Here are some new text keys for the upcoming HOF Mod release. Would any native speakers care to correct my Babel Fish translations?
Feel free to point out any other text keys needing fixed.
NOTE: No, this does not mean the mod is immanent or anything. I am just getting this out here so people have plenty of time to notice this and respond.
<English>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Open Borders with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</English>
<French>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Peut commercer les frontières ouvertes avec: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</French>
<German>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Kann geöffnete Ränder mit handeln: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</German>
<Italian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Può commerciare i bordi aperti con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Italian>
<Spanish>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Puede negociar las fronteras abiertas con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Spanish>
<Russian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Open Borders with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Russian>
<English>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Defensive Pact with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</English>
<French>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Peut commercer le pacte défensif avec: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</French>
<German>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Kann defensiven Pakt mit handeln: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</German>
<Italian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Può commerciare il patto difensivo con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Italian>
<Spanish>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Puede negociar pacto defensivo con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Spanish>
<Russian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Defensive Pact with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Russian>
<English>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Perminate Alliance with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</English>
<French>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Peut commercer l'alliance de Perminate avec: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</French>
<German>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Kann Perminate Bündnis mit handeln: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</German>
<Italian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Può commerciare l'alleanza di Perminate con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Italian>
<Spanish>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Puede negociar la alianza de Perminate con: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Spanish>
<Russian>[COLOR_PLAYER_BLUE_TEXT]Can Trade Perminate Alliance with: %s1[COLOR_REVERT]</Russian>
NOTE: No, this does not mean the mod is immanent or anything. I am just getting this out here so people have plenty of time to notice this and respond.