What exactly did Christ accomplish when he died for our sins?

Turner_727 said:
If god is all powerful and all knowing, why does he need our worship?
God doesn't need our worship. But He wants it (voluntarily from us). Why? As our Creator, He deserves it!
Really? A being so powerful it can create whole universes, and it needs our worship? Us, little people on an insignificant little planet in a backwater part of a very common galaxy?
Turner_727 said:
If god is all powerful and all knowing, why does he need our worship?

If god is all power and all knowing, why would he create us and the universe in the first place?
Turner_727 said:
Really? A being so powerful it can create whole universes, and it needs our worship? Us, little people on an insignificant little planet in a backwater part of a very common galaxy?

Look at Quasar's previous post, apparently you didn't read it very carefully.

Babyblue, why don't you contribute something useful to the thread.
Oh, I read it. He said that your god wants us to worship him. I just can't see an omnicent/omnipresent being needing our worship. After all, according to legend, he created this universe.
ComradeDavo said:
I don't believe Jesus actually existed. I have seen no historical proof from the time time, no eye witness accounts, no real evidence. No writers from the time mention him.

There is more proof that jesus exsisted then that julius ceaser existed. You do believe Julius Ceaser existed, do you??
puglover said:
Look at Quasar's previous post, apparently you didn't read it very carefully.

Babyblue, why don't you contribute something useful to the thread.

Because I believe Christ is a fictional character, I have nothing useful to contribute? I find that very funny.
It took some 2000ish years and the Internet for someone to finallly ask why Christ died for our sins. He died because I guess he thought that we would stop sinning, but the better question would be why the hell would anyone think that let alone our supposed savior. Also arent we relatively the same as we would be even if he didnt die for our sins. Think about things after he died got alot worse for us with the Dark Ages and all, so whats the point. Why not just come at the end of the World and die for everyones sins be alot more useful.
babyblue said:
Because I believe Christ is a fictional character, I have nothing useful to contribute? I find that very funny.

Don't jump to conclusions. I did not say that. Usually it is courteous to state your opinion with a reason for having it.
puglover said:
Don't jump to conclusions. I did not say that. Usually it is courteous to state your opinion with a reason for having it.

How do I explain a reason for my belief in Christ being fictional? It just is. Just the way most believe in him based on Faith, because that's what they believe. I don't believe for the same reason, I just don't believe.
My two favorite quotes on Christianity:

It began in a manger,
All he said was
'You can dance with a stranger.'

A feeling of compassionate mercy,
the rest doesn't matter a damn.

If Jesus was the "son of God" (or whatever you choose to call a divinely inspired manifestation of God) then without doubt he accomplished everything he set out to accomplish. Failure is not a real option for such an entity. Since he would have been successful, then the world must be unfolding according to his plan. We don't actually know what he set out to do and that is the subject of much discussion among humans and we are without agreement. This is a human problem.

If Jesus was not divinely inspired, but just another guy with good PR, then he certainly accomplished a great deal. You just need to read history to find out what. Whether or not it was a good thing is again up for debate.
Perfection said:
In the end he got a really spiffy book deal.
Yeah but it took 300 years and there are no royalties. He had to settle for immortality and adoring fans.
Turner_727 said:
Oh, I read it. He said that your god wants us to worship him. I just can't see an omnicent/omnipresent being needing our worship. After all, according to legend, he created this universe.

I don't think it's really our worship that he wants, rather it is a relationship with us that he desires, and part of that relationship involves our worship.

blackheart said:
If god is all power and all knowing, why would he create us and the universe in the first place?

It is my belief God created man because he wanted a relationship with a being that, given a choice, would serve Him.

Of course, I do not naively think that I am making any revelations to anyone, you've heard it all before.

What I am really wondering is if there is any point in these type of discussions? Some nonbelievers will inevitably spout out a slew of scientific facts & theories. Some believers will counter by spouting out other scientific facts and theories, coupled with matters of faith. The nonbelievers (by very definition of being a nonbeliever) are not capable of accepting these matters of faith and so will point out the futility of using faith based arguments to "prove" God exists and will further complicate the discussion with yet more scientific facts and theories. And what is the point?

To the nonbelievers: I respect your right to your opinion, but do you feel you are accomplishing anything by arguing against the existence of God?

To the believers: you believe, why can't you leave it at that? Are you really trying to save souls in these types of discussions, or are you trying to prove you are right? Are you trying to save souls, or are you trying to win a debate? Are you trying to save souls? I have read several of these types of threads that perhaps start off with a sincere question only to develop into a massive debate. If someone who really had sincere questions about our God read through some of these discussions, do you really think they would find something they wanted to be a part of?

I apologize in advance if my comments offend anyone, that was not my intention.
Birdjaguar said:
Yeah but it took 300 years and there are no royalties. He had to settle for immortality and adoring fans.
What do you think happens to all the money that goes into the collection plates? Do you honestly think it goes toward improving the church? Don't be silly, Jesus gets the money. The church is provided for by manna from heaven.
Damn, what a cool system!
predesad said:
To the nonbelievers: I respect your right to your opinion, but do you feel you are accomplishing anything by arguing against the existence of God?
It helps people understand the importance of empiricism.
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