Tyranny and Mutation
Ive learned that in combat, you are only able to call in airstrikes if you've killed five enemies without dying.
Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten
future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
I've learned that vintage Cadillacs were the most deadly fighters available to Rogue Squadron.
I've learnt that tanks cannot defeat spearmen. Ever.I've learned that tanks are no good against infantry.
Jeez. Thats not a Duke Nukem thing anyone would understand. If you want to refer to the Duke, refer to shooting the hookers pole dancing.
I hugely disagree on both counts. Perhaps its a guy thing.
I don't see it as any different from being proud of being good at, say, a sport, or a musical instrument. It takes a certain amount of expertise to beat Captain Falcon with a Jigglypuff, or to put a 7.62 through a Ruskie's head; however applicable or productive that is in real life is subject to debate, but it sure is fun as hell.
I have learnt that time passes differently not only in a videogame, but it also adjusts the speed at which time goes by in the real world.
Start a game at 22:00. Play for an hour. Look at the clock. 02:00.
if you hear "Get behind me doctor!", be afraid, very afraid.