Cevik Suvari.
Reinforcements available for any 3 units.

Next mission will be Wednesday, May 9th, at 6PM EST.
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SP Spending:
31st Cevik Suvari - Night Fighter (1SP)
Muhendisi Janissary Lotarum - Gatling Guns (1SP)

Reinforcements: My Thoughts
16th Infantry: They both need and deserve reinforcements, so they should obviously get them. High Priority.
6th Airborne: This unit, as best I can tell, doesn't exist? No Priority.
4th Dirigibles: Our only dirigible unit and with 3 promotions, but did not engage in high-intensity conflict insofar as I can tell. Medium Priority.
14th Infantry: An NPC unit with no promotions as far as I can tell. Low Priority.
31st Cevik Suvari: Our only armour and the single most promoted unit we have. Also Mine. High Priority.

A note to Patchy that Red has confirmed he won't be joining, so you now have the option of potentially swapping into a non-support unit if you so desire without ruining our supply situation.

Edit: Having seen the map for the next mission, and admittedly making a bit of an assumption about the objective, I threw together an idea of what I would do as a defending force, and am attaching it to this post.



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