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These Divided States

So, just to confirm - can we join as factions in someone else's nation?
Here are the existing claims. The conflicting claims in New Mexico and Texas are valid, but should be noted regardless.

Spoiler :
Country Short Name: Imperials
Country Long Name: The Imperial Kingdom of America
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction and Ideology: Sons of Eagles - Reactionary

Other parties:
Conservative - Free America
Liberal - Unity

No Communists or Socialists as they are shot on sight.


In attachment. We also claim the entirety of the American Union as our own since we fail to recognize the claims of Communists on our border. We also claim New Orleans and the rest of Louisiana.

Capital: Newly created Fortress Town of Jackson. Located in the westernmost province of Tennessee.


The Imperial Kingdom of America came about as a means for small communities to band together into a larger entity to protect themselves from the various invasions of the USA as well as from the perpetual weakness of the old American regime. A former general used his expertise of fortifications and weaponry to create a fort named Fort Jackson in west Tennessee. Since then it has grown into a middle sized city with several rings of fortifications surrounding it. As the city grew, so too did the general's influence. Local towns began declaring for him as well as local warlords. Eventually a system emerged that is very similar to that of the Feudal society of old. His realm grew and grew, and the people of this new country began to call him King Romulus. Instead of rejecting the title of King like Washington once did, he embraced it as the only way to protect vast swathes of america. He established Duchies consisting of what were formerly states, with Counties and Baronies below that, and began to restrict the political and civil rights of the regions under his control in order to ensure the nation stayed together under an iron fist. Still, the people were much freer than the serfs of the middle ages. There was simply no more right to vote and such. Imprisonment without reason. That sort of thing.

King Romulus realized that in order to avoid the financial idiocy of the former USA, he needed to keep central government costs down. As a result, much of the domestic power and responsibility falls upon the Dukes and Counts. The King and his court in Jackson deal with issues on a national scale as well as foreign policy. And foreign policy is a prickly thing. Only 2 months ago did the great persecution finish: The Great Persecution was the widespread execution, assassination, and massacre of all known Communists and Socialists in the nation. This greatly angered the American Union, yet it remains to be seen whether it will come to war with the Communists. King Romulus has however made several visits to Kentucky and many see them as a potential alliance for the Kingdom. The USA of olde is also a potential ally because of ideologies, however many are unsure whether King Romulus would cede to this Radcliffe since both technically claim to represent all of America, and many are sure they would not want Romulus to cede his power seeing as to the mess the old USA has made of things after all!

Decided to go with a new nation after all. Sons of Liberty were too under powered for me.


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Here are the existing claims. The conflicting claims in New Mexico and Texas are valid, but should be noted regardless.

Spoiler :

Yeah I'll drop the NM claim. Makes the borders sexier too.




No mercy will be shown to monarchist scum who slaughter their own people.
Yeah, you're literally going to fall apart turn 1.

Edit: Why is being a king the only way to rule large areas of land?
American Union Society:

The most important thing in the average AU citizen's life is his local commune. Communes largely dictate the goings on of local politics, and are a greatly respected political instrument throughout the AU; before elections were suspended, these communes would get together and elect legislative representatives. Now, mostly, these representatives act as advisors to the president, but they still form a large role in many of his actions. Communes also act as coordinators for local defense units, with militia companies taking orders directly from their local communes.

In terms of democracy, the communes are as far as it goes currently in the Union. This small level of democratic rule, despite the national government being completely dominated by the Red Guards, is one of the few reasons the Union has stayed together against its many adversaries.
crap my school blocks civ fanatics, and i have a final this afternoon, can we push it a bit later so that I can get my post updated, Or would it just be easier for you get the game started and then for me to update my post?
crap my school blocks civ fanatics, and i have a final this afternoon, can we push it a bit later so that I can get my post updated, Or would it just be easier for you get the game started and then for me to update my post?

I can wait. Gives me more time to pretty up the update. I'll update tonight.
Join post edited with backstory as well


I was playing Fallen Enchantress most of the afternoon, but then real life got in my face. I'm back at the computer now, but the update isn't completely finished. Here is what I need to do still.

-Add two more countries to the stat sheet (should take about five to ten minutes)
-Finish the new-sy part of the update. I have a handful of interesting events right now and have a few more ideas for a handful of countries.

The update will go up tomorrow afternoon after my stats final, so here's your last chance to get in last minute RP before game start.
Updated my post. Thanks for the extra time :D
Results of the Winter of 2019-2020

Link to video.

PAU ANNOUNCES PLANS TO WITHDRAW FROM AMERICA BY 2026. San Francisco, California. The state press released statements by ranking civilian and military officials of the Pan-Asian Union that the alliance’s military involvement on the American Pacific Coast will be reduced gradually over the next six years. The news was met with mixed reactions, with many feeling that the timetable for withdraw will only bottle up violence in the occupied zone before exploding once the last soldier leaves, but an official who wished not to be named stated that it is very likely advisors will remain to train local forces.

RED GUARDS SEIZE ST. LOUIS AFTER WEEKS OF STREET FIGHTING. St. Louis, Missouri. The streets of St. Louis are littered with the debris of the fighting through January. The Red Guard of Missouri, a communist militia with ties to the American Union government, seized the initiative in early-December of 2019 and pushed the Missouri Eagles out of the southern suburbs of the city. The Missouri Eagles has ties with the Sons of Eagles, the paramilitary gang that runs Imperial America. The communist seizure of St. Louis is sure to heighten tensions in the region between the American Union and Imperial America. This will also put pressure on reactionary militias in Kansas City and Springfield. Springfield was seized by the Missouri Eagles last summer, and Kansas City has been contested for the better part of 2019.

FLORIDIANS QUESTION NEW ORLEANS ROLE IN GOVERANNCE. Miami, Gulf States. New Orleans is a city under siege. The Louisianan Eagles (related to the Sons of Eagles) seized Baton Rouge in November, and the capital of the Gulf States is already reporting mortar shelling by the reactionary forces moving southward on the capital. Adding into the young republic’s woes is the emergence of the Free States of America, which promises wider enfranchisement and political rights than the Gulf States, where banks are allotted the majority of political power in the country. Mass demonstrations have broken out in Florida in support of a myriad of causes ranging from joining the Free States of America to autonomy.

INCREASING DISORDER IN WEST IMPERIAL AMERICA. Denver, Imperial America. Despite the grandiose ideas of the Sons of Eagles and their leader, King Romulus, the serf system has led to widespread abuses. The rulers, often former warlords who have adopted rhetoric fit more for Crusader Kings III than modern governance, have resorted to increasingly draconian measures to silence dissent in their fiefdoms. In the racially diverse western states, such as Colorado, the feudal system exists on paper only, with the serf system disregarded entirely and titles changing hands, coming into being, and being destroyed so often as to become meaningless. There are calls for the emulation of El Norte and Southern Protectorate democracy, with which the warlords have responded to with arrests, torture, and in three instances over the last three months, massacres.

There is fear that that the worsening of stability in the Imperial West will result in a complete collapse of the ruling structure, which could result in violence that would spill over into neighboring countries.

MANIFEST DESTINY 2.0? Washington D.C., United States. The federal government may control less territory than before the Mexican-American War, and may be looking at a more militant and well-armed resistance in the west, but that hasn’t stopped parties in Congress to call for reestablishment of federal control of the country’s secessionist states. The United States must tread carefully though, for despite having the most powerful military in the east, it is an economic paper tiger and the economy is in a second consecutive year of freefall.

A WEAK DOLLAR COMPOUNDS AU WOES. Chicago, American Union. The Red Guards attempt to replace the monetary system with a credit system was admirable, but ultimately doomed to failure. The de facto currency in the American Union has remained the US Dollar, and the weakness of the dollar is putting a dent in the country’s bottom line.

The Credit System, which was the communist dictatorships’s answer to the capitalist concept of a stable currency, has met resistance by trade partners, who refuse to accept AU Credits as payment due governmental restrictions on the use of credits.

“The monetary policy of the American Union has done more to sabotage that country than all the monarchists and reactionaries it borders,” the Minister of Trade for the Republic of New England stated.

Analysts have wondered whether this situation will last. As the American Union takes steps to become a major exporter of agriculture products and small arms, this could in a roundabout way strengthen the US Dollar, but many find doubt in this idea.

The Minister of Trade said, “The Euro works. It has its problems, but the reason it works is because the member states at least came to some kind of agreement. Some kind of arrangement. How likely is the AU Planning Committee likely to come to an agreement with the US Federal Reserve anytime soon?”

ANNUAL ELECTIONS IN LAS VEGAS AND RENO HAVE BEGUN. Las Vegas, Republic of Las Vegas and Reno. The annual election of the next leader of Las Vegas is underway! The four factions running for the coveted position of the presidency are the Casino Owners, Dealers, Gamblers, and Enforcers. It looks like the Casino Owners will win again this year.

It is now the Spring of 2020


The United States has the Reunification CB on everything. Reunification means full annexation.

Absolute Monarchies, Constitutional Monarchy, and Prussian Constitutional government players have one additional advantage. If the ruling faction changes, the players remains in charge (since they’re a sovereign above the faction system). In all other governments, a change of the ruling faction means a change of player. NPC parties than win elections or take power will run the government.

UPDATES: Every few days I will advance the game by one season and post a map showing any political changes. The seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Every Spring Update is the Main Update, in which updated stats are posted. Updates are based on roleplay, actions you asked me for your government or faction to perform, and the like.

Stats and Maps in second post, first page
Now that I actually have some time I don't need to devote to studying, I will be editing my nation to not suck.
Not sure why but I can't see anything past the left half of column O on the spreadsheet. Could you check the settings (I can see Tani's ATEN sheet just fine).
Not sure why but I can't see anything past the left half of column O on the spreadsheet. Could you check the settings (I can see Tani's ATEN sheet just fine).

Stat sheet coming up normal on my end. Anyone else can confirm?

Take a screenshot of what you're seeing.
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