What is your Age?

Age 47
Cypress, CA (USA)
Civ I - IV
wow,Im young
Civs 3 and 4
Age 16
Houston, Texas USA (No I don't own a six shooter)
Every civilization since the first.

Civilization, along with Gobliiins and Shadows of Yserbius, were what got me into gaming as a whole. I'm probably considered pretty young to being saying that. Sad to say that's the truth.
Age 41
Las Vegas, Nevada
Civ 2, 3 & 4.
Age 35
Brisbane Australia
Civ 4 only
Age: the most random number ever (what I'm already FAR too old)... :(

Somewhere in Europe (living in a country which was responsible for some major conflicts in the last 200 years).

Civs I-IV (lost my copy of Civ I, though)
Last time I checked I was a 13 year old male who plays Civ 3 and 4 but I'm not really sure.
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