Trump Assassination Attempt.


Jan 9, 2017
I think this thing deserves its own thread... the reverberations will be around longer than the election itself and considering the rhetoric around the event it looks like escalation is likely... and considering the average American's historical and political knowledge it is bound to head to some bad places...


Reagan was shot by apolitical mentally ill man, Lincoln was shot by a far right winger and Republicans were the left wing in his time, and we know so little about Trump's assailant that I will not comment yet.

Trump has, is continuing, and will likely continue to advocate for massive levels of political violence... It was not lost on my twelve-year-old son that at the moment of the shot he was advocating for mass deportation including a mass round up of any undocumented people in the US... We reap what we sow....

I'm not big on presidents, it's our economic and government systems that are rotten to the core and no one person being unalived is going to change the real problem...
There are people on social media speculating that the whole thing was arranged and any deaths were unfortunate collateral damage.

My own view is that ideally a bad/destructive politician should be voted out (or not voted in) if they haven't done anything illegal, jailed if they have done something illegal, but assassination isn't the way to handle it in a civilized society.

That said... if this had been successful, I wouldn't grieve for any portion of a nanosecond.
fwiw the kid who tried to assassinate Trump seems to have some conflicting moral maybe if it shakes out as just a nutjob people will calm who am I kidding.

Spoiler Assassin's name and blurb from social media :


Killing the Epstein offenders?
Trump rally 40 miles from his house?

Drew Trump's blood and killed an innocent audience member before dying.

This whole thing boggles the mind.

I thought the Secret Service secured nearby roofs if there weren't too many of them.
The cynicism's startling. First reactions were staged from the left and antifa trans and secret service allowed it from the right.

Pretty bleak. Neither look to turn out to be true. Everybody will say look where our politics are but the reaction reveals a problem just as deep, trust is way down.
the lack of success in preventing the thing will be "the proof" that it was a Democrat plot . With burned out brains , the MAGA crowd will only renounce any connection of the shooter to their creed as a cover-up .

and a little advice to Left Wingers here as it would be lost elsewhere . When you moan about the miss , nothing will convince the random Rightwinger that chances upon this site that you are right , justified , honest and in this case innocent . You will end up rather dead in a new American Civil War . This is a time when you should strive for actual Democratic Process and whatnot instead of conducting culture war/cancellation while denying that you are doing the very same . Söz meclisten dışarı , as a general comment withoit targetting anyone in particular .
Since Americans like to quote the founding fathers, here's a quote:

"What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
-Thomas Jefferson

Killing political opponents is not something I endorse, no matter how I dislike them. Ideally they should be losing elections. But the world isn't ideal, and the US most definitely isn't ideal. It's really shocking that almost half of Americans really look at Trump and see a leader. For a neutral non-American observer it's literally difficult to imagine. It doesn't mean that in Europe all politicians are great, because we also have our share of Trumpoids, but even Orban, Fico or Le Pen aren't as bad as Trump, and they fortunately have much lesser influence on global politics than POTUS.

Republicans of course will blame media for hate speech and inciting people against Trump. As if they were completely innocent in this matter. From what I've seen MAGA folk are really looking like an aggressive cult who for years is attacking Democrats and other people they disagree with with passion and very strong words. So you reap what you sow.

First reports say that the shooter was republican. I wonder if he left any note explaining his motives.

It's also ironic that republicans are supporters of NRA and the easy access to guns.

I hope it won't push other idiots to try again to assassinate Trump or Biden. And I really, realy hope it won't help Trump win elections, because Trump as a president is widely condidered over here to be a disaster.

But there's also one thought - if Hitler was assassinated in 1933 - that would save us all a lot of trouble.

Breaking Points video with a good summation of events and what is currently known.
Killing the Epstein offenders?
Trump rally 40 miles from his house?

Drew Trump's blood and killed an innocent audience member before dying.

This whole thing boggles the mind.

I thought the Secret Service secured nearby roofs if there weren't too many of them.
Yea you can spend some time watching the sniper team looking right at the area the kid was shooting from and reacting to the shots being fired... the whole thing is surreal.
I am surprised by how Trump's behavior and photos make him look very manly and impressive.
Dunno it's just his psychopathy or the work of a really good photographer, but such images will outlive the months to the elections.
Since Americans like to quote the founding fathers, here's a quote:

"What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
-Thomas Jefferson

Killing political opponents is not something I endorse, no matter how I dislike them. Ideally they should be losing elections. But the world isn't ideal, and the US most definitely isn't ideal. It's really shocking that almost half of Americans really look at Trump and see a leader. For a neutral non-American observer it's literally difficult to imagine. It doesn't mean that in Europe all politicians are great, because we also have our share of Trumpoids, but even Orban, Fico or Le Pen aren't as bad as Trump, and they fortunately have much lesser influence on global politics than POTUS.

Republicans of course will blame media for hate speech and inciting people against Trump. As if they were completely innocent in this matter. From what I've seen MAGA folk are really looking like an aggressive cult who for years is attacking Democrats and other people they disagree with with passion and very strong words. So you reap what you sow.

First reports say that the shooter was republican. I wonder if he left any note explaining his motives.

It's also ironic that republicans are supporters of NRA and the easy access to guns.

I hope it won't push other idiots to try again to assassinate Trump or Biden. And I really, realy hope it won't help Trump win elections, because Trump as a president is widely condidered over here to be a disaster.

But there's also one thought - if Hitler was assassinated in 1933 - that would save us all a lot of trouble.
Well, the democratic convention was already going to be a hot mess and if my political sense is any good at all this will give them the excuse to just keep the entire thing on insane lock down...

The Republican convention starts today and it's going to be a wild show of hero worship....

I'll make jokes about how only a liberal (which seems to be on point considering the kid's mixed up political values) would miss that shot, but honestly, I'm not into the assassination tactic of government reform... The US needs a total rehaul to get itself into the 21st century (hell just get it caught up to the 20th would be nice) but killing any one person is not going to fix that....

It would help if Americans would stop idolizing slavers and mass murderers as "founding fathers"....
I am surprised by how Trump's behavior and photos make him look very manly and impressive.
Dunno it's just his psychopathy or the work of a really good photographer, but such images will outlive the months to the elections.
He was already going to beat Biden... now the rapist in chief will landslide Biden.
I am surprised by how Trump's behavior and photos make him look very manly and impressive.
Dunno it's just his psychopathy or the work of a really good photographer, but such images will outlive the months to the elections.

His bloody face, fist, and the American flag photos will become iconic I'd imagine.

He also has sympathy-generating photos.

Don't see why it moves any votes. You can want someone not to get assassinated and not necessarily have that mean you want them to be President.
NYT this morning:
"The gunman was a registered Republican, his mother was a Democrat and his father a Libertarian, a fairly typical mix for the area, Mr. Grzybek said."

He was already going to beat Biden... now the rapist in chief will landslide Biden.
I'm not so sure. But I'm an idealist and I usually believe that people, in the end, always choose a good option over a bad one. And, after so many failures, I still refuse to learn.

I've seen plenty of people saying this. But they are common people. I've read few internaional "experts" and they said it isn't that obvious. There's plenty of time and a lot of things can happen. Shortly before elections Trump will finally be sentenced (by the way it's unbelievable that in the US a convicted guy can still run for president. Over here such person automatically loses that ability). Sympathy vote? It would have much greater impact if elections were week or two from now.
I think this thing deserves its own thread... the reverberations will be around longer than the election itself and considering the rhetoric around the event it looks like escalation is likely... and considering the average American's historical and political knowledge it is bound to head to some bad places...

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Reagan was shot by apolitical mentally ill man, Lincoln was shot by a far right winger and Republicans were the left wing in his time, and we know so little about Trump's assailant that I will not comment yet.

Trump has, is continuing, and will likely continue to advocate for massive levels of political violence... It was not lost on my twelve-year-old son that at the moment of the shot he was advocating for mass deportation including a mass round up of any undocumented people in the US... We reap what we sow....

I'm not big on presidents, it's our economic and government systems that are rotten to the core and no one person being unalived is going to change the real problem...

I just want to zero in on this user of twitter dot com who apparently thinks John Wilkes Booth is "the left"
He's just going to turn out to be a mixed-up, young, white kid, like almost all of the other shooters.

Wont de-politicize it, of course, given the target.
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