• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

These Divided States

We must respectfully decline, Canadian law does not permit privately owned casinos due to the detrimental effect of gambling on the community.
Nevemind, I'm not feeling this I'm dropping out. Sorry.

We must respectfully decline Las Vega's offer. Organized gambling does nothing but encourage reckless capitalist behavior that characterized your former government and led directly to its collapse.
Radcliffe Announces the Great Revitalization Project
The President of the one and only United States has announced that part of the budget will be used with the goal of revitalizing the Industrial Zones on American soil. The new industrial capacity will then be used to arm the great military the United States has at its disposal to retake the land of the free currently being occupied by traitors and communists. He says not only does this mean reconstruction in the industrial zones in the remaining United States territory, but it also calls for the securing of key industrial zones in the United States as a whole, and the project won't be complete until America is entirely brought back under the flag of the United States.
Results of the Spring of 2020

Link to video.


The Gulf States declaration of war on Imperial America was met with resounding Imperial aggression against both the Gulf States of America and American Union. The few Empire heavy bombers were escorted by Imperial fighters to deliver guided ammunition against convoys moving along the highway from Mobile to New Orleans, effectively cutting off Mobile from New Orleans. Weeks of heavy fighting in Mobile in April ended with Imperial forces seizing the city thanks to SoE forces operating within Mobile as spies.

Imperial forces met little organized resistance marching from Baton Rouge onto New Orleans before encountering significant entrenched troops on the outskirts of New Orleans. Despite (albeit decent) amount of air support, the Imperial forces, led my an assortment of squabbling leaders, is paying for every step into New Orleans with blood. The city is still being resupplied by sea however as the banks move to purchase military equipment on credit.

Meanwhile, in Missouri, troops flying the banner of the Imperial American Army moved to cut off a vital supply route used by the American Union to funnel supplies into Kansas City. The fighting resulted in a skirmish between AU motorized forces and Imperial American forces and was ultimately decided by Red Guard elements in Kansas City that tipped off the AU convoys of an impending Imperial response.

With war between the American Union and Imperial America all but declared, Imperial forces begun a bombing campaign of St. Louis. Despite the campaign, St. Louis remains resolute thanks to Union supplies. But the most dramatic escalation of the conflict was am Imperial armor advance.

The Imperial commanders of the armored element, with St. Louis still embroiled in conflict and contested, attempted to cross into Illinois via Cape Girardeau on the Mississippi. American Union troops and engineers, not suspecting the attack, were forced to abandon the city, but not before blowing a bridge spanning the river.

With Red Guard/American Union troops in St. Louis under heavy assault by land and air, Springfield already controlled by Sons of Eagles (who handed the city over to Imperial America when the troops entered the city), and full on fighting between Sons of Eagles and Red Guards across all of Missouri, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding as the liberal use of bombers has put a strain on the local population.

In West Imperial America, Wyoming tensions have finally boiled over after the public execution of a serf by self-proclaimed Count of Casper resulted in a general uprising by militia groups in the state. The populist Freedom Party, an offshoot of the populist branch of the Free States Freedom Party, has taken leadership of the growing popular uprising in Wyoming and is responsible for the assassination of three counts in the last two weeks.

“We shall return this state to the democratic fold she has been terribly ripped away from,” a Freedom Party leader spoke in Casper as the Count of Casper swung at the end of a noose on the gallows he himself ordered built.

As we leave May and enter June, Imperial forces have seized Des Moines, Missouri and Wyoming are up in fire, and New Orleans is struggling to remain afloat.


INFRASTRUCTURE AND INDUSTRY REFORM IN THE AMERICAN UNION. Chicago, American Union. The Chicago government announced in March a program that would rapidly expand public transportation in the American Union, and the first buses have already begun the countrywide service promised by the government, but the program has been met with resistance. High cost of fuel, ongoing currency woes, and shortage of funds has crippled the program which imports most of the buses from manufacturers in Canada. The worsening of public infrastructure such as roads and bridges are also compounding the costs of operating the ambitious program. Buses are competing with private owners of vehicles for fuel, and while some citizens have taken to the buses nicely, a stigma is still attached to the use of public transportation in the Midwest.

The government has begun construction of several factories that are slated to begin hiring by this winter. These factories will produce cement, small arms, ammunition, artillery, and automobile parts.

However, the introduction of the Ameru Dollar (as it is popularly called) has put the country on a different track than the one it had taken just a few months ago. AU citizens can convert their credits into Amerus. It will be a few more months until the earliest effects can be noted.

PROTESTS IN PORTLAND AND SEATTLE. Seattle, Occupied Territory. The streets in both cities are thronged with Americans demanding the Pan-Asian Union withdraw from Oregon and Washington and allow elections in the country. The spontaneous demonstrations were met by PAU military police which contained the marchers and protesters. Despite a few instances of violence, the protests have stayed mostly peaceful, taking away ammunition needed by the military to crackdown without angering the international community.

HELENA A HUB OF GROWTH IN NORTH AMERICA.[/B} Helena, Southern Protectorate. While most countries regress under the weight of global economic downturn and war, the Southern Protectorate has benefited from being a Canadian favored trade partner. The government has selectively put its funds to work by giving block grants to local governments that competed in developing their cities to the best of their abilities. A tax cut is encouraging Canadian companies to consider taking up shop in the autonomous region.

This comes at a cost, analysts say. It is likely the Southern Protectorate will run through tax revenue quickly and come to rely on issuing bonds, but with workers fleeing Wyoming and other parts of West Imperial America to find work in public infrastructure projects, the long term future for the region looks bright.

LAS VEGAS OFFERED REJECTED. Las Vegas, Republic of Las Vegas and Reno. The government of Las Vegas, headed by the Casino Owners, faced public rejection of its public offer to build casinos in neighboring states. The offer to the Pan-Asian Union has angered some voters, while the public rejection has angered voters even further. The incident has put the government in an embarrassing position overall.

It is now the Summer of 2020


If your country didn't receive events, it was largely because your news isn't big enough yet and may be later on in the year.

NEW: For the purpose of increasing the appeal of the stats page, and introducing a tad more order into the grand scheme of things, I have created a “Beta Sheet” in the main stats. The Beta Sheet is where I will be posting *structural* proposals to changing the stat sheet. The current beta sheet shows my current idea, which is to axe a vast majority of the stats right now for a more streamlined, user-friendly “Programs” lines. Programs would allow for players to easily track what they are doing.

I am also toiling around with the add of reintroducing spending, as half the PM’d orders I received made use of a hypothetical percentage anyway. If I reintroduce harder stats for spending, take into account that economic growth (and therefore revenue) won’t be on the scale of most IOTs (which run often at 25% to 200% growth a year) and instead likely to be 1-10% per year, with decreases, and all of this would still be based on programs, roleplay, and the like.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to VM or PM these suggestions.

The United States has the Reunification CB on everything. Reunification means full annexation.

Absolute Monarchies, Constitutional Monarchy, and Prussian Constitutional government players have one additional advantage. If the ruling faction changes, the players remains in charge (since they’re a sovereign above the faction system). In all other governments, a change of the ruling faction means a change of player. NPC parties than win elections or take power will run the government.

UPDATES: Every few days I will advance the game by one season and post a map showing any political changes. The seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Every Spring Update is the Main Update, in which updated stats are posted. Updates are based on roleplay, actions you asked me for your government or faction to perform, and the like.
The United States hereby declares that the land of the Imperials has had enough of monarchical tyranny. We are putting an end to it. Prepare for war.
The Western Allies are announcing it will be bolstering the military strength of the Republic of New England. The escalation of war on the continent has led to this decision.
In order to secure democracy and freedom for all of America, the Free States of America will be declaring war on the Imperials.
Wyoming has a choice. Be crushed, or lay down your arms for a promise that all dukes, counts, and other nobles in Western IA will at once be removed from their positions and local democracy such as Town Hall meetings shall dictate local policies under the broad stances adopted by the monarchy. We also promise to adopt constitutionalism (that is the next step down from absolute monarchy right?) once IA is at peace.
Thanks to its gross aggression and escalation of the Missouri Skirmishes, the American Union hereby declares war on the American Imperium, as a formality.
Wyoming has a choice. Be crushed, or lay down your arms for a promise that all dukes, counts, and other nobles in Western IA will at once be removed from their positions and local democracy such as Town Hall meetings shall dictate local policies under the broad stances adopted by the monarchy. We also promise to adopt constitutionalism (that is the next step down from absolute monarchy right?) once IA is at peace.

The Freedom Party, as we speak, is purging the monarchical and warlord elements that have plagued Wyoming for too long. You tell us to lay down the arms that we seized from our oppressors. You promise us removal of the warlords, but we have already done so in Wyoming. You promise us democracy, but are we not already on the track to democracy?

Your promise of liberalization of the government on the off-chance that East Imperial America survives the war falls on deaf ears here in Wyoming.

You say that every duke, count, and noble will be removed from their position? We are doing the same. Soon, every duke, count, and noble we can get our hands on will be hanging from every tree and lampost in West Imperial America as a warning to future monarchists who think warlordism will go unpunished.
In order to secure our position in the west and to prevent the ensuing chaos from damaging the stability of Las Vegas.
We hereby declare war on the American Imperium.

The past offer of expanding our business to the Imperium is now considered null and void.

- President Norton, President of The Republic of Las Vegas and Reno, and current head of the Casino Faction in Las Vegas.
The Southern Protectorate is monitoring the situation in the Imperial Kingdom but sees no reason to waste Protectorate or Canadian resources in a war that will only slightly hasten the end of an anachronistic, decrepit and failing state.

We wish good fortune to those in Wyoming and elsewhere who have taken arms to win their freedom from Imperial despotism.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Estado del Norte, a dark tragedy for the longest time have stained the former American Republic. In the Great Plains and the Rockies, the tyrannical, reactionary government of the former United States led to the region falling to repressive warlords and self-proclaimed "monarchs" who enslave the population and have them bound to the land in a neo-feudal society. Surely the entire world looks at these Imperialists as a relic of a by-gone age, reserved for history textbooks. Seeing them exist in 2020 brings only shame and disgrace to humanity as a whole.

We were lucky. When the reactionaries came to take our freedom, we took to the sands of the Mojave. We followed the likes of Washington, of Bolivar, and of Guevara, and we struggled until the red star hung upon all the flagposts of the former American Southwest. Although the struggle will never end, we could rest assured that our own freedoms will never be in danger again within our lifetimes.

However, we can never truly be free when reactionaries breath down our necks, knives concealed behind their backs, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When their way of life not only desires but requires the enslavement of all free men and women, we can never be free while they exist. For either their wretched way of life will end, or they will impose it on us. Freemen and thralls can never coexist due to this; either the thralls will see the freemen and liberate themselves from their bondage, or the thrall's masters will see the freemen and put collars around their neck.

Now, in Wyoming, the people are overthrowing their illegitimate masters and reclaiming the rights of themselves and their future. America has heard their cries of freedom, from Seattle to Boston. The reactionaries, especially in the neo-feudal state, will no doubt attempt to beat their thralls down to maintain order within their wretched and decadent states. Any less and they might see unrest in their society. We, too, hear their cries of freedom, and for the longest time have stood on the sidelines, watching.

No longer. Today, I hold a bill penned by myself, of the Americanos Libres, and Miguel Lopez, the leader of the Frente de Guevara, to declare war on the Imperial Kingdom of America. It is important we maintain a Popular Front, between both parties of this great republic, against the reactionary forces that undermine our way of life. We can not be distracted by petty differences of how we should structure our nation when wolves want to destroy it all.

We might not have much, true. We don't have much of an air force and our most advanced fighting vehicle is the technical, but we have the most important weapon of them all. We can bring the ideas of freedom and justice to the Midwest. For you can shoot a man, but ideas are bulletproof. And our ideas will breed in the resentment of the people of the Rockies. They will take root in the cities, in the mountains, and in the forests. We will be a shadow, a concealed blade, ready to bleed out the Imperials. Always formless and able to strike anywhere. Let it be known, that El Norte has spoken. Wyoming has spoken. And soon, the entire nation, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, will all speak, in unison:

Viva la revolución!"

-Isabella Salemenca, Declaration of War on the Imperial Kingdom of America, June 29, 2020

TL;DR: We declare war on the Imperials
Joining as a faction, stay tuned kiddos
The Western Allies are announcing it will be bolstering the military strength of the Republic of New England. The escalation of war on the continent has led to this decision.


Should the Democrat candidate get elected in the next national election in the Republic of New England for the candidacy of President of the Republic of New England, the Democrat President will stay out of this mess.
Results of the Summer of 2020

Link to video.


Rumors are circulating the continent that rebel military leadership in Wyoming, specifically the military leaders of the Freedom Brigades, are crossing the border into the Southern Protectorate and returning. Regional analysts believe that the fluidity of the borders between Wyoming and the Southern Protectorate can only be the result of SP policy, or great lapse in policy.

Meanwhile, swathes of Imperial West are dealing with a rash of hit-and-run fighting as Sons of Eagles battle with Popular Front guerillas, a coalition of West Imperial socialists, liberals, anti-monarchists, and El Norte military advisors and troops. The warlords in Colorado and Utah have responded to increasing Freedom Brigade and Popular Front agitation by launching “terror missions” against local populations in an effort to cow the populations into submission. Some towns are reporting having to offer a quota of children as hostages in order to insure loyalty, and rumors are circulating that the warlords are indoctrinating these children.

To this end, there has been a split between the Sons of Eagles and Warlords.

In Iowa, Des Moines was the center of a major battle between the Imperial Army and Red Army which resulted in the Red Army gaining the upperhand and dislodging Imperial forces, who were able to withdraw into Missouri in an orderly fashion and holding the line against a Red Army advance that stopped the advance some fifty miles north of Kansas City. With the Imperial Army and Red Army checking one another near Kansas City, the belligerent leadership on both sides have ordered armies to prepare for one more push before winter.

The bulk of Imperial air support has been refocused northward against the Red Army, with fighting around St. Louis between SoE paramilitaries and the AU-backed Red Guard of Missouri breaking down as SoE forces lose the initiative.

The FSA’s invasion of Tennessee has met the fiercest resistance of the war. East Imperia, more centralized and orderly than the west, is seeing droves of citizens of nearly all political stripes save communism and socialism take up arms against what they consider “foreign invaders”. The partisan resistance coupled with organized military resistance coordinated from Jackson has ruined the FSA’s time table. The invasion force that was supposed to reach Nashville by late-July and held up until mid-August, but Nashville is finally under siege, and Knoxville has fallen to a small American force to the east.

The fighting in the Gulf States has stalemated, with FSA air elements conducting bombing raids on Imperial supply lines.

It will seem that-


American forces have launched a massive assault on Indiana. Red Guard forces on the border put up significant resistance, but the far-better organized American Army broken through AU-lines thanks to coordination between powered armor infantry, armor, artillery support, and air support. With the Red Army of Indiana cut in two, both halves attempted to plug the hole, but one flank was ultimately defeated while the northern flank retreated north to Fort Wayne.

In a shocking turn of events, a Popular Front uprising in Indianapolis has overthrown the communist city government and declared the Indianapolis a free city. With little fighting, the US Army has taken Indianapolis, but with a sizeable enemy army in Fort Wayne, the United States finds itself unable to advance westward while partisans snipe at its supply lines.


CASINO OWNERS IN NEVADA FACING FIERCE BACKLASH. Las Vegas, Republic of Las Vegas and Reno. The declaration of war against Imperial America has led to public outcry within the country against the war, which many feel the government has failed to make the case to support the war. The declaration of war has shaken up the elections by throwing into doubt which party will ultimately succeed this winter.

EL NORTE MOBILIZES FOR WAR. Phoenix, El Norte. President Isabella Salemenca’s declaration of war against Imperial America in June glossed over a lot of problems facing El Norte. Her military, one of the weakest on the continent in terms of manpower, equipment, and formal training, consisted of many militias, only half of which answer to the government specifically. However, the militias have managed to rally around the flag in support of the war. El Norte’s unique military strategy in the west reflects the chaotic political climate. The east may be for organized armies, but in the west, guerilla forces and partisan bands still rule, but increasingly El Norte has been able to lend air support to partisans…

AMERICAN UNION MOBILIZATION FACES DIFFICULTY. Chicago, American Union. The communist government has stepped up the propaganda battle over the summer by pointing out the Imperials intended to invade the American Union. The attempt by Imperial forces to push into Illinois has been played up in the country’s state press for months and has pushed up recruitment rates.

THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is no secret that the United States has been forced to granting production licenses to foreign companies in order to keep the budget in bright red instead of dark red, but all that may change. Factories are springing up once more in the country thanks to the direction of the government and its overt support for the armament industry.

It is now the Autumn of 2020


SUPER NEW: Sorta ignore the stat page.

NEW: For the purpose of increasing the appeal of the stats page, and introducing a tad more order into the grand scheme of things, I have created a “Beta Sheet” in the main stats. The Beta Sheet is where I will be posting *structural* proposals to changing the stat sheet. The current beta sheet shows my current idea, which is to axe a vast majority of the stats right now for a more streamlined, user-friendly “Programs” lines. Programs would allow for players to easily track what they are doing.

I am also toiling around with the add of reintroducing spending, as half the PM’d orders I received made use of a hypothetical percentage anyway. If I reintroduce harder stats for spending, take into account that economic growth (and therefore revenue) won’t be on the scale of most IOTs (which run often at 25% to 200% growth a year) and instead likely to be 1-10% per year, with decreases, and all of this would still be based on programs, roleplay, and the like.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to VM or PM these suggestions.

The United States has the Reunification CB on everything. Reunification means full annexation.

Absolute Monarchies, Constitutional Monarchy, and Prussian Constitutional government players have one additional advantage. If the ruling faction changes, the players remains in charge (since they’re a sovereign above the faction system). In all other governments, a change of the ruling faction means a change of player. NPC parties than win elections or take power will run the government.

UPDATES: Every few days I will advance the game by one season and post a map showing any political changes. The seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Every Spring Update is the Main Update, in which updated stats are posted. Updates are based on roleplay, actions you asked me for your government or faction to perform, and the like.
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