What Did you Achieve today?

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My biggest achievement before I came in to work: I finally managed to finish "Through The Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce on medium difficulty. :)
I invented a better version of sliced bread!
Congrats, Nylan!

As for myself, paid some bills. And my Valentine's gift to my SO arrived there today (early, but whatever). Well, it was yesterday...now that it's nearly 7 AM on a new Saturday.

I can do this only because there is no Science class this morning. Otherwise, I'd be scrambling to leave.
I met up with some veteran cartoonist buds and planned out a cheesy
underground horror mag in the same vein as 'Creepy' and 'Nightmare'...

I also penned out more pages to my never-ending sketchpad collection.
I am forever drawing little storyboards of future comic layouts. Good fun!

I got a bunch of stuff at a couple of yard sales.

A Risk game for $1, some cheap kitchen stuff, a free large shelf.
Meeting up with someone I have avoided for 2 years

After meeting up with someone I have a lot of past history with, after a period of avoiding each other for the last few years, it went surprisingly well
Today, I will wash the dishes, buy some groceries, cook some food and then sit back and enjoy a nice snack and a movie (O brother where art thou).

It will be a good day.

I also cleaned my place. On the downside, I didn't shower today, and I don't think I will. :ack:
I achieved more than Warpus, for I also answered a lot of private sock questions, aswell as cooking a healthy dinner for myself
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