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United Scandinavia?

Would you support a unification of Norway, Denmark and Sweden?

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I am Norwegian and would like to see a unified Scandinavia, but only if it would still be a kingdom. We could decide who should be the Monarch in a democratic election! I think Madeleine is a good candidate. Oh well, good looking at least:).
I would support it if the new country WAS part of the EU.

However, if the country was to leave the EU, I would be most unhappy.
The Scandinavian peninsula is not the same as Scandinavia. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are the real Scandinavia. Ofcause it is possible to leave the EU, the population just have to vote for it.

Well let me explain how I see this new country forming:

The kings/queens would still be there, just as now they simply don't have any power.
As already mentioned, Gothenburg should be capital, because of its geographic placement, and its big size.
Each country would still have a prime minister each, and one president aboove them. The presidents work would mainly be focused on the foreign policy.
The countries would share a constitution, but could have different laws.
In schools there should be some form of education in the two other languages.
I think it would be hard to a real member of the EU as it draws more and more in the direction of a real European Union, something I do not like to much. (And I doubt many Scandinavians do.)
That said, Scandinavia could still be a semi member, with trade aggrements, and maybe military policy.
storealex said:
Verbose, the commie thing was of course mostly a joke, but you do have too high taxes for my liking.

I've never heard the term "forbudssverige" in my life, og det staves forresten med et "o", ikke med et "ø" :D

Also, alcohol is very important.
The taxes are too high for my liking as well.;)

"Förbudssverige" is the Swedish spelling. I wasn't going to make an ass out of meself trying to muck about with Danisk ø:s (or whatever) without knowing my business.:p
@Stapel: I was, of course, suggesting a new Scandinavian monarchy be set up. By tradition, monarchs of new monarchies should be of royal blood, but there's no saying they should be former heirs apparent or anything.

Next year is supposed to be the year in which Norway surpasses Sweden as the OECD country with the state making up the biggest proportion of GDP.

@thetrooper: The "big brother" thing dates from the 19th C, at the least.
The Last Conformist said:
@thetrooper: The "big brother" thing dates from the 19th C, at the least.
Nah, Sweden was a poor house in the 19th c. We had famines as late as the 1860's where fancy dress parties were held all around Europe to collect money for the starving children of Sweden.
Denmark was perhaps geographically small, but the pop. figures were pretty good, and that wonderfully fertile Danish soil made for a good agricultural surplus. It made it possible for the Danes to have an urban population of 25%. The Danes were wealthy by comparison, and Copenhagen was a Scandinavian metropolis and made Stockholm look very provincial.
No, Denmark was still the Big Brother up until around 1900, if only for the Swedish envy of Copenhagen.
Sod Denmark... can the UK join? Pleaaaase, don't leave us with the French!

Scandinavia & British Isles. It has a nice ring to it ;)
I don't know much about Scandinavian history, but wasn't there once a union between Denmark, Sweden and Norway? And the Norwedians spent alot time sperating from Sweden, only getting it in 1905. Sould like a formal political union would be sort of hard to do.
We could turn europe into 3 countries:

European Union (or USE)
Scandanavia (mostly influenced by sweden, who has rejected the euro and the EU)
The UK.
Babbler said:
I don't know much about Scandinavian history, but wasn't there once a union between Denmark, Sweden and Norway? And the Norwedians spent alot time sperating from Sweden, only getting it in 1905. Sould like a formal political union would be sort of hard to do.
In the late 14th C, the three Scandinavian kingdoms (Finland was at this time part of Sweden, and Iceland a Norwegian dependency) united in the so-called Union of Kalmar, which was de-facto dominated by Denmark, then the richest and most populous of the countries (it was also bigger than today, including bits of what is now southern Sweden). In the 15th century, Sweden (or rather various parts of the Swedish nobility and peasantry) repeatedly rebelled against the various Union kings, and was independent for various periods. The Union was finally destroyed by the successful revolt of Gustav Vasa in the early 1520s. Norway remained united with Denmark, but was during the 16th C reduced from a fellow kingdom in Union to a mere province of Denmark, which it remained till the end of the Napoleonic Wars, when Denmark, as punishment for having sided with the French, was forced to hand over it to Sweden. However, it was never integrated as a part of Sweden, but reconstituted as a separate kingdom in a personal union. In 1905 nationalist sentiment led them to declare independence; they did not particularly enjoy being the junior partners in a union run from Stockholm.

Finland remained Swedish till 1809 when it was conquered by Russia. After WWI, they successfully achieved independence from the collapsing Czarist empire. Iceland remained under Danish rule after the loss of Norway, but gained indepedence during WWII, when metropolitan Denmark was occupied by Germany.

Greenland enjoys internal autonomy under Danish suzerainty. The Faeroes enjoys a less degree of autonomy under Denmark, and Åland has a similar position under Finland.
Jack the Ripper said:
We could turn europe into 3 countries:

European Union (or USE)
Scandanavia (mostly influenced by sweden, who has rejected the euro and the EU)
The UK.
Sweden, for the record, has not rejected the EU. Norway has.
I'm from Scandinavia (Denmark): No

Theres no reason to push borders around. Lets just cooperate within the EU. Besides the norwegians wont give up their independence.
EU will never become a country.

@TLC: I've always wondered: what is a personal union?
Reno said:
Greenland is a part of Denmark and thus it would join.
How did you conclude that? Greenland is not a member of the EU, yet Denmark is.
Hakim said:
@TLC: I've always wondered: what is a personal union?
Sometimes one person became the monarch of two different countries. This sometimes happened because the monarch of one country inherited the crown of a different country or it could happen as a result of war or as a way to avoid war.

The two countries in the personal union continued to be separate countries with separate governments, but the two governments were both appointed by the same person, the common monarch.
stormbind said:
How did you conclude that? Greenland is not a member of the EU, yet Denmark is.

Yeah, and Norway is not part of EU either. :p But Greenland has like very little people and thus they would join as they would not have any real economy should they become independent, they would depend themselves to other nations if they do not join. :smug:
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