King Charles ruffles feathers as he drops royal patronage for pigeon racing
I am not convinced of this particular cause. I think if you object to pigeon racing but eat eggs and/or chicken you are a bit of a hypocrite. I sure know which I would prefer to be. Of course PETA do not eat animals, I am not calling them hypocrites, they certainly take their cause seriously. I bet Charlie does though. I am not convinced of their call to divert national resources into helping lost, injured, or unwanted pigeons. They seem to do fairly well on their own.
The king has upset the pigeon racing community after dropping the monarchy’s official support amid opposition from animal rights activists.
King Charles has ended royal patronage for pigeon racing, a sport his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, grandfather George VI, great-grandfather George V, and great-great-grandfather Edward VII all took part in enthusiastically.
The monarch has declined to take on two patronages held by the late queen: the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, the sport’s governing body in the UK, and the country’s premier club, the National Flying Club.
Some in the sport now fear there is worse to come, and that King Charles may ultimately end his family’s participation in the sport entirely and shut the royal pigeon loft at his Sandringham estate.
The royal family have taken part in the sport since Belgium’s King Leopold II gave Queen Victoria racing pigeons in 1886.
Ingrid Newkirk, the founder of Peta, said: “Peta applauded King Charles for sparing birds when he banned foie gras from all royal events and residences, and we now thank him for ending his patronage of pigeon racing clubs that send birds to their death, facing storms and sea crossings in their loyal quest to return to their life partner and young ...
we hope that next the king will disband the royal loft and use it as a sanctuary for lost, injured, or unwanted birds.”