Stone \ Cold / Fish
Yes, quite, but (I would imagine that) most people don't currently have a lot of options in that respect.reducing one's consumption of plastics is far preferable to recycling
In our household of 2 adults and 2 children, I would estimate that about 80–90% of our plastic waste is from supermarket food packaging, with another 5–10% being washing-/ cleaning-product containers*. I would love to be able to reduce that, but short of the food industry/ supermarkets being incentivised otherwise, the only way for us to avoid producing that waste would be to make our own bread, pasta and cookies, also our own yoghurt and cheese (not bad ideas in themselves, but time-consuming), grow our own rice and lentils, and raise and slaughter our own pigs (for the relatively little salami and cubed bacon eaten). Our garden's not big enough for either of the latter...
*With the remainder consisting of other product packaging, plus the boys' outgrown-but-so-battered-as-to-be-unsellable sneakers, of which there have been multiple pairs over the past few years (puberty, what can you do...?).