
Awww yeah. It's like a terrifying leech. :D
Era 5: Early Anthozor Period

A noted increase in fossils began during this era as a number of species independently evolved similar shell-like structures. Fluctuations of environmental conditions slowed and moved closer to historical norms, allowing some species to recover slightly.


Within the warm shallows Peregrinors and Haptors made slight gains. The Slimer Secondus and Slimer Stabilius both reduced in numbers slightly, but the biggest change to the world of water-based photosynthesizers was the appearance of the large Anthozor. Fields of Anthozors became ecosystems on their own. Though, predators on their own, their adhesive tentacles were relatively easy to get past, even for the blindest of creatures. Numerous species made the journey to inhabit this new region. The Tailus Bentus made a comeback by spending time within the cover of the Anthozor, making it more difficult for predators to find it.

Vampira Natator often used the edge of the Anthozor regions as a launching point to attack passing tailus species. Scrambling out of a hiding location, the Vampira Natator would spread its wing-like fins and with a quick motion launch into the open waters hoping for an easy kill. The largest problem was its lack of senses which meant that its target had to be close, and it didn’t always know what it was attacking. A very hungry Vampira Natator could often be found slowly gliding through the ocean hoping to come across an easy kill.

Passengers, Tendrilled Passengers and Tendrilled Manipulators all took advantage of Anthozor’s symbiotic tendrils.

Clawer Pheremoni also improved in numbers by retreating into the protection of the Anthozors.

Artropodia Sufessia, though capable of spending short bits of time out of water, mostly took up residence within the protected regions around Anthozors.


In calm shallows that were too shallow for Anthozors to grow, the Slimer Secondus and newly evolved Slimer Leafius expanded their own region that was still notable for the various artropodia species that made it deadly for most other creatures to traverse.

The Artropodia Nessia slowly went extinct with only its poison spike and no senses to protect it from predators and accidental run-ins with its closest relatives.

Artropodia Clanessia continued to survive, even without any notable senses.

The Artropodia Marnessia became the best protected artropodia. The threat of its poison spike and claws in the front, its shell on the back, and rudimentary eyes meant that only the most determined of predators would have a chance to feed on it. Only the Swarmer Defensus made this routine, and even then it only succeeded due to hunting in numbers.

The better protected Swarmer Defensus replaced the Swarmer outright.

The Armored Sponger was a return to nearly the same behaviour as its ancestor the sponger. The most notable change was the appearance of the most advanced shell yet evolved. This left the sedentary species virtually invulnerable to all predators, none of whom could actually crack it open. However tiny openings allowed water, and thus plankton, to flow into the shell and allow the Armored Sponger to feed.

An interesting sight was the Navigor, which replaced the Spector. The species was notable for its odd sail-structures that allowed it to travel with the winds. One might see some Navigors sail towards the shallows during the day where it might feed on the populous life below it and then sail back out to more open waters during the evening/night.


In the shallows that were not as calm, Slimer Stabilius was able to expand its hold. The Cutter went extinct, the Vampira Stomachus was at risk of doing the same. Though it was capable of active predation, the risk of attack from other predators kept it mostly focused on scavenging on the rotten remains that had been left by others. The Vampira Lapsus, still survived, but spent just as much time pouncing on crawlers as attacking tailus above.

Many of the creatures that were adapted to the colder seas retreated from the warmer ones as multiple predators became more predominant. This included the Senatros, Oratros, and Orophulas. The Cipher was still slightly more protected against attack and could be found in warmer climates.

As with the Anthozor Fields, Slimer Fields, and Open Ocean, the Peregrinors, Haptors, and Navigors could be found floating above. To those below, the currents made these photosynthesizers seems as if clouds casting shadows as they slowly passed above.

The Jetting Manipulator spent much of its time slowly moving about with its tentacles and hiding in crevices. However if it could find an appropriate target, it would attach to the creature and draw additional nutrients from its host, using the tentacles as a method of protection. If things became too dangerous, it could quickly detach and use its jets to quickly get away, leaving its former host to its fate.


The Hydrator took over the niche that the Condenser had tried to fill. The Hydrator actually allowed some of the crawlers to spend short moments out of water. Tidal Skavouns became a new prey for Swarmer Defensus when “infected” with a Hydrator.

The Coastal Slimer continued to cover the moist ground surrounding nearly every body of water. However, the newly evolved Tidal Slimer spread deeper inland. By the end of this era, nearly anywhere that recieved regular amounts of rainfall had at least some area covered in green.

The Artropodia Marnessia and Artropodia Sufessia both spent some time among the Coastal Slimer covered regions searching for food.


The colder shallows felt little change. A slight comeback for the Indagator increased surface cover, but mostly life continued the same as it had in the previous era.


The open ocean saw a rebounding of the Tailus Smellus species which in turn slightly reduced the numbers of Tailus. Tailus Absorbia continued to do well as did the Cipher. With the comeback of the Peregrinors and Haptors and the introduction of the Navigor, the Sea Drifter finally went extinct. The Sun Drifter continued to do well as it maintained a higher floating level than the Sea Drifter had. The Introvaas even began doing better and was able to spend more time diving deeper and away from predators again.

With the abundance of potential prey, predators did well. The Barbed Eater continued to be endangered, but eked out an existence of being lucky. The Webed Eater did slightly better, but also remained endangered. The Eater continued to survive using its senses to detect food or danger before pouncing. The Poisoned Eater managed to do even better. Even predators that might target one of its ancestors would avoid the Poisoned Eater if they could detect it. Additionally, weakening prey with its poison allowed the Poisoned Eater to spend less effort and risk to itself when making the final kill.

The Tailus Jagus was the first of the tailus to develop an interest in hunting. While it lost the ability to drift, it now was always seen in motion, slowly moving through the waters seeking prey. While it could still feed off of the plankton, the Tailus Jagus was built for killing. Even though it had no teeth, it had relatively powerful jaw muscles that produced enough force to even crack open a Cipher’s shell. The Tailus Jagus was also able to detect the Poison Eater at a distance and generaly avoided it.

The Vampira Latrunculus took a different approach to hunting. First it lost its crawling legs opting to always swim or rest on the sea floor, which it did not do too often or it risked being attacked. It did however grow simple eye structures that allowed it to actually see prey. This meant it didn’t have to hope for a lucky break like its biological cousin, the Vampira Natator. It also developed structures to draw oxygen from the water in a slightly more efficient way, giving it the ability to generate bursts of energy in swimming.


The Deep Sea saw some changes. The Introvaas returned to visiting it on occasion to avoid the many predators of the sea. The biggest change was that of the Kato Endurus. A change of color was accompanied by stingers that covered its body. The stingers would become a constant nuisance for the one deep sea predator, Altum Carnem. Unable to diferentiate between Kato Endurus and Kato Skavoun, its only method of detection was to see what happened when it tried to eat. The Altum Comedentis actually became a prefered food source for the Altum Carnem. This allowed the Kato Skavoun to improve in numbers.


Anyone evolving from one of these two creatures may add a bonus gene. (See note below)
Plant: Tidal Slimer
Animal: Armored Sponger

Players who have a bonus:
(This does not stack with any other bonus)
theDright (for Tidal Slimer): +1 bonus gene to any evolution you make.
spaceman98 (for Armored Sponger): +1 bonus gene to any evolution you make.

Special Bonus:
(This does not stack with any other bonus)
Daftpanzer: +1 for effectively creating the Anthozor Fields region.
Northen Wolf, Milarqui, and Lord_Iggy: +1 for effectively creating the Slimer Fields region.

@ALL: I'm going to limit evolutions to 1 new gene this turn (plus bonuses). However, I am going to handle bonuses differently. If you get a bonus, you can use it on any creature you want. However, anyone evolving from your creature may also use a bonus on that creature only (For this turn that means anyone evolving something from the Tidal Slimer or Armored Sponger gets a bonus gene to work with). This will be another one update test.

I have also added an update progress spoiler section on the front page for future updates.

@Northen Wolf: I changed Thallus to Leaf after reading your description along with that of the thallus wiki page. At such a low level of 'leaf' I assume things would be similar to that of thallus at this point.

Creature List - Updated, though some formatting might be a bit ugly.
Great update tux! I'm excited to see the floating (and for Daft's Anthozor, nonfloating) macroalgae doing so well!
Excellent update :D Much appreciation!! Interesting developments... Decision time, hmm...

@Iggy, I'm glad to have helped extend the family :)
Tidal Skavoun : Abaddon
Evolved From: Kato Skavoun
Genes (4): Eating Dead Things x1, Mineral Eating x1, Digging x1, Water Retention x 1
Description: Ditching the depths*, the Tidal Skavoun is making the tentative steps out of the water. Able to dig downwards,it lives in burrows along the tide mark. Safe from predators, it can now consume any dead prey it comes across as well as supplement its diet by tapping into the sea floor's mineral resources for.

A simple one this time :))

Mudworm: Daftpanzer
Evolved From: Tidal Skavoun
Genes (5): Eating Dead Things x1, Plant Eating x1, Digging x2, Water Retention x1
Description: The Mudworm has adapted to include a new food source - carpets of algae, which it attacks from below, safe from predators. These creatures are happy to live in tidal zones or in shallow water, and are relentless in digging through the sediment in search of food. When it comes to breeding, their eggs are laid deeper underground for better protection. Mudworms may benefit their ecosystem by stirring up nutrients from the sediment, and by nipping away at decaying parts of algae (or Anthozorae) they can forestall blooms of harmful bacteria and encourage the overall health of the algae carpets.

-> Added (1+Daftpanzer bonus): Digging x1, Plant Eating x1
<- Removed: Mineral Eating
Great update! :) Let's see what I can make up now...
Artropodia Marnessia: Milarqui
Evolved from Artropodia Sufessia
Gene (8): Eating Dead Things x1, Plankton Eating x1, Crawling x1, Poison Spike x1, Claws x1, Water Retention x1, Complex Stomach x1, Shell x1
Description: Artropodia Sufessia, although it did not look like it, was quite better at its job than what it seemed. Its eyes allowed it to hunt more efficiently, and its ability to retent water within its shell gave it the ability to come out of water for short amounts of time. The more varied diet this gave Sufessia slowly made more likely that those of them that mutated into developing a stomach that allowed them to better digest any kind of food they came onto. Through this stomach, they were also able to digest harder stuff, thus allowing them to use it some other way. When a A. Sufessia evolved and was able to use the calcium and others to harden its shell, it soon was clear that the hard-shell Sufessia would rule over its ancestors, giving birth to the Artropodia Marnessia.
Artropodia Excomia: Milarqui
Evolved from Artropodia Marnessia
Added: Pack Hunting x1, Gills x1
Description: Artropodia Marnessia was a successful predator of the depths of the seas, thanks to its strong claws and its poisonous spike, not to mention that its eyes allowed it to detect potential threats or preys to feed from. However, they were still prey to other animals, such as the Swarmer Defensus, when they attacked in packs. Thus, they instinctively started to pack together to defend themselves in packs, which meant they remained together for a lot of time. When it turned out that hunting together allowed for the capture and killing of more food, this practice slowly expanded among the rest of the A. Marnessia in the oceans. One day, one of them was born with an interesting mutation: it had something that allowed it to extract oxygen far more easier from water, and could also absorb it from the water it could store into itself. This mutated A. Marnessia, which would be now named Artropodia Excomia, soon became the most energetic member of the pack it lived in, allowing it to reproduce much more, and expanding the mutation incredibly fast.
Great update! :) Let's see what I can make up now...

Artropodia Excomia: Milarqui
Evolved from Artropodia Marnessia
Added: Pack Hunting x1, Gills x1
Description: Artropodia Marnessia was a successful predator of the depths of the seas, thanks to its strong claws and its poisonous spike, not to mention that its eyes allowed it to detect potential threats or preys to feed from. However, they were still prey to other animals, such as the Swarmer Defensus, when they attacked in packs. Thus, they instinctively started to pack together to defend themselves in packs, which meant they remained together for a lot of time. When it turned out that hunting together allowed for the capture and killing of more food, this practice slowly expanded among the rest of the A. Marnessia in the oceans. One day, one of them was born with an interesting mutation: it had something that allowed it to extract oxygen far more easier from water, and could also absorb it from the water it could store into itself. This mutated A. Marnessia, which would be now named Artropodia Excomia, soon became the most energetic member of the pack it lived in, allowing it to reproduce much more, and expanding the mutation incredibly fast.

This will be fine, but don't forget, technically none of the artropodia actively hunt. They scavenge corpses while feeding on plankton. All the deadly features they have are used in defense only, which is partially why they survive so well in the Slimer Fields. With the traits you have added, I would make the Excomia socially defensive in some fashion. (Something like circling the wagons).
This will be fine, but don't forget, technically none of the artropodia actively hunt. They scavenge corpses while feeding on plankton. All the deadly features they have are used in defense only, which is partially why they survive so well in the Slimer Fields. With the traits you have added, I would make the Excomia socially defensive in some fashion. (Something like circling the wagons).
What would I have to do so that they actually start to hunt (which is what I had intended for them, and have actually stated several times)?
Spoiler evolve from :
Tailus : erez87
Evolved From: Floater
Genes (3): Plankton Eating x1, Drifting x1, Swimming x1
Description: As more and more floater communities separated some begun to show greater and greater diversity from the early ancestor. In this group the Floater's muscle tone increased, especially at its back, and a tail appeared. This tail was used by this group of Floater to quickly move from place to place when no food was being eaten, but at times it also moved them further away from food as they had no senses to know where to go. Still this trait was kept in the communities that didn't make mistakes and moved along to the next age...

Tailus Stingus: erez87
Evolved from Tailus (Basicus)
Added: Stinging cells x1 Cnidocyte
Subtracted: Swimming
Description: Being pushed to the limits can never be something good for an animal. As Tailuses were being hunt en mass by their numerous enemies and being out competed by their more developed cousins any supportive ability became apparent. When the stinging cells appeared on the skin of the Tailus they quickly caught on, now appearing on the edges as well as the tail. The Tailus Stingus appeared, different from all his swimming cousins in his loss of the ability to swim as now it just drifts together with the rest of the plankton feeding on it as well. Rather than swimming from dangers, something that did not help much against his evolved cousins the stinging cells took over his body and made it into a small oval ball of nightmares if eaten, and other animals quickly learned the lesson...
Spoiler Previois Evolution :
Vampira Natator: Omega
Evolved From: Vampira Lapsus
Genes (7): Flesh Eating x1, Complex Stomach x1, Crawling x1, Swimming x3, Teeth x1
Description: Vampira Natator's "wings" have grown out to be much, much, larger. Gliding across the water, the fishes in the seas now must the bottom, for a Vampira wmight be underneath, waiting to strike.

Vampira Impudens: Omega
Evolved From: Vampira Natator
Gene Added: Eyes X1
Genes (7): Flesh Eating x1, Complex Stomach x1, Crawling x1, Swimming x3, Teeth x1
Description: In no way a shameless ripoff of the previously successful cousin predator Vampira Latrunculus, the fact of life is that the Natator honestly had a hard time hunting for food in the new Anthazor fields. Hunting became much more complicated with the addition of hiding, and there was supposedly nothing the Natador could do but shake its fin and swim away. Until now, that is! The new Vampira, Vampira Impundens, evolved two eyeballs on its head to see the world. Now, it may bodly enter the new jungles, looking at prey and then eating it.
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