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What kind of religious people do you respect most

What kind of religious people do you respect most

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I respect people who follow a religion because they think it is true. I do not respect those who water down their religion for no real reason beyond the fact that certain beliefs of it are no longer popular in society. On the other hand, I disapprove of those who, even if their beliefs have been proven untrue, refuse to change them. God gave us minds so that we could use them, and in my opinion, acting like jargon spewing zombies is an insult to Him.
Neither of the two options I respect.

Sticking to religious doctrine no matter what is bad. But redefining it to reflect society's views isn't necessarily good either - society isn't always right. I have plenty of views which go against what "the masses" think.

I respect those who are willing to change their beliefs in the face of new evidence or arguments.

I also respect those who base their beliefs on reasoned arguments and evidence (even if I disagree with them), above those who base their beliefs on what some religion says or "because God says so", or those who can't explain their beliefs at all other than saying tautologies like "It's wrong because it's immoral".
I respect all life, regardless of whether or not it has a religion.
Pikachu said:
The poll asks a simple question. Who do you respect most or least, and why?

Religion is not a matter to be respected. Only the actions of a person can be respected.
Option #1. It's hardly a religion if you change it constantly to keep up with the whims of an imperfect society.

The people who stick to their beliefs, even when it's unpopular or hard are the ones who earn my respect, even if I think they're wrong.
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