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Welcome New Team Members

Also if your wondering I do watch to much Mail-Call on the history channel

P.s. Its called a Panzer

Yeah, I like that guy, Lee Ermey. That program is really good :).

Panzer is the name of an entire series of german tanks. "Panther" is the name of a specific german medium tank. It was very strong, and the allied M4 Shermans had a hard time facing them. Luckily they were numerically superior.


M4 Sherman said:
Yeah, I like that guy, Lee Ermey. That program is really good :).

Panzer is the name of an entire series of german tanks. "Panther" is the name of a specific german medium tank. It was very strong, and the allied M4 Shermans had a hard time facing time. Luckily they were numerically superior.


Ah, so you ment the panther tank, I see alot of people spelling Panzer as panther. Sucky tanks can beat good tanks in numbers :mad: Which is why I use :nuke: 's on my games to a horrible extent
Ah, so you ment the panther tank, I see alot of people spelling Panzer as panther. Sucky tanks can beat good tanks in numbers Which is why I use 's on my games to a horrible extent

I can imagine the aspect of your games: enemy lans filled with pollution, cities reduced to rubble, bad AI mood. I prefer artillery. Once I built 80 of them to bomb the damn indians.
M4 Sherman said:
I can imagine the aspect of your games: enemy lans filled with pollution, cities reduced to rubble, bad AI mood. I prefer artillery. Once I built 80 of them to bomb the damn indians.
LoL, Well I was playing a 2 continent map standard size with me and my dad on one contient and russia in the entire other map, half of russia is polluted/bombed to the ground since i rule the sea's with a fleet of around 100 ships and 10 nuclear subs and have a stock pile of 20+ ICBM's and 5-10 tactical nukes :D But >_< I have a small landing point and even half destroyed russia refuses to fall to my armor's might, It takes 25+ tanks to even destroy a few city's because russia is so damn stubborn and won't just die... Russia is even fighting a 2 front war (my landing near the north and my dad's 50+ tanks at the south with loads more on his coast) and were just barely makeing progress, either they stock-piles a crud load of tanks or just to damn strong, i about have my final attack force complete to do an attack in 5 different places to thin their units out to an extream and hopefully finnaly destroy them :mad: :mad: :mad: Talk about fortress europe

Not only that but their lucky in battles :mad:
LoL, Well I was playing a 2 continent map standard size with me and my dad on one contient and russia in the entire other map, half of russia is polluted/bombed to the ground since i rule the sea's with a fleet of around 100 ships and 10 nuclear subs and have a stock pile of 20+ ICBM's and 5-10 tactical nukes But >_< I have a small landing point and even half destroyed russia refuses to fall to my armor's might, It takes 25+ tanks to even destroy a few city's because russia is so damn stubborn and won't just die... Russia is even fighting a 2 front war (my landing near the north and my dad's 50+ tanks at the south with loads more on his coast) and were just barely makeing progress, either they stock-piles a crud load of tanks or just to damn strong, i about have my final attack force complete to do an attack in 5 different places to thin their units out to an extream and hopefully finnaly destroy them Talk about fortress europe

Not only that but their lucky in battles

This must be a bad RNG mood. Sacrifice something to them (the RNG gods) :).
I dont want to sound rude but it might be best to take this disscussion some where else to avoid cluttering the thread. (depends what the gov thinks)
Deleted by me :D
>_>... <_<... I actully have enough troops to wipe him out if i used everything, but I gotta watch our for my dad since he has about 2X the land and production capability's of me cause i got stuck in a cruddy place so I gotta hold my nuclear weapon's and keep a large defensive force and hope russia thin's off some of my dad's tank's while makeing an attack force to hit them with (I seen about 9 stacks of 10+ tanks around his coast and who knows how much more inland) So im finishing a war I have had since the mid-point of the game and getting ready for another right beside my homeland

It seems to be an interesting game. First, if you want to destroy the russians, you should wait until your dad defeat most of their armies to launch the offensive. Then you will get them :). Don't use nukes, it will destroy your future conquered land and will anger the other AI's. You don't want an AI dogpile against you and your dad, don't you? Once I nuked the french and immediately Mongolia declared war on me. Most of the others did the same after a few turns.

And don't forget the gods :).

edit - OK, last post.
I started a thread called Chillout Room ... as far as I am concerned can be a place for citizens (and our lurker :wavey: ) to have OT chats ...
@ M4 Sherman ... Chill Out Room which is not stickied ;) ... and a good place to talk OT.

Welcome again Boney [party] ... you will find Chamnix who is our Domestic Minister's analysis of city production options particularly interesting ... blew me away :wow:
@All New Members: Welcome! We dont' have a FAQ thread, (although one might get started) so until then, you can see the way things work in General_W's informative Flow Chart

Also, feel free to PM or Email (always better) anyone on the team. Everyone here is pretty helpful and polite. Also, don'e be afraid to post your thoughts on any of the topics. We have several different skills levels (and computer speeds and connection speeds ;)), and our players reside in 7 different time zones. Don't forget to post your contact info in the Citizen List

The more you talk, the better our game will be, and the more fun we'll have.
I think we have a new member - I can't really pronounce his name on this keyboard until someone shows me how, but I'll call him/her Cubed for the near future.

Glad to have you here! Feel free to post as much or as little as you like (though we'd all love to hear what you're thinking) - no one will get upset if you choose to remain silent.

There's a bit going on right now. I'd suggest reading MIA Grand Strategy Meeting thread, starting with post 43, on page 3. That'll fill you in on most of the theory underlying where we're going with this game.

As for a quick summary, just check the State of the Empire thread. That'll provide you with all of the turn-by-turn events, with mellifluous descriptions from General_W, our current President and Turnplayer.

You can download the save from our Gmail account all you want, just make sure you DON'T MOVE UNITS. You can only replicate the exact moves the turnplayer executed, otherwise you might get info that we're not supposed to have.

That's a quick intro, I'm sure you'll get the rest of it all soon!
Hey Longog ... welcome to the good ship MIA. :beer:

Feel free to ask questions ... meet and chat ... Oh and have fun :D ...

Also vote for me in everything OK ;)

BTW ... Hark I hear dreamtime diges and the quaint call of the kookaburra ... :D Stone the Flamin' Crows I think we got us an Aussie team :woohoo:
Hi Longog :wavey: Any friend of Feaurius' is definitely welcome here. I hope you will quickly shed the "lurker" label and start posting opinions - just jump right in.
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