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I am posting an evolution, if I am late to the party just ignore it :p.
Spoiler :

Vampira Lapsus : Omega
Evolved from: Vampira Stomachus
Genes (5): Flesh Eating x1, Complex Stomach x1, Crawling x1, Swimming x1, Teeth x1
Description: The Vampira Lapsus awnsers the age old question: Why don't we eat the tasty things up above our heads? Why must we wait until they die? No more! Through some freak mutation, some Vampiras sprouted two blood red "wings" on their back. With a jump, they can start swimming upwards to eat the tasty food in front of them. However, due to all the fresh food around them, they started to eat corspes less and less. Eventually, they stopped eating them altogether.

Vampira latrunculus : Julius Gandi
Evolved from: Vampira Lapsus
Genes (6): + Gills x1, +Vision Recognition x1(or eye x1), Flesh Eating x1, Complex Stomach x1, Swimming x1, Teeth x1
Genes removed: Crawling 1x
Description: Vampira Latrunculus is an active hunter and is the first in the Vampira family to have grown gills or eyes. The gills have allowed them to increase respiration. This lets the Vampira Latrinculus sustain swimming. However, the Vampira Latrunculu is still found laying on the ocean bottom to conserve energy and watch for pray to swim haplessly above.
I am also posting an evolution:

Spoiler :
Coastal Slimer: Northen Wolf
Evolved from: Slimer Stabilius
Genes (6): Eating Dead Things x1, Photosynthesis x2, Clonal Colony x1, Holdfasts x1, Water retention x1
Description: Slimer Stabilius managed to fix itself onto areas which had been unaccessable to most life forms. Whilst doing that, Slimer Stabilus was kicked out from peaceful central areas of the Sea by faster growing Slimer Secondus. However, Some of the cell pieces from Slimer Stabilus reached coastal areas and remained stuck onto rocks or ocean floor. There Slimer Secondus grew its Holdfasts and fixed itself to thrive in shallow coastal waters. Whilst many of Slimer Stabilius cosins died, some evolved to sustain water in cells and, by doing that, survived in Coastal areas, thanks to gaining access to corpses as well as plentiful sunlight.

Tidal Slimer: theDright
Evolved from: Coastal Slimer
Gene added:+Water Retention x1
Gene removed: None
Genes (7): Eating Dead Things x1, Photosynthesis x2, Clonal Colony x1, Holdfasts x1, Water Retention x2
Description: Whenever Coastal Slimer pieces washed further up above the tideline, most would dry out before the water could reach them again. Those rare colonies that survived were the precursors of the Tidal Slimers. The Tidal Slimers are much less likely to dry out at higher tidelines due to their thicker cell walls, while offering unparalleled growing area inaccessible by almost all other species.

Jetting along here.

Growing a mass.

Riding along.

Gliding through this.

EDIT: Hope you don't mind my cheesy lines, or the one creature preview at a time. After posting the first one, I felt like it might be unfair to not show each of them, I know you've been waiting for a while.
I don't remember if I saw this asked before, but how long does it take you to do the creatures? They started fairly simple, but now you are getting more detailed and shading.
I don't remember if I saw this asked before, but how long does it take you to do the creatures? They started fairly simple, but now you are getting more detailed and shading.

I've not really timed it to be honest. With distractions, I've taken up to an hour with the most complex creatures. Shading itself is easy, I just use gradients and use some quick trial and error to figure out what looks best with the colors I'm using. The most difficult things are the smaller bits. The legs of the crawlers that are more than just lines take a little extra time as do the claws. Those are probably the creatures that are taking the most time.

Honestly though, the most time consuming part is deciding how to represent the new traits at all.
I've not really timed it to be honest. With distractions, I've taken up to an hour with the most complex creatures. Shading itself is easy, I just use gradients and use some quick trial and error to figure out what looks best with the colors I'm using. The most difficult things are the smaller bits. The legs of the crawlers that are more than just lines take a little extra time as do the claws. Those are probably the creatures that are taking the most time.

Honestly though, the most time consuming part is deciding how to represent the new traits at all.
For all I care, unless I add something obvious, you can use the same pic
I don't want to be a pest but China is blocking the image host you are using. When you post pictures can you also post the links to the pictures so I can use a proxy?
All Image Shack images are blocked in China for whatever reason. Imgur works fine. What is and isn't blocked is somewhat random.
I don't want to be a pest but China is blocking the image host you are using. When you post pictures can you also post the links to the pictures so I can use a proxy?

All the most recent previews I've posted should now have the link below them.
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