Weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

I've swallowed a lot of bugs when I had a Kawasaki - fortunately no asphalt. The funniest was at an Asian restaurant when I drank a dipping sauce, thinking it an alcoholic drink.
Almost every other part in cows, lambs and goats ie: tongue, eyes, legs, testicules, kidneys, hearst, skin, every thing
My general rule with food/drink is: I'll try anything once! I've eaten squid cooked in it's own ink (picture a pitch black soup with tentacles swimming in it - tasted pretty good, though); quite a few unusual meats (kangaroo, crocodile, horse etc.). Mussels, snails, frog's legs... all quite good!

I only drew the line once: a 'special treat' I was served in southern France once - a cheese with live grubs wiggling 'hello' at me. I refused that one....

If you don't believe me, google 'Casu Marzu'. Beats me how anyone can eat such stuff!
I think the oddest thing i ever ate was a strange soup i was given once, it had a couple of large pasta balls lurking at the bottom, i could'nt tell you what planet the meat of the creature inside the pasta balls came from though, probably best i never found out :lol:

Reminds me of a character from a Terry Pratchett book that was selling meat pies, 50 cents for a meat pie, 75 cents if you want to know what kind of meat :p
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