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Units - Starwars == X-wing

Dark Sheer

Nov 15, 2001
Penang, Malaysia
Here is the unit animations for Starwars' X-wing. Due to time constraint, I am using the wave files that comes with Plastic Bag's Tie Interceptor animations. ;) No picture is created for Civilopedia or the units_32.pcx file. But by now I believe most people who are adding units already know how to do all this. I would appreciate it very much if someone is willing to create these files and attach them in this thread. :D

Version 1.0 removed after 11 downloads. Version 1.1 has the right height as standard air unit when hovering. :)


  • x-wing.zip
    235.5 KB · Views: 1,468
For those who did not follow the progress of this project, here is the attack animation preview.


  • xwingattacka_ne.gif
    10.8 KB · Views: 4,017
Due to time constraint, I am using the wave files that comes with Plastic Bag's Tie Interceptor animations.

Hey DS, I was the one who did the TIE Int. graphics.:confused:

Great animations, BTW.:D
Originally posted by TedG

Hey DS, I was the one who did the TIE Int. graphics.:confused:

Great animations, BTW.:D

Oops....my mistake. :o By the way, I thought those wave files was pretty nice. Thats why I am using the same one. ;)
Woo 5 units done!!!!!! Looks really good Sheer, thanks! :D You wouldnt mind me replacing the sounds with xwing sounds would you?
Originally posted by tpasmall
Woo 5 units done!!!!!! Looks really good Sheer, thanks! :D You wouldnt mind me replacing the sounds with xwing sounds would you?

Of course not! I have no time to search for X-wing wave files as I am in Beijing and has been running around alot. You can also attach those X-wing wave files in a zip so others can use them. ;)
hey dark sheer, everything looks good except like the A-wing, the position, where x-wing is supposed to be hovering, is off by 1 grid....load up the game with the unit, turn the team color on and you'll see what i mean...when i compared with the tie interceptor, x-wing was 1 grid south of where it shoulda been....

animations and graphics still are kewl though :goodjob:
Originally posted by spiky82
hey dark sheer, everything looks good except like the A-wing, the position, where x-wing is supposed to be hovering, is off by 1 grid....load up the game with the unit, turn the team color on and you'll see what i mean...when i compared with the tie interceptor, x-wing was 1 grid south of where it shoulda been....

animations and graphics still are kewl though :goodjob:

I believe I know where the problem is. I created this one from scratch and have to create my own ini file for Flicster to compile them into flc. When doing so I treated this unit the same as a land unit. :o I will do a quick recompile and post the corrected version (ie hovering at the right level like an air unit) tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out. ;) I will also try to recompile the Awing on the same basis.
Yeah, thanks for helping fix the awing, it was my first unit, and i am trying to kick out as much stuff as possible as fast as i can. Anyway, here is the Xwing file with new attack and run sounds. Ive also added units_32, civilopedialarge, '...'small pictures :D


  • x-wing.zip
    223.8 KB · Views: 402
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