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Varica: In Haeka's Name

OOC: *See post two posts below*

I gave myself bigger font ;) not to mention placed my capital city... though not sure what to do with my other city :confused:
Place it wherever you like. You can also give locations of your vassals as well, or leave that up to me. You can place other cities and vassals far away (the Vocci and their city of Juki are not contiguous with the other Varican vassals, for example). But that does have obvious problems.

OOC: So new location map with two vassals present, and the two cities belonging to the ruling tribe Xanfa of the Kingdom of Validira :D
I hope you will give me until tomorrow around noonish to decide if I will join now or not. If not, I'll join later, but it would be nice.

And by you, I mean Fulton. Just because I feel the need to make that clear in every post. :p
Don't worry Fuschia, you've got plenty of time. I've got paintball all day tomorrow then clubbing all night.
I claim the spot north of Varica on the first fork of the river, (my capital will be in the fork)
Since places seem to be going quickly and I have not the time to do a map or anything at the moment, I tentatively claim the river fork area west of Tessilki. Someone else may take it if they really desire it, of course.
Ruler: Haergar II/Fuschia
Cities: Ernica (8,000), Paredor (5,000)
Ruling Tribe: Oerdan/7
Income: 5/1/0
Trade Routes: None
Vassal Tribes:
Paredor – 4, Friendly
Military: 200 Archers, 300 Spearmen, 150 Raeka
Summary: The Oerdon were, before the coming of Hroth, a small tribe to the east of the current location of Varica. When Hroth arrived in the area, they fought hard to prevent his advancement into the area. They failed, as all others did. Being prone to rebellion and relatively close to Varica, an important lieutenant of Hroth's, Iaern, was made their Thane.

Throughout the reign of Hroth, the Oerdon rebelled no less than three times under different rulers. Iaern was killed during the second rebellion and another Thane replaced him, even less competent. The death of Hrothiya was seen as a blessing by the Oerdon, who rebelled nearly immediately and gained temporary, but complete, independence from Varica under Haergar, the father of the current King.

During the rather large civil war, the Oerdon fought on their own, albeit small, side, remaining relatively untouched as others decided the war through their own blood. Paredor was brought into the fold at this time as well, whose allegiance they still hold today. Ernica was built in an attempt to outshine Varica which still has not come to fruition.

When Hroth IV ascended the throne in Varica, Haergar the First attempted to hold his independence as many of the older Oerdon Kings had done. When faced with Varica, however, he could not stand. Yielding, Hroth IV had him killed to make an example to others eager to rebel and Haergar II, the current King, was placed upon the throne, who had more patience than his father. Haergar II now sits the throne and spends his time plotting against Varica and studying the ways of the Thunes.


The stats are written with the assumption that I can dump one of the vassal states for the 4 EP needed to created a third. And, of course, the basic assumption that you will accept summary. Hopefully it makes sense and is not too unrealistic. Here is the map of my location.

I also apologize for the double post and the contradiction of my above post, but I seem to have more time than I originally thought.
Requesting the delta to the sea.
Here are my cities and vassals. Teraldur itself is situated around the captial.


  • Teraldur Starting Position copy.jpg
    Teraldur Starting Position copy.jpg
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Kingdom of Darium:
Ruler: Farvus/Neverwonagame3
Cities: Darium (7,500)
Ruling Tribe: Darium/7
Income: 4/1/0
Trade Routes: None
Vassal Tribes:
Ogloids– 4, Apathetic (Move 1 right)
Chemenids – 4, Apathetic (Move 1 right)
Chekrids- 4, Apathetic (Move 3 left)
Fominids- 4, Apathetic (Move 1 right)

Military: 100 Archers, 100 Spearmen

A large, loose, largely nomadic group who have done their best to be isolationist. They were conquered by an ambitious Thane who was hoping to plot a usurpation. It was found out, and a new Thane ascended the throne. He originally wanted to keep the Empire together, constantly supporting whoever he saw as the strongest candidate. But his son disagreed with this policy- and upon his death, the new King looked elsewhere...

EDIT: Changed my mind (as to where I want to be). Anywhere on the edges of the empire will do, if vassals are roughly the same area.
Attached herein is the Map of the Realm of Werhold, detailing the location of the City of Werhold, as well as the approximate locations of the Werar tribe and its vassals (vassals may be placed closer to Werhold if they get in anyone else's way too much).


  • Werhold Map.JPG
    Werhold Map.JPG
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Das, sorry, but some of your vassals are in the spot I claimed. (that would be torica, especiialy)

If you want, i'll choose somewhere else...

Fulton, will Sargothi ruins be shown on the map?
The Torica may be moved somewhere to the north or the south.
I was hoping the map might have been a little bigger, as it is getting cramped. I think I might be technically outside of Varica's borders now, if so, let me know if I need to change.
Yes, I think that may be a problem, especially when we will start getting non-Varican confederations. I do assume that the map will expand as we advance.
I'm here only between paintball and the clubs... so a short update.

I think The Strategos and das have valid points about the map. I know that at least four players have asked me privately for more time to prepare their factions, and the map is, as pointed out, too small.

I would like to spend tomorrow working on making the map a bit larger. It will be the same area covered, just better proportioned, with tribes controlling significantly less land. That way, we can all fit more easily onto the map and I can include small tribes without vassals for you all to fight over.

Sound good to everyone.

I will find a proper glyph to represent Sargothi ruins.
Sounds good to me.
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