TLKNES: Belle Epoque

orders super soon
Yokohama, 1882
Spoiler :

She was slowly arriving in the port; thousands from all the Empire were there to see this.

"Today is a new day" he started slowly.
"Yesterday still our nation still faced humiliation. Yesterday we were weak. But tomorrow we shall be strong. The Empire was defeated, the land of our ancestors profaned by foreign bombshells because of our weakness at sea. Today this has changed."

The battleship was now close. It was huge. The populace gazed upon it with a mix of awe and pride. It was probably the first time that such a large ship flew the banner of the Empire.

"This is why I am here, before the nation,to present the "Sunrise". This battleship, provided by our American friends, will prove to the world that our people will not submit into defeat. Our glorious navy has been dealt a catastrophic blow, but today it is rebuilt even stronger. For the kingdom of the Rising sun shall rise again!"

"For the Kingdom of the Rising sun shall rise again!", repeated the crowd.

I, for my part, was quite surprised at this move. It could easily be seen as a provocation from the part of the Emperor to make such a purchase after the demise of his own fleet, but in some ways, I could understand it. As he told me years later, Taisha needed to regain the trust of the nation. This was but a way of showing his own patriotic fervor. Today still this sight has remained engraved in my memory, the sight of a whole people gaining a new hope.

- Extract from "Memoirs of a Englishman at the Court of the Emperor of Japan", Richard A. Morgan, British ambassador at Edo during the reign of Taisha Tenno.-

(OOC: yes, I did purchase a battleship from the USA and even if these events are supposed to take place in 1882, i felt inspired to write it now :) )
shrink the image, it's a pain in the rear to read your text when its stretched like that
Is the Empire of Mexico open to play? I'd like to play it if it is.

I'd love to have you. Feel free to jump on after the update.

I'm making good progress on the update, and have gotten through a majority of the orders. Needless to say, I won't accept any new ones. Keep up the world-building in the meantime - you can get a bonus for anything!
A bit late to the party, but I see my nation still hasn't been claimed.

The Republic of Texas, please.
I'll be taking Gran Colombia if nobody objects. After the update, of course.
Baseball in the Heat

It was another day of sweltering humidity and heat and President Nathan Bedford Forrest found his usual shallow font of patience and good humor more depleted even than usual. He and his cabinet had decided to move their meeting down to Tate Field to watch the Colts play against a visiting Korean team, who’s name he didn’t bother to try and pronounce. The Koreans were much better than he had expected, but were little match for the Americans, at least on their home turf on this day. Still the American performance did little to alleviate his foul mood.

Forrest was finding himself doubting his secretary of commerce’s logic, and even his loyalty. He was discussing slavery again and Forrest gritted his teeth and stalked up and down the length of the plain table they had set up behind first base, sweat dripping into his eyes as he watched, riveted, the Korean pitcher throw a fast ball.

“Strike Onnnnne.”

Chambers continued, “Ultimately, I believe we have to decide if the Constitionalist Party are modernist or slavers…. We can’t be both.”

Forrest didn’t turn to Chambers but he sneered in the heat and motioned for him to continue. He certainly didn’t like what Chalmers had to say but he wanted to know what he was getting to.

“Its not a matter of morality or anything like that. You know I think the Abolitionist have no idea what is best for man. It’s a matter of money.”

Forrest finally spoke, “Isn’t it always?”

It wasn’t meant as a joke but Longstreet, Secretary of War, laughed too loudly. He’d been drinking Tennessee whiskey and smoking Cuban cigars since before Forrest threw the first ball.

“Strike Twoooooo,” shouted the umpire as the American player made contact with the second pitch and it went flying into the spectators behind the catcher.

“Our economy has boomed over the last 80 years, much of it to the progressive vision of former Constitutionalist presidents and their advisors. We’ve increased manufacturing and productivity several tens of times over. But think about it- where is all that productivity going? To Europe mostly; that’s where the big markets are. And why is that? Why is our domestic market so small compared to our population and to the relative strength of our industry and farms?”

“Strike THRREEEEEE,” shouted the umpire as an unexpectedly low fast ball grazed by the American player, just above the knees.

Forest shrugged, a feral snarl on his face. He had little patience for questions he assumed should have been rhetorical.

“Its because of the slaves, Mr. President. The slaves can’t buy anything. There’s no lower-middle class, no middle-class even really, like in Austria and France and Britain to act as a market. The slaves can’t buy anything because they don’t have any money to spend. You pay the slaves, free them and give them a wage for their labor….”

Loud guffaws from Longstreet at this point and a quiet smile from Forrest to the secretary of war.

Undeterred, Chalmers continued, “… give them a wage for their labor and they’ll spend it on the products of our industry. We’ll have a market here at home. Industry will grow to feed that market and the jobs created will grow industry.”

“No one is going to free their slaves voluntarily and if we forced them to, there would be riots in the streets,” Longfellow slurred. The house slave who seemed to be weathering the heat better than the president and his cabinet was very good at maintaining a calm and resolute veneer for when the President glanced at him, the young man didn’t seem to realize what was being discussed.

Suddenly all eyes were on the game as the batter, a young man from Cuba hit the ball over the Korean shortstop and just shy of the sprinting outfielder. He took first and the runner on second got to third.

Chalmers took a second to pour himself a shot of whiskey and stroke his mustache before he continued, “You are right of course. And furthermore, if we suddenly free the slaves the productivity of our nation would plummet and our advantage in manufacturing and exports would disappear overnight. No-I of course do not suggest we do anything of the sort. But I don’t think slaves will be able to keep up with the productivity of the machines of today. In the last year we’ve seen overnight changes in the way manufacturing and farming is done in our nation. The Patent Acquisition and Dissemination bill of last year has revolutionized the way we make things. And while the effects are only starting to be felt, if we continue on this path, consistently and with focus, our modern industry will drive productivity in all areas in way that slavery can’t.”

“Ball onnnnnee.”

The President spoke up, “Why can’t we do both? Why not modernize our machines and keep the slaves to run those machines. Wages stay low and production costs lower than our neighbors and competitors across the Atlantic?”

Again there was a burst of activity and the cabinet smiled as the ball flew high and straight over the back wall and the American batter took his time to jog the bases. The score was 5 to 2 and the president found himself suddenly warming to Chalmers ideas. Maybe it was the whiskey.

“Sir. Slaves make poor technicians. Free men can be taught, can learn to operate complex machines,” The conversation continued for the duration of the ball-game and while the cabinet was not convinced of the commerce secretary’s entire argument, the Secretary of War began to seriously consider the merits of the argument when the commerce secretary spoke of resisting a naval blockade and the relative resources available to a nation with a strong domestic market.

Ultimately it was decided that if the USA was going to invest heavily in modern industry, and it wasn’t decided that it would at this point, it would have to transition away from slavery to provide a market to drive further manufacturing through market development.

The idea was unpopular within the cabinet but one they would need to consider seriously- they were the modernist party after all. Would the Constitutionalist party choose to define themselves as modern, or as defenders of slavery? There was time to make the choice, but it was increasingly obvious the party could not be both.

At the end of the game, thoroughly sour and dehydrated from the sun and whiskey, the president decreed that the party members at local levels of government formally initiate the discussion of slowly abolishing slavery, specifically by passing a law that all children henceforth born to slaves be free citizens. Such a law would effectively remove slavery within a generation. For now the president was not convinced. He needed to hear what the voters thought.

But for now, it was time for a nap under the shady oak in the backyard in his favorite hammock.
Absolutely awesome story Immac. :)

And welcome germanicus and m.c.circero! I'm always happy to have new players.

God willing, and depending on how my preparations for America-day goes, expect an update tonight or tomorrow.

Puck Magazine's "Man of the Hour", President Forrest of the United States

Happenings in Europe

King Francis II of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

SICILIAN KING ASSASSINATED - Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
King Francis II of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies died at the hands of an Italian Nationalist, after being shot in the head by a bullet from his assassin. The King was notorious for his anti-unification stances, and came under heavy scrutiny from the Italian unificationists in both his own nation, and the other Italian states. Whether or not the assassin acted alone, or in a larger conspiracy is still uncertain. Francis II is succeeded on the throne by his half-brother, Alfonso, who has a similar opinion to Italian unification as his brother.

ZIONIST CONGRESS HELD IN LONDON - London, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
After last year’s resurgence in anti-Semitic activity in Eastern Europe, the British government gave it's blessing to a Jewish Congress to meet in London to discuss the possibility of a Jewish homeland being established somewhere within the British Empire. Ideas for settlement in Patagonia, Northwestern Australia and even some parts of Africa were suggested. The delegates seemed to agree that of all the proposed locations Northwestern Australia seems the most promising, with a few of the more progressive Zionists offering to leave immediately. The Congress has vowed to reconvene against next year, after further word could be offered from His Majesty's government on the potential for a relocation to Oceania.

Gabriel di Grazi, figurehead of the Padanian Nationalist front was accused of bribery, homosexuality, and general immorality by a variety of Padanian, Venetian and French newspapers this year. While some of the accusations as dubious at best, the loss of social standing among the nationalists have created a stir within the generally unified front. Grazi willingly saw himself out of his notable position with what dignity he could muster, though he left a vacuum in the party that primed various elements from within to begin infighting. While the goals of the nationalists are fairly straight-forward (a unified Italy), how to exactly accomplish that task has proved to be a large enough issue for the group to start looking inwards, rather than outwards.

Attempts at relaxing tensions between the ethnic Czechs and the Imperial government have been moderately successful. After a wave of nationalism last year, ethnic Czechs have taken to the streets to protest for a right to self-rule. Their lack of representation in the Austrian government has been one of the key arguments that Czech nationalists have given for their recent aggression. The Imperial government, in a rather uncharacteristic move has taken to using art and culture to help soothe the tyrannical picture painted of Emperor Josef, rather than responding with brute force. Whether or not it was a change of heart, or just the masses burning themselves out has yet to be seen. Regardless, riots have been down, and calls for independence have been stymied - for now. (+Regional Austrian Stability)

Outright rebellion is the word on the streets in Barcelona. A militia force, hastily assembled by Catalonian leadership managed to successfully repulse several Spanish attempts at regaining control of the region, and even counter-attacked one of the routing armies. The Catalonians wasted no time petititoning the international community for recognition, while the King of Spain continues to treat the rebellion as a minor domestic issue. (-8 Spanish Infantry Brigades, -3 Spanish Cavalry Brigades, -1 Spanish Artillery Brigade)

DUMA CALLED FOR BY RUSSIAN TSAR - St. Petersburg, the Russian Empire
Calls for the weakening of the centralized government in Russia have been heard by the benevolent Tsar Alexander, who has decided to begin slow liberal reforms. The first act that the Tsar has begun to experiment with, is a Russian parliament that would have limited say on domestic and military issues. The Duma has proven itself to be relatively insignificant, and while it has placated some of the moderates that had been calling for increased power and rights, it has only incensed the radicals, who have criticized the Duma since its foundation.

Several months of work, and tons of government grant money has seen the construction of Bavaria's newest University, at Bamberg. The University has a focus on philosophy, and has attracted many profoundly-thinking Germans to its gates. Even famed Saxon philosopher-Friedrich Nietzsche has applied for work at the school, though only part-time.

FIGHTING IN MACEDONIA - Thessaloniki, the Ottoman Empire
The Greeks, last year at the gates of Thessaloniki began being methodically pushed back by a reinforced Ottoman Army. After the initial shock of the assault, the Ottoman's shifted significant forces towards the Peninsula and began systemically driving the Greeks back with their superior numbers, and fire-power. Greek calls for a Balkan alliance against the Turks went largely unheard, and with Greek soldiers retreating, chances of that becoming a reality have slimmed significantly.

Meanwhile, fighting in the Ionian Sea continued. With the British blockade of much of Egypt opened the Ottoman Navy up to bringing a fuller brunt of its forces against the Greek fleet, and began an active blockade of Greece's eastern coast. Regardless, war is bad for trade, and shipping through the Ionian Sea has slowed down even more. (-5 Greek Infantry Brigades, -2 Greek Artillery Brigades, -1 Greek Cavalry Brigade, -3 Greek Cruisers, -2 Greek Frigates, -6 Greek Gunboats, -4 Ottoman Infantry Brigades, -1 Ottoman Artillery Brigade, -1 Ottoman Cruiser, -2 Ottoman Frigates, -4 Ottoman Gunboats, -Russian Economy, -Bulgarian Economy, -Romanian Economy, - Greek Economy, -Ottoman Economy)

Happenings in Africa

Calls from French Emperor Napoleon III lead to a meeting of the finest statesman Europe (and North America) had to offer in the city of Genoa. The delegates, sent from all nations with colonies on the Dark Continent was rather tense, with the smaller powers (namely Venice, Spain and Portugal) making counter-claims to the broad French demands. Prussia was notably silent on the affair, though Britain insured that it received a sizable portion of land, while also protecting it's own interests. While it's hard to say that many of the delegates left Genoa happy with their land grants, many in Europe can rest easy knowing that the chances of a European conflict occurring because of countering territorial claims.

SLAUGHTER OF THE TSWANA - Umtata, British South Africa
British regulars waded into the pockets of Tswana resistance with relative ease, cutting down the tribes with a renewed vigor after the intense fighting experienced last year. The Tswana attempted to put up a resilient defense, though ultimately failed to secure their homes from the British onslaught. (-2 British Infantry Brigades)

THE ASHANTI WAR CONTINUES - Tamale, Danish West Africa
Denmark, France and Great Britain continued their war of conquest in West Africa against the Ashanti tribes earnestly. Using brute force, and inter-tribal politics, all powers managed to increase their grip further into the continent, along borders agreed upon during the Congress of Genoa. (-3 British Infantry Brigades, -3 Danish Infantry Brigades, -3 French Infantry Brigade)

Boer missionaries have been hard at work attempting to convert the local native populations to Christianity. The natives have been lukewarm at the chance to convert thus far, though promises from the Transvaal government of increased rights for the native people have been encouraging enough to warrant a few conversions, and compliance with Transvaal rule.

REBELS IN MADAGASCAR PUT DOWN - Antananarivo, French Madagascar
French attempts at policing their new territory, Madagascar, have been relatively unsuccessful until now. Using the figure-head Merinian king the French civil government has managed to form a police-force using volunteer Malagasy's who in turn speak to the hearts and minds of their country-men far more than French bayonets (to the dismay of His Emperor). The police have raided rebel villages, and have taken to abolishing slavery in areas previously left untouched by French rule. (+French Regional Stability, +French Economy)

THE MAHDIST WAR - Khartoum, the Ottoman Empire
After the revolt of the Mahdi last year, Great Britain was quick to offer support to the ailing Ottomans. The Mahdi continued their relentless march north towards Cairo, and made it all the way to Lake Nasser before British forces managed to collect themselves and begin a counter-push south. The Ottoman army offered support, though was largely directed towards helping suppress a nasty Arab revolt in Palestine and the Greeks in Europe.

The Mahdists proved no match for the British regulars sent to quell the rebellion, though the harsh terrain and local support gave them the ability to retreat and counter-attack on a constant enough basis to cause the British delays in their plans for a march down the Nile. Regardless, the expeditionary force eventually reached it's goal of Khartoum, in the hopes of capturing the Mahdi himself, though to no avail. As lines of supply and communication, the British were intent on keeping pat until either more soldiers could be brought to quell Mahdist resistance, or further orders from London were made. (-5 British Infantry Brigades, -1 British Artillery Brigade, -2 British Cavalry Brigades, -3 Ottoman Infantry Brigades, -2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades)

Happenings in West Asia

REVOLT IN PALESTINE - Haifa, the Ottoman Empire
Arabs have used the weakened state of Ottoman power to revolt in Palestine. The Arabs found themselves supplied with some decent weaponry, and even better leadership, and began immediately killing Turkish garrisons stationed in the region. The Turks with their hands tied elsewhere were hapless in stopping the massacres, though they vowed to gain control of the region next year. (-5 Ottoman Infantry Brigades, -Ottoman Regional Stability)

Happenings in Central and Southern Asia

Russians capture a Persian village

RUSSIAN INVASION OF PERSIA - Gorgan, the Russian Empire
After a few years of disputes in the divvying up of Central Asian territories, the Russian Empire decided to take matters into it's own hands, and ordered an outright invasion of Persia. Luckily enough for the Persians, a majority of their army was already in the area, attempting to pacify the Central Asians; that still did not stop the overwhelming Russian forces marching along the Caspian coast, and defeating the Persians during decisive battles at Nebitdag and Ashgabat. The Persian's put up a spirited defense, though ultimately had to withdraw and defend core Persian regions from the Russian offensive. (-19 Russian Infantry Brigades, -5 Russian Cavalry Brigades, -4 Russian Artillery Brigades, -14 Persian Infantry Brigades, -4 Persian Cavalry Brigades, -4 Persian Artillery Brigades)

KURDS IN REVOLT - Rasht, Kurdistan
The Kurds with considerable Russian backing began revolting against Persian rule during the Russian offenses into Central Asia. Long oppressed, and unhappy being repressed by the Persians, the Kurds took great pleasure in cutting down the token Persian defense forces in the region. While Persia's Kurdish population is relatively small, compared to the Ottomans, significant numbers of Kurdish nationalists from the Ottoman Empire hopped the border to reinforce their Kurdish brethren. (-4 Persian Infantry Brigades, -1 Persian Cavalry Brigade, -Persian Stability, -Persian Economy)

REBELLION IN BENGAL - Calcutta, British India
Gangs of rebels have taken to the country-side in Bengal, using some relatively modern smokeless rifles and explosives to wreak havoc on the lessened British colonial presence in the province. Where the Indians received these weapons is still unknown, though claims that somehow a sea-captain sympathetic to the Chilean cause managed to unload some cargo is the one rumor that has been persistent. In response, the Royal Navy has increased it's patrols of the coast, and monitored trade through it's ports much more heavily. (-1 British Infantry Brigade, -British Regional Stability, -British Economy)

A massive cyclone struck the British colony of India, with a force not seen in many years. The cyclone caused a mass amount of flooding, specifically around Bombay's harbor, though it affected many people on the interior of the sub-continent as well. Generous estimates of the death-toll is in the many dozens of thousands, though the accuracy of most reports is in question. (-British Economy)

Happenings in East Asia

NEW ENGLAND GRANTED ULSAN CONCESSION IN KOREA - Ulsan, the Commonwealth of New England
The signing of the Treaty of Boston between the Korean Empire and the Commonwealth of New England has lead to the signing of another East Asian port city to a foreign power - this time being the Port of Ulsan to the Commonwealth of New England. Korea, which has fully embraced western industrialism as a political policy is on the verge of being considered one of the world's industrial nations. While some Koreans are unhappy with the concession, the influx of New English trade goods, and more importantly, investors have significantly boosted Korea's industrialization process. (+Korean Economy)

SAMURAI REBELLION PUT DOWN IN JAPAN - Nagasaki, the Japanese Empire
Japan has followed Korea's lead in industrializing, though has looked towards Europe for its focus. The Treaties of Edo and Nagasaki have led to a dramatic increase in English and Dutch investment in Japan, which has in turn angered a significant portion of the Samurai aristocracy which has thus far impeded further industrialization progress. The Samurai took to slaying a few Meiji officials in the port city of Nagasaki, and declared themselves in open rebellion against the Japanese Emperor. The Emperor wasted no time in sending soldiers to the area, and quickly restored order. This show of force has actually solidified Imperial control over the Samurai throughout Japan, and has discouraged such actions from recurring. (-3 Japanese Infantry Brigades, +Japanese Stability)

LONGSHOREMAN STRIKE IN CHINA - Qingdao, the Chinese Empire
Continued criticism has been leveled at Chinese Emperor Guangxi for his tacit approval of the Opium trade has culminated in a general strike among Longshoreman in Qindao, Tianjin and Shanghai, despite a large military presence. The Longshoreman cited the cancer that is the Opium trade as being their primary concern, though assuredly poor wages and working conditions were a part of the cause as well. The military has done its best beating the longshoreman into submission, though ultimately the damage has been done, and the Chinese government has scrambled to find semi-qualified replacement longshoreman in the immediate. (-French Economy, -British Economy, -New English Economy, -American Economy, -Chinese Economy)

Happenings in the Pacific

Three Central Americans were caught attempting to smuggled explosive devices into Fremont Harbor, west of Honolulu. The Central Americans were caught aboard a freighter, with the apparent intent of blowing up either a Californian or British ship. The reasoning behind the attack remains unknown - two of the perpetrators committed suicide, and the third (who also attempted) hasn't been cooperative with legal authorities in Honolulu. The harbor is home to a small British contingent, and California's Central Pacific Fleet.

CHINESE EXPANSION IN NEW GUINEA - Xīn Chéngzhèn, Chinese New Guinea
Attempting to assert itself among the "Great Powers", China has sent a military force to secure itself a piece of New Guinea. Using support from one of it's newly bought American battleships, the Chinese forces landed and began an inland conquest, without much of a fight from anything except mother-nature itself. The Chinese expansion has alarmed Prussian and Venetian merchants in the area, though the Chinese have been tactful avoiding any direct confrontation. (-1 Chinese Infantry Brigade)

Attempts at mediation between the Dutch and Portuguese broke-down again this year, with Portuguese ships claiming more of the East Indies for themselves. The final straw for the Dutch was the Portuguese occupation of much of the south-eastern New Guinean coast. Dutch gunboats attempted to reassert their authority on islands they considered rightfully theirs, and the Portuguese refused to give way. Two naval skirmishes saw the sinking of a few ships on each side, and the deaths of several dozen sailors. Tensions between Lisbon and Amsterdam continue to rise, though luckily enough the conflict has remained confined to the East Indies. (-2 Dutch gunboats, -1 Portuguese gunboat)
Happenings in North America

Nativists dispersed by New York City Policemen

ANTI-IMMIGRATION RIOTS IN NEW ENGLAND - New York, the Commonwealth of New England
Anti-immigrant feelings have been stirred up as of late in the New English Commonwealth, as seen by the growth of the nativist Faneuil party in national politics. A large influx of Italian and German immigrants lead to tensions in the poorer districts of both Boston and New York, but it was New York that the tensions came to a head. Armed nativist mobs took the streets, and began destroying immigrant stores and housing with relative impunity. The New York City police force sat on their hands long-enough for the mob to get a hold of several German immigrants, who were promptly lynched much to the joy of the on-looking crowd. After the demands of Mayor Clinton, armed forces were eventually dispatched to quell the rioting. (-New English regional stability)

ELECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES - Richmond, the United States of America
Congressional elections in the United States saw the Constitutionalists voted out after several years of rule. The incoming nationalistic Washington party was elected on the tail of the conflict in Patagonia, as war fever swept across the United States. The Washingtonian's promised to deliver a decisive blow to Great Britain is Patagonia, and defend American interests abroad. The Constitutionalists managed to retain a significant hold in the Deep South, but both Pennsylvania and Virginia, the "keys" to the election fell to the Washingtonians after lengthy campaigns. President Forrest was understandably upset at his party's loss in the election, though vowed that his legislative agenda will remain unchanged.

PORT VICTOR ESTABLISHED - Port Victor, the Dominion of Canada
Not to be out-done by America's naval Coos base, the British Empire has begun construction on a large port on Vancouver Island. The port is to serve as a major trade hub, and potentially a military hub for both the British Empire and Canada.

SLAVE DEBATE RAGES IN PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia, the United States of America
Several members of the American Constitutionalist Party have taken to a public debate, on the merits of Slave reform, specifically the idea of a law enabling any children born to slaves past a certain date to be born free. The debate came in the wake of a several minor slave revolts around Richmond last year, and in the midst of growing international pressure to abolish the institution. The debates were fierce, though both the abolitionists and pro-slavers kept the debate fairly civil. The results were much as expected - the slave owning aristocracy is content with the status quo, whereas a growing number of immigrants and lower-class citizens are uncomfortable with the institution.

American soldiers fighting in North Dakota

THE SIOUX REBELLION - Camp Forrest, the United States of America
Despite tensions as a result of the Patagonian conflict, American, Canadian and Michigander forces completely decimated the Sioux Rebellion through a war of attrition this year. All three militaries moved in on Sioux lands, and attempted to force a pitched-battle. The Sioux found themselves surrounded by more than enough soldiers to put down the revolt, but continued to fight on. Thanks in large part to the harsh regional climate, officer ineptitude and Sioux bravery, all suffered higher casualties than expected. The United States managed to push the Sioux above the Missouri and into Canada, where pockets of resistance have continued to plague local Canadians. (-4 American Infantry Brigades, -2 American Cavalry Brigades, -2 Canadian Infantry Brigades, -1 Canadian Cavalry Brigade, -1 Michigander Infantry Brigade)

Pro-American activists have been making noise throughout the Dominion of Michigan, calling for an end to British dominionship, and a call for annexation for the United States. The prevailing sentiment among Michiganders is one of nationalistic pride. Being a people, separated from the United States for close to 70 years, the calls for re-unification seem a bit forced at best. A pro-American march in Detroit was curtailed by a counter-march by nationalist elements, which in turn caused a riot, several injuries and even two deaths.

SLAVE REFERENDUM IN OREGON - Coos, the United States of America
In a shocking move, President Forrest of the United States of America has allowed for the newly established Oregon territory to hold a direct referendum on whether or not the sale of slaves should be allowed in the territory. The results were almost a unanimous no, with few dissenters. While the practice is still legal within the territory, all slaves have to be 'imported' in-territory from the East, rather than traded on the market.

ELECTIONS IN TEXAS - Austin, the Republic of Texas
Once again a Conservative legislature has been voted into power in Texas, with the major issue being the threat of the Anglo-American conflict, and its potential effects on the Texan economy. The United States and Great Britain remain Texas's largest trading partners, and many Texan businessmen fear the repercussions that a conflict between the two may bring. While Texan businesses have been propped up by British capital, a significant number of Texan exports are delivered right across the border. The Conservatives promised to do their best to keep the status quo, and keep Texas out of the conflict.

Happenings in Central America and the Caribbean

ASSASSINATION IN GUATEMALA CITY - Guatemala City, the Central American Republic
Civil War has broken out in the Central American Republic after General Guardia, temporary president of the Republic, was assassinated by a Central American socialist. His death caused several days of uncertainty within the Central American military, before several generals began making a play for power. The army split into different camps, and began actively fighting itself for control of the nation. Some of the fighting spilled into American Nicaragua, the British Mosquito coast, as generals attempted to recruit locals into their own camps. (-Central American stability, - Central American Economy)

Happenings in South America

Liberals swept into power in Ecuador, as calls for greater work-conditions in factories and worker benefits became the main topic of discussion. Fears of the United States’ growing hegemony in South American affairs became a distant second, with the liberal's welcoming the Yankee's as a police for, specifically against potential Peruvian aggression.

Keeping with its recent interest in South America affairs, the United States has decided to mediate the conflict between Peru and Bolivia over several mutually contested areas. President Forrest has sent a variety of important legal figures from the United States government to Puno, on Lake Titicaca to sit with representatives from both nations, regarding the regions in question. While the plan for America mediation is complicated at best, on a simplified level, in involved both parties picking international legal representation to sit down and figure out exactly who owns what in the region. After four weeks of debate, with the Peruvian delegation leaving the conference in a huff a multitude of times, the peace deal was decided in favor of the Bolivians, who were the ones initially attacked. The Bolivians received much of Peru's southern coast-line, and more land around Lake Titicaca itself, while giving bits of its border territory to Peru.

Unsurprisingly the Nationalist Conservatives have retained power in Chile, in the midst of the war with Great Britain. The Nationalist Conservatives have been pushing the expansionist agenda of President Sebastian O'Higgins for the past 3 years, and the public have overwhelmingly voted in confidence of their government, especially with the victory in the Gulf of Corcovado.

URUGUAYAN ELECTIONS - Montevideo, Uruguay
The Conservatives elected two years ago have retained a majority in the Uruguayan congress, continuing their promises of abridging British and American intrigues into the region. While armed forces expansion has been a bit slower than expected, plans for the construction of a larger navy to protect Uruguayan interests have been forwarded.

WAR IN PATAGONIA - Zapala, Chile
After diplomatic break-downs between the Chilean government and the United Kingdom, the latter declared war upon the South American Republic and immediately began funneling land and naval forces to its La Platan colony. The United States, in keeping with its promises to the Chilean government likewise sent a significant military force to help the Chileans achieve their goal of annexing the entirety of Patagonia - land they view as being rightfully theirs.

Due to the extreme distances involved for both the United States and the United Kingdom, initial combat was rather slow going. The Chileans missed an opportunity to take the initiative against the British, and waited for a large contingent of American soldiers to land and disembark in Santiago before pressing any sort of assault. By the time sizable numbers of American soldiers began landing in Chile, the year was coming an end. Regardless, being led by Chilean forces, they marched through hastily assembled trails through the Andes, and began pouring into Patagonia. Geography proved to be the biggest impediment to Chilean-American advances, as the British military remained rather stead-fast in their defense of the Platine region. Several villages fell quickly to the combined armies, with the help of local Mapuches, and despite a spirited British defense, parts of the frontier region followed suit.

Luckily enough for soldiers on both sides, the late year campaigning, and the geographic conditions didn't create the conditions for any large pitched battle, with only a few skirmishes here and there. The Americans managed to cut-off a British brigade at Zapala, which promptly surrendered, though they faired better in a spirited defense of Neuquen. (-4 British Infantry Brigades, -1 British Cavalry Brigade, -1 Chilean Infantry Brigade, -2 American Infantry Brigades)

Chilean pickets brushed off by the Royal Navy

While the British had a nominal disadvantage on land, British planners didn't foresee running into issues on the naval-side of things. The British navy sent a sizable fleet to Buenos Aires, which continued on around the Chilean straits, only to be countered by an even larger combined American-Chilean fleet. The British fleet managed to quickly mop up a few picket gun-boats that the Americans sent to monitor the fleet’s movement, and closed in for what they had hoped would be a blockade of the Chilean coast.

In terms of larger vessels, the fleets were relatively equal, though the British admiralty didn't expect being matched in the region. A semi-pitched battle off of the Gulf of Corcovado saw several British ships bested by their American counter-parts, thanks in large part to the unveiling of the E. Kirby Smith-class Battleships that supported the American fleet. Caught in an unfavorable position, with the potential for large losses becoming apparent, the British fleet wisely pulled back, and re-entered the Atlantic, to regroup and wait for further orders from the Admiralty. While it wasn't a victory per se, the Chilean and American people rejoiced in the repulse of the British blockade attempt, while some unnerved Londoners already began referring to the Patagonian conflict as "the Southern Troubles".

Despite the "victory", Chilean trade has suffered, even without a blockade, with many merchants fearful of the war escalating. (-1 British Battleship, -2 British Cruisers, -1 British Frigate, -4 British Gun-boats, -3 American Cruisers, -2 American Frigates, -7 American Gun-boats, -2 American Valkyrie-class Gunboats, -2 Chilean Gun-boats, -Chilean Economy)

SKIRMISH OFF OF RIO DE LA PLATA - La Plata, British La Plata
While the British were having a tough go on the Pacific side, their domination of the Atlantic remained unquestioned. A Brazilian attempt at reinforcing the Chileans along with the Americans was rebuffed without much of a problem by the British fleet, who seemed shocked at the Brazilian involvement in the conflict. As a small Brazilian flotilla began heading southward towards the Straits, the British armada checked them in a small skirmish that saw the Brazilians hopelessly outgunned. After a few hours of pot-shots, the Brazilians made headway back towards safe-ports and stayed put for the remainder of the year. (-1 Brazilian Frigate)

GUNBOAT WAR IN SUL - Sao Borja, Paraguay
The stunning effeciency of the Paraguayan military was put in full view of the world, as it invaded Sul just as it promised it would, after the destruction of one of it's gunboats in Sulian waters. The Republic of Sul's attempts at rebuffing the invasion fell short, and Paraguayan soldiers soon found themselves facing towards the Atlantic Ocean, in what has thus far been a highly successful conflict. The little defenses that Sul could throw up against the attacks were quickly cast aside by the driving Paraguayans, and internal disorder among Sul's political elite hasn't helped the situation much. (-2 Paraguayan Infantry Brigades, -1 Paraguayan Artillery Brigade, -4 Sulian Infantry Brigades, -1 Sulian Artillery Brigade, -Sulian Economy, -Sulian Stability)

Back Pages

Transvaal expansion has led to the findings of some lucrative diamond veins. (+Transvaal Economy)

The Trans-Siberian Railroad continues construction in Russia. (+Russian Economy)

Denmark has thrown a lot of money into completing the Bergen-Oslo railway, and then some. (+Danish Economy)

Bavaria has continued to provide subsidies to businesses under-threat from French industry. (+Bavarian Economy)

China has continued to throw money into road expansion. It's not that it's not working- they're just running out of roads to build! (+Chinese Economy)

Military Developments

The French Empire has designed the Courage-class Battleship. The designs have been spent to the Kingdom of Spain and the Netherlands.

Political Forum

Sometimes no news is good news.

Trade Forum
The Commonwealth of New England and the Korean Empire have started trading.
The Brazilian Empire and the Korean Empire have started trading.
Chile and the Mexican Empire have started trading.
Chile and Peru have started trading.
The Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire have started trading.
The Austrian Empire and Bulgaria have started trading.
The Austrian Empire and Greece have started trading.


While watching a riveting game of baseball, President Forrest was informed of a recent artillery surplus in the United States armory. +2 Artillery Brigades
Japan's recent naval expansion has massaged merchant's fears of trading with the power. And more merchants means more money... +10 Banked EP
The naval build-up of Korea has likewise pleased many American investors, ones who were happy to provide Korea with a gift. +1 Gunboat
Venetian Newspapers highlighting colonial expansion have drummed up additional recruits for the army. +2 Infantry Brigades
In Austria, sometimes idle conversations lead to big ideas. +Czech stability


Spoiler Map :


All, mrrandomplayer will be unavailable for a few weeks. Venice is on hold for him, until he gets back. In the meantime, direct all diplomacy to myself.

Immac, you're not trading with Burma. They're land-locked. You're trading with Korea, Russia, Spain, France, Brazil, Colombia, Yucatan, and the CAR.

Ophorian, sorry to hear about that. Hope he's alright. No worries.

Stats and Diplomacy to come as soon as I have time. If you have an issue with the update, please contact me privately.
Impressive turn-around. And very entertaining.. I think Usa elections got moved up? We werent due for elections until 1884 i thought. (I was going to write a story series)

Edit in response to post below. Oh. Oops. Thanks for clarification.
1882 was a year of House and Senate elections.
From: Transvaal Republic
To: Nations involved in Treaty of Genoa

We request that nations that signed Treaty of Genoa recognize republic's territorial gains this year and possibly further on, however, as following areas have been set to British, we are willing to offer compensations for any such lands.
That is a seriously impressive turnaround TLK! Excellent update :)

Diplo/response to diplo to come tomorrow probably, soz for delay.
From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To our Neighbors in Michigan and Canada

Firstly, let us celebrate our victory over the rebellious and violent Sioux who have attacked our people and destroyed their homes. Let us now be merciful to the defeated that they have no reason to raise arms against us again.

Secondly, there is the matter of Patagonia in which the lord of your dominions, the state of Great Britain, finds itself in a regional conflict with the United States. The United States, having sworn to uphold the Atlanta Compact, necessarily must come to the defense of American states invaded by non-American powers, including Chile.

To be clear the United States does not consider itself embroiled in a borderless war with Great Britain or its allies. It is our sincerest hope that the resistance of American states, both members of the Atlanta Compact but also of other American nations opposed to renewed British imperialism, will convince the British that imperialism in the Americas is long-dead and that we necessarily must return to the negotiating table.

Should Britain intensify the current conflict in Patagonia by expanding it outside this region, we ask that you remain neutral, that you not allow British ships to use your docks or British soldiers to use your lands, to launch any sort of invasion upon the USA or to cost the lives of its merchant sailors through blockade of US trade.

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To our friends and allies in Chile

Firstly, as per our obligations under the Atlanta Compact, we continue to be dedicated to the continued defense of Chile from British imperialism, but to be clear, we favor a peaceful solution to the crisis in Patagonia. We ask that you re-open negotiations with Great Britain in an effort to find a peaceful solution that none-the-less recognizes Chilean sovereignty over the Patagonia territory in dispute.

Secondly, we ask that you join the Atlanta Compact so that, should imperialism once again rear its head in the Americas and another state have need of protection, you might come to the defense of others as others have come to your defense today.

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To the Governments of Peru and Bolivia
CCed France, the World

The United States government, nay, the people of the United States themselves, celebrate with you the end of war and violence between your nations. We are exceedingly happy to see a negotiated peace end this conflict.

Also please note that we have allocated funds to be used to help you rebuild from the destruction of war and that these will continue to be used to help rebuild damaged infrastructure, public works and buildings, and homes, as well as provide new sanitation and medial services.

We hope that these efforts, a negotiated peace acknowledged to be fair and just by the international community, and assistance in rebuilding, can together have some small role in putting any spirit of reprisal or renewed aggression thoroughly to bed.

(TLK, I wrote about the funds for rebuilding in my orders but I guess they didn’t make it into the update so I mention it here. That cool?)

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To the Congress of the United States

in an introductory statement on to the new Washington-party dominated congress, December, 1802

We introduce this year the Children Are Born Free bill which would make all children born of slaves held in the United States, free citizens of these United States. It would also free all slaves of seven years of age or younger and all slaves of 50 years or older.

As part of the proposed bill, all slave owners who will be losing slaves will be provided with subsidized machinery of the most modern design and manufacture to help their operations maintain productivity throughout the coming years.

I introduce to you Mr. Chalmers, secretary of Commerce, who will make the point for why we need to move away from slavery, and the reason, as you probably guessed, is financial.

After hearing Mr. Chalmers presentation, I hope that you will see the value in passing this legislation, and join with the executive branch in freeing the children.

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To Great Britain

Please seek a peaceful end to the regional conflict in Patagonia. Please re-open negotiations with Chile.

We have no desire to see our navies bludgeon themselves to the bottom of the ocean to no one’s gain, nor do we wish to see US or British soldiers die in some distant frontier-land of questionable value.

We will uphold our stance against renewed imperialism in the Americas should we need to, but hope that the need to fight the British to do so will soon evaporate through British wisdom and love of peace.

To Great Britain,
From the USA,

It is also unfortunate, from the point of view of the USA that Britain would focus its efforts on imperialism in the Americas while it is well known that its friend and ally, the Ottoman empire, is under continuing direct assault and will soon come under the combined hostile intent of France, Austria, and Russia. One would think that Great Britain would stand by its friends instead of attempting to illegitimately gain some small parcel of land- one for which it is being offered compensation which it might spend to help defend its friend and ally.

The USA can only wonder what Great Britain's other allies will think when they witness the direction of Great Britain's priorities. Will they too wonder if they will be abandoned in their time of need if a pretty bit of candy presents itself for the British to swallow? What of Britain's dominions?

Great Britain, we again beg of you to consider the Chilean compensation, to withdraw your declaration of war, to acquiesce to the legal rights laid down by historical precedent, and to step away from Chile. Your friends in the Ottoman empire need you far more than Britain needs a distant and poor frontier-land and a war in Chile.

From: French Empire
To: United States
CC: Great Britain, Chile, All Other Concerned Parties

His Imperial Majesty's government has been very clear on the matter of American involvement in South American affairs, particularly the ongoing dispute between Bolivia and Peru and insinuation of American interests in Patagonia, a sphere that European powers have recognized as British for some seventy years. We have been very clear about the consequences which would result from such actions -- particularly in light of the American government's ridiculous and libelous accusations against the French Imperial State -- and now have little choice but to consider a formal cessation in relations between His Imperial Majesty's government and the warmongering, slave-driving upstarts in the District of Columbia, which will (for the sake of both our nations' merchants) be limited to the withdrawal of His Imperial Majesty's embassy.

To: The United States
From: The Empire of Russia
CC: France, Great Britain, Austria and The Ottoman Empire

The Russian Empire has not been conspiring with Austria, France, nor any other powers to destabilize or partition the Ottoman Empire as claimed by the United States. The Russian Empire would not seek to de-stabilize the already unstable Balkans in such a way, and we do not know where the United States is gaining this information.

The Russian Empire is committed to progress, and peace in both The Middle East, and in The Balkans.

If the USA is wrong about the intentions of France, Austria, and Russia vis-a-vis the middle-east, we will be more than willing to provide a public apology to those states. Our point was not to antagonize these states, merely to illustrate the need for British attention and resources elsewhere.

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To France, Austria and Russia

We hereby apologize for our accusations of hostile intent upon the Ottoman empire from your states.

From President Nathan Bedford Forrest of the USA
To Great Britian

Your ally in the middle-east, the Ottomans, still require your assistance, regardless of the involvement or non-involvement of other European powers. We hope you will focus your efforts and resources in assisting your friends and allies and not on claiming some distant frontier-land.

May cool heads and wisdom prevail in Britain.
Chile officially announces its entrance into the Atlanta Compact.
To the United States of America
From the Dominion of Canada

Our collaboration against the Sioux bandits was commendable, there is no question about that. However, we are an ally and dominion of the United Kingdom, and we stand firm by them. Patagonia is a clearly defined part of the British sphere, and we strongly request that the US withdraw all troops from the area and cease any hostilities against any forces of the Queen. We do not want to sour the good relationship our two peoples have enjoyed but Canada is a British nation.
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