• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Weird News ε' - The fifth column

your first quote is the part is where ı call BS on the claim that it was a matter of luck that the Police could get that 133 gigabytes of data . Computers , especially when they are not "airtight" note everything down and it is available for the security establishment and stuff . Nothing you do on any electronic device is ever a secret . Also , like am pretty sure my free Vanity Fair articles had long ran out ... Like , everything was recorded , even in the case there was not an actual Janet Dobinson who assessed Mark for operations .

short , fat , dumb and bald , Rocky FAT... A punching bag . They said for 10 or 15 years that ı was carrying a gun , even in the summer . B-61 is a nuclear weapon , do not try to scare the CIA .
why , do you hate this forum that much ?
Is this weird enough:

Flock of 100 feral chickens torments village

The clucking nuisance of about 100 feral chickens has left residents of a Norfolk village spitting feathers, with locals claiming the birds destroy their gardens and keep them awake at night.

Dwellers in Snettisham, Norfolk, have said their life is being made “hell” as the chickens swarm in from a nearby wood. It is unclear who owns the land the chickens live on, but villagers believe numbers have soared recently.

They also complained of an influx of people travelling to see the birds and leaving food for them, which is attracting rats. This has created a febrile atmosphere, with reports of rising tensions between residents and visitors.

Spoiler Look, that chicken's got a vicious streak a mile wide! :
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^Reminds me of what happens in Secret of Mana if you systematically torment chickens (a flock appears out of nowhere to attack you).
Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past did it first
French town reels from fortune teller scandal

The town of Agde on the Mediterranean coast may be known for its beautiful sandy beaches and year-round sun, but it’s also got a reputation for wild sex parties.

The town is home to Europe’s biggest swinger community. Tens of thousands of couples head to the town from across Europe every year to swap partners.

But right now, the town is reeling from an entirely new scandal which has the rest of France shaking its head in collective bemusement and amusement.

It concerns a local fortune teller and the town’s mayor, Gilles d’Ettore, a former secret service officer and police officer.

Both are now in jail while under judicial investigation. The fortune teller, Sophia Martinez, faces charges of embezzling the mayor, while he himself is accused of corruption for spending lavish amounts of taxpayers’ money on her.

Ms Martinez had a reputation for being able to speak to the dead. When the mayor asked her to put him in touch with his deceased father, she succeeded. While performing séances, her voice would suddenly change and take on the tone of the mayor’s father.

Over the past four years it is alleged that she manipulated the mayor in person and by phone with remarkable ventriloquist skills.

He received thousands of mysterious calls from “voices” of the dead including angels, some of them urging the mayor to help the fortune teller.

Ms Martinez's lawyer, Luc Abratkiewicz, says “She has admitted betraying the mayor’s confidence but it’s not a case of manipulation because she has owned up to what she did and other clients including doctors and architects said she had mystical powers,” he says.

Rocky Fatboa? R-61?
What a heavyweight championship fight that could have been...

Godzilla, Thailand’s Fattest Macaque, Dies Due to Obesity-Related Illness
A morbidly obese macaque named Godzilla who gorged on treats offered by passers-by in Bangkok, Thailand, succumbed to a myriad of weight-related illnesses at the tender age of six.

On May 6th, Godzilla breathed his last breath at the Crystal Pet Hospital in Bangkok as his master held its tiny hand in his. However, the man and his family are facing criticism for killing the young macaque with kindness, indulging his addiction to sweets and other fattening treats, and turning him into a popular attraction at their market stall. Tourists would pass by the vest-wearing primate and feed him all kinds of junk food, which led to him ballooning to
over 19 kilograms, more than double the weight of an average macaque. Sadly, his condition never really improved after he was taken away, and a number of obesity-induced illnesses eventually claimed his life.
am not 100 kilos yet , never claimed ı could fight , and uh , would have been nice if it wasn't a monkey in the same post , but , like yes , can do no business in the West without proving you hate Turks .

like surprised to learn Kevin Spacey's accusers have fallen by the wayside . One truly seems to be an accident , a royal suicide out of fear of outing for whatever . And is it 3 or 4 deaths ? Should ı get fixated on that ?
am not 100 kilos yet , never claimed ı could fight , and uh , would have been nice if it wasn't a monkey in the same post , but , like yes , can do no business in the West without proving you hate Turks .
They don't hate the Turks. They're just annoyed that their beautifully drawn maps, which they thought were eternal, had to be recalled to change Constantinople's name.
me thinks you haven't been more popular today .
Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past did it first

The very 1st time I ever played Skyrim, I accidentally attacked a chicken. :sad:

Riverfarm aggroed me, so I sheathed my weapons to surrender.
The whole town and the guards continued to beat me to death and I got my 1st game over.
This could be a little serious for here, but since the options are slightly limited:

Poo War!!!!

North Korea has sent hundreds of balloons loaded with rubbish and faeces across the heavily fortified border to the South.

The South Korean military released photos on Wednesday, some showing rubbish strewn around collapsed balloons, with the word “excrement” written on a bag in one photograph. The North said that the swarm, containing toilet paper and suspected animal faeces, was a response to South Korean propaganda campaigns using balloons.

The South Korean authorities had received prior warning of the attack. Kim Kang Il, the North’s vice minister of defence, issued a statement on Sunday warning that “mounds of wastepaper and filth” would be sent to the South as “tit-for-tat action” in response to the flying of “dirty things” to the North.

South Korean activists, often led by North Korean defectors, have regularly sent balloons carrying leaflets with messages critical of Pyongyang and even USB memory sticks with K-pop music videos the other way.

Previous South Korean governments have sought to stop activists from conducting such campaigns, arguing they did not help advance peace and endangered the safety of residents near the border.

A ban on balloon launches introduced in 2021 was later ruled unconstitutional by a top court, which said it violated freedom of speech.

Tensions have flared again this week following a failed satellite launch by Pyongyang.

North Korea on Monday attempted to put a second spy satellite into orbit. The country successfully launched its first spy satellite in November at its third attempt, drawing international condemnation.

However, this week’s launch bid ended in a midair explosion.

Seoul had conducted drills with fighter jets hours ahead of the attempt in protest.

That saw North Korean leader Kim Jong Un criticise the South’s “recklessness,” according to a Korean Central News Agency report on Wednesday.


Suspended driver joins court hearing while driving​

A judge in the US state of Michigan was surprised when a defendant appeared for his remote court hearing while behind the wheel.
Corey Harris, who is charged with driving on a suspended licence, joined the call from a moving car.
"I don't even know why he would do that," the judge said to the defendant's lawyer.
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