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Warfare Expanded (for MOAR) 7.3


Unit Butcher
Jun 29, 2012
Latest Version on Steam
Latest version does not require MOAR.


Adds new Land, Naval and Air units to Civ VI. The aim is to have no era gaps in each unit line. New Air Attack line has been added with 4 types of attack aircraft, a new Heavy Naval Ranged line, a Marine line and a Automatic Gun line (thanks to @Laurana Kanan).

PLEASE NOTE: This version is no longer supported.

Must have MOAR units by @Deliverator.

Now compatible with Rise & Fall expansion.
Now compatible with MOAR Core.
Compatible with MOAR DLC ad-dons.
Compatible with Civ6-YnAMP.
Compatible with R.E.D. for Warfare Expanded.

NOT compatible with Immersive Eras mod.
NOT compatible with Brasil All Units mod.

Upgrade from Aircraft Carrier to Supercarrier at your own risk. Please remove all aircraft from Aircraft Carrier before upgrading or you will loose your planes. I have no fix for this.

Spoiler Land Units :

Spoiler Land Units 2 :

Spoiler Land Units 3 :
New Land Units
Motorized Infantry (Sd.Kfz 251)
Composite Bowman
Field Gun (7.7cm Field Gun by snafusmith)
Assault Gun (ISU-152)
Self-proppeled Gun (M109 Paladin by snafusmith)
Heavy Infantry (parts by Deliverator)
Tanks Destroyer (Jagdpanzer IV)
Armoured Cavalry (Armored Car by snafusmith)
Armoured Horseman
Landship Mark V (WW1 Tank from Civ 5)
Howitzer (Heavy Cannon from Civ 5)
Mobile Artillery (Sturmtiger)
Naval Infantry
Modern Marine (AAV-7A1)
Gunship (Hind-D from Civ 5)
Line Infantry
Spoiler Air Units :
New Air Units
Great War Bomber (Gotha)
Stealth Fighter (Su-57)
Stealth Bomber (B-2)
Great War Ground Attack (Airco DH.4)
Ground Attack (Ju 87 Stuka)
Jet Ground Attack ( A-10)
Stealth Attack (F-35)
New Naval Units
Corvette (Privateer from Civ5)
Missile Destroyer (Udaloy class)
Supercarrier (Nimitz class from Civ4)
Galleass (from Civ 5)
Armored Cruiser (from Pouakai's The Enlightenment Era Civ 5 mod)
Battlecruiser (Baltimore class by Darnell)
Galleon (from Civ 5)
Ship Of The Line (from Civ 5)
Pre-Dreadnought Battleship (Schleswig-holstein class)
Attack Submarine (Soviet Alfa class)

Bonus Unit Models

Modern Infantry added to Mechainzed Infantry next to existing unit model
Sprut-SD Modern Tank Destroyer added to Modern AT next to existing unit model
Anti-tank Gun has replaced AT Crew and AT Crew has been moved to be part of Motorised Infantry
Leopard 2 - Modern Armor CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean
LAV-25 - Mechanized Infantry CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean
Arleigh Burke - Missile Destroyer CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean
Kuznetzov - Supercarrier CV for Eastern Europe, East Asia and Mughal
Ticonderoga Class - Missile Cruiser CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean
Kirov Class - Missile Cruiser CV for Eastern Europe, East Asia and Mughal
Redoutable class Ironclad (from Civ 5) - Ironclad CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean

  • All Atomic Era and onward Melee, Ranged and Anti-Mounted units are now mechanized/motorised and have a movement of 4.
  • Increased air range to 5 for Biplane, 8 for Fighter/P-51 and 10 for Jet Fighter mainly because I thought default ranges were way to small especially for large maps.
  • Added a new Ground Attack Class.
  • Added 6 new promotions - 4 for ground attack, 2 for bombers & 1 for fighters.
  • Moved Destroyer to Radio to be in the same era as the Battleship.
  • Moved Caravel to Military Tactics to make room for Corvette.
  • Replaced the AT Gun flag & portrait.
  • Added Eastern Europe unit cultural group with Russia as its only member.
  • Increased Hopolite strength to 27.
  • Increased the size of the Ironclad and Missile Cruiser.
  • Renamed (French) Marine to Troupe de marine and changed it to replace Naval Infantry instead of Musketman.
  • Changed Jong to upgrade to Armored Cruiser.
  • Added new promotion class for Heavy Naval Ranged.
    Added new promotion class for Marines (special thanks to Magic90).
  • Added new promotion class for Automatic Gun (special thanks to Laurana Kanan).
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Unit Upgrade Paths
Melee: Warrior -> Swordsman -> Longswordsman -> Musketman -> Rifleman -> Infantry -> Motorised Infantry -> Mechainized Infantry
Ranged: Slinger -> Archer -> Composite Bowman -> Crossbowman -> Culverin -> Field Cannon -> Field Gun -> Assault Gun -> Self-proppeled Gun
Anti-Mounted: Spearman -> Heavy Infantry -> Pikeman -> Pike & Shot -> Line Infantry -> Anti-tank Artillery -> Tank Destroyer -> Modern AT
Light Cavalry: Rider -> Horseman -> Lancer -> Cavalry -> Armored Cavalry -> Air Cavalry (Helicopter) -> Gunship
Heavy Cavalry: Heavy Chariot -> Armored Horseman -> Knight -> Reiter -> Cuirasser -> Landship -> Tank -> Modern Armor
Fighter: Early Fighter -> Fighter -> Jet Fighter -> Stealth Fighter
Bomber: Early Bomber -> Bomber -> Jet Bomber -> Stealth Bomber
Ground Attack: Early Ground Attack -> Ground Attack -> Jet Ground Attack -> Stealth Ground Attack
Naval Melee: Galley -> Caravel -> Corvette -> Ironclad -> Destroyer -> Missile Destroyer
Naval Ranged: Quadrireme -> Galleass -> Frigate -> Armored Cruiser -> Battlecruiser -> Missile Cruiser
Naval Bombard: Galleon -> Ship Of The Line -> Pre-Dreadnought -> Battleship
Marine: Naval Infantry -> Marine -> Modern Marine
Siege: Catapault -> Trebuchet -> Bombard -> Howitzer -> Artillery -> Mobile Artillery -> Rocket Artillery
Automatic Gun: Gatling -> Machine Gun

Bugs known issues
There is a slight delay with gunship firing rockets and them hitting the target for some reason.
UAV does not have any good animations to use so its works like a helicopter.
Supercarrier has issues with aircraft getting deleted when upgrading from Aircraft Carrier.
Tested Battlecruisers and you only get one instead of two with Venitian arsenal.
Some slight animation tansition errors with the Howitzer.

@Deliverator (recycled some of his parts), @snafusmith (Airco DH.4, Field Gun, Armored Car and SP Gun), @bernie14 (Field gun crew) and @Darnell (Armored Cavalry).
Also thanks to @Tolerant for the Russian text and @HAPPYWORLD for the Chinese text.

Installation Instructions

1. Unzip the zip file.
2. The Warfare Expanded directory should be copied into your Mods folder (.../Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods/).
3. Enable Warfare Expanded via the checkbox under Additional Content (should be enabled by default but just in case).
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Planning to add this to the Workshop? I don't recognize your d/l site and prefer not to experiment with sites I don't know.
Thank u thank u thank u !!!!
Waiting along time for atomic/modren/information units :) and u gave us lots of them
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#Lion king - i wish that too..
A modren marin (foot unit) missing too..
Its a sham that the devolepers has made only 1 bomber and 1 attacker air unit :/
#gelodgreat it looks perfact !
Is it possible to change voip/sounds of units?
New sounds *
Nice work @Wolfdog! :goodjob:

Is that the M109 Paladin by @snafusmith from here? I was thinking of converting that myself. Are you going to share the raw asset files at some point? :mischief:
Planning to add this to the Workshop? I don't recognize your d/l site and prefer not to experiment with sites I don't know.

You don't actually need to sign up to download the file. That said I that uploading this to the Steam Workshop would be good!
This is truly amazing, thank you! Can we expect some sea and air units?
Yes, I plan on adding a WW1 bomber, stealth planes and possibly a ground attack line.

#Lion king - i wish that too..
A modren marin (foot unit) missing too..
Its a sham that the devolepers has made only 1 bomber and 1 attacker air unit :/
Yes I would like to make a Marine and it is very doable. I would also like to make a Paratrooper but that is not possible yet, maybe Firaxis will add that capability soon with DLC.

Looks Good. If I have time can I make a Version of R.E.D for this mod?
Yes, that would be awesome.

and I also suggest that you name your mod so it will be noticeable to the players :D
I am not very good when thinking up names, do you have any suggestions?

Any naval and aircraft units in the future ?
Yes, I plan on making quite a few especially some iron clads and a WW2 Cruiser.
Nice work @Wolfdog! :goodjob:

Is that the M109 Paladin by @snafusmith from here? I was thinking of converting that myself. Are you going to share the raw asset files at some point? :mischief:
Yes it is that one. I will post the assets tonight after work.
EDIT: Here is link
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This is a solid addition to the Moar Units Mod series. Thank you for all efforts that you've made. Don't played the whole game party with new units yet, but already inspected them all when makind the Russian text translation. Please integrate the texts in the future updates. By the way it's good to know that you are planning to add more flying units. If only the AI could use them properly *sigh*... but in the live partyes that would be very effective. So far, so good. I will continue to support language translations when i have time... The Russian Civ community will also apreciate your work. Also I have some personal thoughts and suggentions (just my personal point of wiew):
1. There are three technologies in the late state of game (Informational era) which are don't provide any specific units: nanotechnology, robotics, tech of the future. In the Atomic era we have "computers" technology which is also didn't provide any units. It would be better decision to attach some new units to these technologies.
2. I would like to see the cutten edge technology units placed somewhere between informational and the future eras. I know that we didn't have the futere era on the Civ VI (yet), but I would like to see some extremly poverful units like MBR (Mechanized battle Robot - like in Civ IV Next War or like in Civ V), Cyborg warriors (Like in Civ IV Next War which one maybe not the most poverful units but mostly cheaper than other units), and maybe some kind of the future space fight jet.
3. Some civics are also need to be unit attached. I don't know why the developers didn't give anythithg to player after studiyng the future society (or the society of the future...I don't know how that written in the English version cause I play in Russian). Some very poverful units should be attached to late techs and the civics as well... Especially to unpopular ones...
4. Is that possible to make the conditions of learning two technologies for unlocking one unit? In Civ IV that was possible, but in Civ VI all units demanding only one tech. It would be good if for one superpowerful unit player should learn two technologies or one frome tech and the one from civic threes. That would be great.


Thank you for that, I will add the text to the next update.
1. Yes i will check those out for the next update.
2. Hopefully someone will eventually figure out how to add another era for Civ 6 like the Enlightenment Era mod for Civ 5.
3/4. I don't think it is possible from what I have seen to add two prereq techs yet to a unit yet but it looks possible to have a prepeq tech and a prereq civic for a unit.
The mod looks and plays great! I always felt the information age was a bit lacking, the new units definitely add to the late game. My only critique would be that some of the new units felt a little op compared to other information era units, but I just changed the combat stats to better fit my liking. But otherwise good job! I've also enjoyed the Civ 5 unit assets like the stealth bomber, I wouldn't mind seeing more of these like maybe the Civ 5 versions of the mechanized infantry and the gunship, or maybe the modern era landship to bridge between horses and tanks along with other ww1 units. And I agree with the above comments, a marine unit would be very welcome. If I could offer a few suggestions myself... The machine gun feels left out in terms of the upgrade line, a more modern looking upgraded unit would be welcome (like the modern sniper as an upgrade to the atomic sniper). It would be cool to integrate that so that it doesn't look odd with all the modern-looking info era infantry units around. Same goes for the recon unit (maybe a special forces upgrade?). It wouldn't have to be much of a combat upgrade, just mostly for cosmetic purposes. Again, great job.
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