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[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

I haven't played the new one, but playing the previous one made me think: Barbarian Civ needs to be MASSIVELY toned down. I have no defence against 4 SPEARMEN, 3 AXEMEN, and 6!!!! Battering Rams in 1225 BC. I love the concept, so I don't play with them off, but I immediately quit when I get the dreaded message. It's like Vedic Aryans all over again.
Yeah, I was reluctantly foced to disable the barbarian civ options. Loved the idea, but found the initial military the new civ gets to be too much to handle - especially as they start as a minor civ, forced to be at war with me w/ no negotiating peace until either I kill them or they 'grow up' into a real civ...

I remember one where the new minor civ spawned a huge army, complete with a great general. Pretty much ended my game right there - I did have a capable military, but not one capable of defending against a threat like that.

I do feel compelled to add though that we don't want to tone them down TOO much - there should be a real threat there, as well as give those new civs a chance to stay alive long enough to develop into actual civs.
The unit spawning function for new barbarian civs was drastically changed in RevDCM 2.6 (effects LoR 0.9.7 and higher). It's now very balanced, nearby AIs generally handle the initial Barbciv invasion fine, so a human player should have no problem if they prepare; I certainly don't. If you are having problems with Barbarian civ spawning in the current version of LoR you need to turn it off; they will not be nerfed further.
how can i play lor with the standard blue marble textures?
right now it is a bit too dark for my taste.

Blue marble changes the art and texture files themselves, there are very little coding changes made with it (and those that are aren't pertinent to changing a mod). Basically what you'd need to do is take the art from Blue marble and just drop it in LoR's art folder. That's easier said then done. Probably the easiest way to do that would be to download and install WolfRevolution, then cut the BlueMable.fpk file in WolfRevolution's assets folder, and paste it into LoR's assets folder. You could also check out Blue Marble's thread and find the link to it's art, take that and pak it yourself and drop that in LoR's assets folder (or if performance isn't an issue for you, just drop the art in LoR's art folder and forgoe packing). Overall though I don't find doing any of that worth it, as LoR does have an enhanced graphics add on available (you need to select it when you install LoR, it's an installation option), but if you really want Blue Marble and aren't fond of LoR's enhanced graphics optional add on, then the above methods are the best way to apply Blue Marble to LoR.

Read the known bugs list. MP being broken is the only known bug in the current version of Legends of Revolution. If you want to play MP with LoR you can use a prior version, 0.9.6c was the most advanced version where MP worked. Though there are some known issues with MP in that version, it's functional at least.


Thanks for the kind words
The unit spawning function for new barbarian civs was drastically changed in RevDCM 2.6 (effects LoR 0.9.7 and higher). It's now very balanced, nearby AIs generally handle the initial Barbciv invasion fine, so a human player should have no problem if they prepare; I certainly don't. If you are having problems with Barbarian civ spawning in the current version of LoR you need to turn it off; they will not be nerfed further.

Ah, my apologies - I hadn't considered it, but now that you mention it the scenario I experienced was several pathces ago. Looks like I need to turn this back on!
I haven't played the new one, but playing the previous one made me think: Barbarian Civ needs to be MASSIVELY toned down. I have no defence against 4 SPEARMEN, 3 AXEMEN, and 6!!!! Battering Rams in 1225 BC. I love the concept, so I don't play with them off, but I immediately quit when I get the dreaded message. It's like Vedic Aryans all over again.

It just forces you to build a larger military earlier than you normally would, and to prioritize military techs. You're going to have to do this regardless, because those Barb cities become Minor Civs, and woe be unto you if you're not prepared for that. :lol:
Having crashes occure with latest version when i have a stack attacking a city ... no messages just crash to desktop..Window 7 telling me it stopped working properly .. scan for solution with none found. Has happend several times now.
Don't use stack attack.
Strange, a critical bug after all this time, and no changes I can think of that could have caused it. I'll need to take a look at the save. Please post a save with any other inforamtion you can think of in the Bug Reporting thread. Also please note any DCM or other options you have enabled/disabled that are different from standard LoR setup. Specifically if you've enabled DCM's stack attack, turn that off, as that can definatly cause a crash. The option's hover tells you it's unstable though, and I think I hid it from the user unless they are in debug mode, so that shouldn't be what's going on.
I played a delicious game with Japan. It's one of my first in Prince. Since I was relatively weak, and it was an archipelago map, I focused on defense, but eventually built six carriers (with 15 light bombers and three fighters), and I attacked my most powerful competitors, destroying most of their navies at port, and destroying many of their buildings and tile improvements. I bombed them back to the stone age. My bombers gained a tremendous amount of experience. However, the experience points gained by air units are not counted for great generals; I think this is an error. After three consecutive wars I finally got Advanced Flight, and upgraded some of my light bombers to jet fighters. But here is another problem: jet fighters can't destroy buildings? Jet fighters can destroy tile improvements, and can attack ships at port, but can't attack buildings. It's a bit odd that an older type of aircraft (a light bomber) is actually more lethal than a jet fighter.
I never noticed that. (though the game is usually over for me by Advanced Flight)
I'll remove DCM air bombing from the light bomber then. I don't really want to give jet fighters DCM Air Bombing, and that will help seperate bombers and jet bombers from light bombers and jet fighters. I will update strike fighters though so that they have DCM air bombing.
Hey I have two quick questions:

1. In diplomacy I have noticed a new modifier: First impressions, which is usually negative. What is it and how do I affect it?

2. Also in diplomacy: I've noticed a new "don't bother me" option in diplomacy. I suppose it prevents constant nagging from people you don't like. Is there any drawback in doing this? Does this mean you automatically say no to all "declare war on x" or "stop trading with y" requests from the AI? And thus suffer the diplo-hit automatically?
The new diplomacy values, like a first impression, have always been there; they are just hidden in BtS. LoR simply exposes these values to the player so that you can see them. That value specifically is a die roll at the beginning of the game which applies a random diplo modifier between players.

The "Stop Bothering Us" option in diplomacy makes it so that if the AI comes calling for a demand or a trade proposition it is automatically denied. Only use this option if you don't mind taking diplo hits with a player, but you also get annoyed by them coming and asking you for something every few turns.
Favorite mod ever played! Really hope you could add "multiple production mod" in your next patch! That's the only blemish I can say about LoR.:)
The new diplomacy values, like a first impression, have always been there; they are just hidden in BtS. LoR simply exposes these values to the player so that you can see them. That value specifically is a die roll at the beginning of the game which applies a random diplo modifier between players.

The "Stop Bothering Us" option in diplomacy makes it so that if the AI comes calling for a demand or a trade proposition it is automatically denied. Only use this option if you don't mind taking diplo hits with a player, but you also get annoyed by them coming and asking you for something every few turns.

Thanks, I was assuming this was the case, but I needed confirmation. I also like to see the other hidden diplo modifiers, which were self-explanatory.

New Questions:
1. The new Machinegun unit seems to be overly tough. I see you brought back the AA capability from vanilla, not a bad move considering you can get Airships fairly early. But now the defense against gunpowder inf is doubled to 100%, and it also gets the bonus vs cavalry! Since it is no longer a siege unit, Artillery is really not that good against it (which is ok by itself). Squad Infantry is nerfed from 20 to 18 (and 16 for the russians). As soon as the AI gets the tech to build Machineguns you can pretty much forget about conquest. Even my lvl 5 super Squad Inf (which were state of the art when I got them) with bonus vs trench units and first strikes really have almost no chance of winning even when cultural defense is brought down to 0%.

The end result is that the machinegun is a superweapon only countered by Armor and Airships. I slowly managed to fight my enemies, using lots of artillery (and losing them) in order to get some inf or cav with 40% chance, but I would never have been able to do this if it wasn't for draft spamming rifles earlier, having the best economy in the game so I could upgrade alot of units (just as my artllery and squad inf were upgraded the enemy got the machineguns :(, and because early on the enemy had only 1 or 2 machineguns in their cities and otherwise just rifles and/or grenadiers.

So.. why not change it back to 50% vs gunpowder units and mounted?

2. A good mod but I still feel the era of gunpowder is left out. Musketmen and Grenadiers just isn't enough to represent everything from renaissance Spanish musketeers and arquebusiers to napoleonic Line Infantry with bayonets and new tactics.

3. Maybe later ;)
It is intended that you need Armor, Air power, or Overwhelming odds to conquer land from a player with MGs. It's not hard to get those early tanks, or even early bombers, they are only slightly out of the way in the tech tree; and that's a deveation you're going to have to make if you intend on seiging cities defended by MGs.
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