What leaders do you guys plan on using first?

Isabella first because she is exploration-oriented and I am entering a new world of Civ.
I probably play just one or two ages and just fool around trying things.

Then first "proper" game I think I choose Catherine ad I love her design and Russia's bonuses too.

Ibn Battuta looks very fun too.

So many choices!

Probably something like this. I always start Egypt or a Mesopotamian civ first so will start with Hatshepsut

War mongers to the bottom of the list
Isabella first because she is exploration-oriented and I am entering a new world of Civ.
I probably play just one or two ages and just fool around trying things.

Then first "proper" game I think I choose Catherine ad I love her design and Russia's bonuses too.

Ibn Battuta looks very fun too.

So many choices!
Ibn Battuta will be probably my last one to play. I think we need to know the game well to take advantage of him: with the right civilization whom specifically needing its adaptability to play a certain strategy. And not just rushing towards a repeatable leader attribute.
Ibn Battuta will be probably my last one to play. I think we need to know the game well to take advantage of him: with the right civilization whom specifically needing its adaptability to play a certain strategy. And not just rushing towards a repeatable leader attribute.
I mean the attributes are pretty straight forward, and unlike a lot of abilities they're general enough to get use out of them without really needing to try.
S Tier - My contenders for game 1 are likely Ibn Battuta, Isabella, Tecumseh, and now Catherine.

Closely behind them, I expect Hatshepshut and Pachacuti will se a lot of play for me for their useful start biases. Trung Trac is also the most interesting of the leaders with warlike tendencies...

At the bottom of the pile Charlemagne does nothing for me in theme or ability, and unless I'm missing something Harriet Tubman's abilities just seem... Boring. Which is a shame as I really love her inclusion!
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Might go Catherine now, unless if they surprise with Victoria.

Maybe, Han China > Mongols > Russia with Catherine?
Might go Catherine now, unless if they surprise with Victoria.

Maybe, Han China > Mongols > Russia with Catherine?
What idea do you have in mind with this combination?
What idea do you have in mind with this combination?

I have no idea lol I don't even know how to play the game it feels like it's going to be completely different game to previous Civs. I'm just going by what civs I might want to play and the interesting, historical paths it can create. Like Han China > Mongols is like recreating Yuan Dynasty and Mongols > Russia is like recreating a modern post-Soviet Russia in or around Mongolia. So it would be a path I'd be keen to recreate and play.

Lafayette and Catherine have stuck out to me the most, and I've grown more and more confident in the power of Augustus' ability to wring extra Culture out of Towns. I would like to keep it simple for game #1 though, so I might actually end up going for Hatshepsut for that.
Might go Catherine now, unless if they surprise with Victoria.

Maybe, Han China > Mongols > Russia with Catherine?
I didn't even think about that with every age you could inch farther from your original culture. Han to Mongols make sense and so does Mongolia to Russia but its crazy to think Han and Russia will be linked by one civ.
Fifth Game: Franklin -> (Egypt, Abbasid, America)
I really wish they had unlock conditions in the Game Guide because so far outside of leaders and prior civs we really only know of Mongolia's horse requirement being one of the gameplay unlocks. I feel like some of them will be obvious like Incan's needing mountains but im curious what the others will be and how simple or complex the requirements will be.
I didn't even think about that with every age you could inch farther from your original culture. Han to Mongols make sense and so does Mongolia to Russia but its crazy to think Han and Russia will be linked by one civ.

For me, that's a very obvious one. But I was very interested in how they handled that inner Asia area of China/Mongolia/Siberia Russia. There are a lot of possibilities despite vast distances because of the historical large empires in those areas.
For me, that's a very obvious one. But I was very interested in how they handled that inner Asia area of China/Mongolia/Siberia Russia. There are a lot of possibilities despite vast distances because of the historical large empires in those areas.
I know very little of the region but I was thinking the Xiongnu would make for an interesting Antiquity Mongolia Predecessor although they may be a bit too similar to Mongolia's representation. I'm just curious how they'll handle Mongolia's evolution. Russia isn't a bad choice but at the same time it would be really hard to represent a more modern civ from the region.
I know very little of the region but I was thinking the Xiongnu would make for an interesting Antiquity Mongolia Predecessor although they may be a bit too similar to Mongolia's representation. I'm just curious how they'll handle Mongolia's evolution. Russia isn't a bad choice but at the same time it would be really hard to represent a more modern civ from the region.

Of course! But I very much doubt they're going to add Xiongnu lol
I really wish they had unlock conditions in the Game Guide because so far outside of leaders and prior civs we really only know of Mongolia's horse requirement being one of the gameplay unlocks. I feel like some of them will be obvious like Incan's needing mountains but im curious what the others will be and how simple or complex the requirements will be.
My assumption is that they might have been considering that from the get-go but with the strong reaction to how a civilization is unlocked, they might have backpedaled and decided to either hold back or spend more time polishing unlock requirements to prevent more controversy from happening.
I always start a new Civ game with Rome, so I guess I'm going Augustus. I'm not excited to play him, tbh, but Rome is always a good choice to learn the game, so I'm sticking with my tradition. I'll then do random games until I have played every leader.
I really wish they had unlock conditions in the Game Guide because so far outside of leaders and prior civs we really only know of Mongolia's horse requirement being one of the gameplay unlocks. I feel like some of them will be obvious like Incan's needing mountains but im curious what the others will be and how simple or complex the requirements will be.
Sar replied to the reddit thread confirming every civ will have a gameplay unlock
Tbh, random, since I don't really know about the civs atm. I will know eventually and when I do, I'll probably make this decision.
Depending on the time era too since you don't only choose 1 civ throughout the eras. If I start on early I would go for Han, Maya or Roman. For exploration age, I have no idea, lol tbh right now at least. For modern USA, Mexico, Russia or South Africa. Most likely USA.
Sar replied to the reddit thread confirming every civ will have a gameplay unlock
Finally! Great news, I can finally sleep easy.. :goodjob:

Exact quote is "Can confirm all civs will have either a resource or gameplay unlock." Interesting...

Edit: Might as well add mine here too:

First game will be Trung Trac - she seems well balanced and interesting. I'm interested in exploring the Commander abilities which should work both defensively as well as offensively, and I find the Tropical biome to be gorgeous, so the Plan is to claim as much as possible! Will start with Maya, then I think into Majapahit (though that may change).
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