What is knowledge?

It's what you know.

Brothah, I dun' get you and yer Professa Cracka talk! Put that by me in real language, mah homie!

Our seemings are just things that seem to us. So It seems to me that right now there's an empty cream soda bottle in front of me. Once our seemings become past tense, though, they are susceptible to the fallibility of memory. So at any time, you know all of your seemings at that time with certainty.
Our seemings are just things that seem to us. So It seems to me that right now there's an empty cream soda bottle in front of me. Once our seemings become past tense, though, they are susceptible to the fallibility of memory. So at any time, you know all of your seemings at that time with certainty.
What about like unconcious seemings and crap? Are those just not seemings or whatevs?
What about like unconcious seemings and crap? Are those just not seemings or whatevs?

That depends on whether you're an internalist about knowledge or not, and what type of internalist you are. But thats a hugeass topic in and of itself. An internalist would say no to the unconscious seemings question, and a non-internalist would say (perhaps) yes.

itz a big topic

Bacause caps lock will make me post faster, lmao. Well, it really isn't my saying, considering some asian guy already said it, but It basically means what it says. All you have to do is replace "everything" with "knowledge", and there you have it, Damnyankee's half assed argument of the day.

This kinda self knowledge seems disspointing. It's uninvestigably fragile (cuz when you investigate a seeming time passes and no longer is the current seeming) and doesn't talk about how well what we think represents external reality.

Shouldn't knowledge be more robust then that?
The Indian teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj once said, “Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.”
Bacause caps lock will make me post faster, lmao. Well, it really isn't my saying, considering some asian guy already said it, but It basically means what it says. All you have to do is replace "everything" with "knowledge", and there you have it, Damnyankee's half assed argument of the day.
A random saying without any backing up isn't an argument (unless you're John Cleese).
The Indian teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj once said, “Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.”
Does that have anything to do with knowledge or are you just trying to start an impromptu hippy poetry slam?
Shouldn't knowledge be more robust then that?

Of course! I was only citing an example of certain knowledge. No plausible account of knowledge-hood requires absolute certainty. I was just kinda participating in the side convo prompted by Lotus' question about certain knowledge, because warpus' 2+2 crap was annoying.

I aint gonna get into my personal views as to a good set of necessary and sufficient conditions for knowledge, partly because I haven't heard a very good one yet, and partly because I'm skeptical as to whether such a definition exists that will also encapsulate all of our common-sense examples of knowledge.
Does that have anything to do with knowledge or are you just trying to start an impromptu hippy poetry slam?

I was responding your request to DamnYankee for relevance of his everything is nothing post. Replace "wisdom" with "knowledge" and voila! ;)
That concept was disproved in the 50s.
A chemist approaches the Head of the Research Department to request more funds. The Head complains: "Why can't you chemists be more like the mathematicians? All they need to do their research is pencil, paper and a trashcan."
Annoyed by the implication that his equipment is of little use, the chemist quips back: "How about we take it one step further and be like the philosophers? They don't even need a trashcan. :rolleyes: "
A chemist approaches the Head of the Research Department to request more funds. The Head complains: "Why can't you chemists be more like the mathematicians? All they need to do their research is pencil, paper and a trashcan."
Annoyed by the implication that his equipment is of little use, the chemist quips back: "How about we take it one step further and be like the philosophers? They don't even need a trashcan. :rolleyes: "

I've heard that joke before, but whats the relevance here? Please be as lucid as possible, as hard as it may be to resist the urge to try to look terse, cold, and logical. :lol:
I was responding your request to DamnYankee for relevance of his everything is nothing post. Replace "wisdom" with "knowledge" and voila! ;)
So knowledge is that which tells you that you are nothing? :crazyeye:

And how do you not know if I am John Cleese? Think about that one...
John Cleese is funny.
So knowledge is that which tells you that you are nothing? :crazyeye:

If you believe Nisargadatta Maharaj. But doesn't an atheistic belief in science lead to the same conclusion: We are but vehicles for the reproduction of our DNA?
Well, maybe John Cleese isn't funny on forums, maybe he is only funny in movies and what not.
Funny people are generally funny in all media.

Also, John Cleese is smart.
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