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What kind of religious people do you respect most

What kind of religious people do you respect most

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I respect only those that keep it to themselves. Anybody who preaches should be taken out in the woods and shot.
Let people find their god/gods/"crutch to lean on" by themselves.Get out of the pulpit and REALLY educate people...teach them self-reliance.
Yeah, I too could careless about :crazyeye: "The Church of the Crystal Worshipping followers of the 23rd moon of October":crazyeye: or some totally ******ed thing like that so I choose number three:).
Pasi Nurminen said:
If you redefine your religion based on the society surrounding it, it isn't a religion.

Thanks for telling me that my religion ( Hinduism ) , or the Buddhist , Jain , or the Sikh isn't a valid religion .

Hinduism has always stressed the concept - the implementation is left to the society which adopts it . This is , in my opinion , the sensible view . The concept is eternal , the implementation transient . That is why Indonesian Hinduism could be based on only the two ( out of the total four ) Vedas which managed to make their way out of India to Indonesia , and yet be suitable to that society . Historically , Hinduism did not displace the indigenous Indonesian religion , it merely absorbed it without a break with the past .
Neither, really. Those religionists that are unyielding to anything besides that which is considered the old-fashioned orthodox doctrine and those who accept all over societies waiverings over the topic both display terrible critical thinking.

I respect religionists who are flexible about thier doctrine but don't give credence to every one of society's wishes.
aneeshm said:
Thanks for telling me that my religion ( Hinduism ) , or the Buddhist , Jain , or the Sikh isn't a valid religion .

Hinduism has always stressed the concept - the implementation is left to the society which adopts it . This is , in my opinion , the sensible view . The concept is eternal , the implementation transient . That is why Indonesian Hinduism could be based on only the two ( out of the total four ) Vedas which managed to make their way out of India to Indonesia , and yet be suitable to that society . Historically , Hinduism did not displace the indigenous Indonesian religion , it merely absorbed it without a break with the past .

No problem. Anyone so clearly racist like you can't possibly be religious.
I respect Zen first and foremost for it's utter indifference to whether it's scripture is historically true if it has a good point. A lot of what it says seems true on a higher level, Zen teaches that it not really a religion, it is all about teaching the path, the destination is up to individual to grasp. I would be a crappy Buddhist but I still feel it. Maybe I am not ready yet.

In my younger days I had an antipathy towards Christianity but that was destroyed by a few humble and very cool people I met at a couple of jobs who were studying to become ministers... open minded folks who were not hatefully judgemental and were happy to have open conversations about mystical and moral issues. They taught me that Christianity can really come from love and not the narrow minded hatered I had previously seen. I have also met Muslims and many Jews of the same ilk, I have yet to personally meet a Jewish Rabbi I didn't respect, and I have met a lot; the Rabbi who does our restaurant's Kosher inspection is an awsome guy to talk to. Anyone who walks this earth with love in their heart is respectable, a lot of religions pull that off at their best; at the same time most fail at their worst.
Pasi Nurminen said:
No problem. Anyone so clearly racist like you can't possibly be religious.

The opinions of anyone so clearly bigoted as you are against anyone who does not agree with you , and as ignorant of religion as you are , carry no weight in a serious discussion about religions and how they deal with society . Please stop pestering the serious people in this thread with your fuzzy, half-formed views born of a chaotic mishmash of half-digested assumptions .

As an aside - for some reason , you think playing the race card will silence me , even though I have repeatedly said that I have brown skin , and that I don't give a rat's behind about race . Nor have I ever made a generalised statement about a group of people in the form of "People of type X are all Y" . What the hell is your grouse ?
Having fairly recently discovered that activists on many political issues (liberal as well as conservative) both act and sound a lot like religious zealots.....basically I give everybody the same deal. As long as they don't try to convert me, I get along with them just fine.
Those who keep their beliefs as their own. Everyone should be raised without being forced a religion.
I don't respect them at all really, as I see religious belief as a mental illness.

As long as religionists don't become eogtistical or pushy, I can tolerate them.

Monks are actually OK in my book.

They protect ancient artefacts, and do not try to impose upon anyone with
distorted, psychotic political views, dressed up as mystical faith...Many of
the so-called religious people today could learn much from a monk's humility.

BasketCase said:
Having fairly recently discovered that activists on many political issues (liberal as well as conservative) both act and sound a lot like religious zealots

I read this far and thought "Amen Brother!"
I prefer the second. anyone that thinks they need to follow all the doctrines of old will end up on death row in our society. Besides society controls religion.
The non-religious and whom are non-belevers of god, that I respect the most are the ones who dont go around stating that there is no God and try to break down the belever's faith.
I respect people who distinguish themselves by their genius and reachings in life to help others, independent from belief, race etc.
CivGeneral said:
The non-religious and whom are non-belevers of god, that I respect the most are the ones who dont go around stating that there is no God and try to break down the belever's faith.


Did you read the thread title?
Or are you just being contumacious?

I like those hipyfied new age ones that are actually helping the planet unlike almost every other religion?!?
CurtSibling said:

Did you read the thread title?
Or are you just being contumacious?

I do also respect religious people, especialy from other Christian Denominations and other faiths. So long as they dont try to push me to convert into one of the other denominations if I am not ready or have already planned to go into a different denomination.
I am willing to respect even those who are making an effort to convert me (naturally enough, I spent 2 years doing it full time) as long as they are respecting both what I actually believe and my right to believe or not believe what I will. I have been 'proselyted' even when I was a missionary and it was no big deal. After all, most missionaries of any stripe will respect 'no thanks, not interested' even if they think it is a mistake for you to not be interested. And some religions think it is a very important thing to be proselyting, so by being missionaries they are living their faith.

I agree somewhat with Perfection (gasp!) when he says that both those who refuse to change their views based on society and those who just agree with what everyone else is saying. I think religion is pointless if it's not making you different in some way from the rest of society, but at the same time your beliefs have to take into account reality and what the world is really like.
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