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What kind of religious people do you respect most

What kind of religious people do you respect most

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Mar 5, 2003
The poll asks a simple question. Who do you respect most or least, and why?
Those who stick to their doctrine. Option #2, no offense, is ridiculous. So people are supposed to sacrifice what they believe because a whiny vocal minority, no offense and I'm not referring to any group or situation in particular, calls them intolerant, while tolerance is supposed to mean putting up with those you don't like (so they wouldn't be tolerant, would they then? ;)) A lot of Old Earth Creationists/Christian Evolutionists seem to buy into those atheist theories because of trying not to sound ignorant or because the media/teachers/etc. are telling them the alternative is "easily refuted" (despite their failure to do so) and "anyone who knows anything agrees".
2nd option.

I respect religious people, although I'm not one of them.

As long they'll stop preaching at me, I don't see why we can't get along.
Second option. At least it makes them more reasonable
Respect is not a simple question. Your poll asks whether the presence of X or Y make a person worthy of respect. Most people don't use a single criterion to grant worthiness of respect, even though they do use single issues to disrespect people. You should turn the questions around and ask people to check qualities that they deem important in those they respect.
2nd. I only get annoyed at them when they preach their religion and try to convert me.
If you redefine your religion based on the society surrounding it, it isn't a religion.
Pasi Nurminen said:
If you redefine your religion based on the society surrounding it, it isn't a religion.

Therefore Christianity isn't a religion because it's been adapted to fit Roman, German, Greek, Ethiopian, American, and even Asian cultures. :)
Not really. Go to Asian, Ethiopian, Roman, Greek, American, or Russian churches and you'll see the same message and the same things being preached around the world (assuming they're of the same denomination).
Pasi Nurminen said:
Not really. Go to Asian, Ethiopian, Roman, Greek, American, or Russian churches and you'll see the same message and the same things being preached around the world (assuming they're of the same denomination).

Isn't that the point Yoshi is making? There are different denominations because religion has adapted to its surroundings and cultures. While the basic principles of the religon stay the same, certian aspects were altered to fit a certian cultures belief structure. This proves religions flexability. 20 types (inferring there are differences between them) of christians yet they are all christians. Core beliefs with adaptations to the surrounding culture or era. This seems to fit the second option to me.
Those who search for the truth in their own heart before adhering to one religion or another.

Though I can respect anyone, I'm just predisposed to respecting free spirited souls like that compared to those who accept the doctrine.
Number 2, Number one leads to confusing contradiction and anachronism which will prove fatal to itself. To save their beliefs, they have to convince a suffcient mass of people to adopt their doctrine, this leads to conflicts and disharmony which imho is bad for the society. Not to mention that some of the more stranger beliefs violates my sense of rationality.
I dont respect religious people in general, especially if they are at my door telling me that they want me to be part of the 82nd Good Church of Greatness and Goodyness. I (personally) cant believe in a greater controlling force that says we should do all of his dirty work.
1. Your religion makes sense, and is internally consistent.
2. Your religion doesn't exort you to hurt anyone.

Meet those two, and you're fine with me.

I respect the kind of religiuos people who don't try and convert me or pronounce holy war on me.
Those who keep it to themselves.
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