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What Options do you Prefer? (Part I)

Custom Options

  • Advanced Start

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • No City Razing

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • No City Flipping from Culture

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • City Flipping after Conquest

    Votes: 15 11.3%
  • No Barbarians

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Raging Barbarians

    Votes: 47 35.3%
  • Aggressive AI

    Votes: 42 31.6%
  • Unrestricted Leaders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Tech Trading

    Votes: 10 7.5%
  • No Tech Brokering

    Votes: 62 46.6%
  • Permanent Alliances

    Votes: 39 29.3%
  • Always War

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Always Peace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One City Challenge

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Permanent War/Peace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Random Seed

    Votes: 46 34.6%
  • Lock Modified Assets

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • Complete Kills

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • No Vassal State

    Votes: 13 9.8%
  • No Tribal Village

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • DEBUG Disable Events

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barbarian World

    Votes: 41 30.8%
  • Wildlands

    Votes: 77 57.9%
  • Blessing of Amatheon

    Votes: 72 54.1%
  • Living World

    Votes: 112 84.2%

  • Total voters
Aggressive AI
AI no buiding requirements
Blessings of the Amathaon
Living World
I prefer raging barbs because it makes the early game much more interesting though I think it's too easy right now that team has listened to the complains of some people in the forum. The FFH-team should really create a raging raging barbs options, because right now I'm quite bored by the barbs.
I wonder if the barbs should have a World Spell of their own (Goblin Horde? Orcish Onslaught?) that would cause a bunch of barbs to flock around a leader before launching a concerted invasion. It would eventually lose steam after conquering several cities (due to garrisoning needs or plentiful booty for the tribes) or if they meet too stiff a defense. They would then just scatter and act like they normally do. Not sure the AI can be coaxed into doing something like that.
Advanced Start
City Flipping after Conquest
No Tech Brokering
Permanent Alliances
Complete Kills
Barbarian World
Blessing of Amatheon
Living World

in FF I always use All Unique Features too, but I haven't downloaded a patch since that was added to the main mod yet.
From this part of the poll, I almost always (though with some variety) play with these options:
City Flipping After Conquest
Raging Barbarians
No Tech Brokering
Permanent Alliances
Lock Modified Assets
either Wildlands or Barbarian World (usually Wildlands)
Blessing of Amatheon
Living World
I see that No Tech Brokering is a really popular choice (it does make sense considering the AI's propensity to trade away just about anything to anyone)

It also helps even things out if you are playing on a high difficulty. On immortal, I usually fall behind in most areas of research. If the AI are free to tech brokerage, they trade and get everything amongst themselves. With tech brokering off, you usually can get at least something for trading away whatever line you are researching.
I prefer raging barbs because it makes the early game much more interesting though I think it's too easy right now that team has listened to the complains of some people in the forum. The FFH-team should really create a raging raging barbs options, because right now I'm quite bored by the barbs.

I agree. Even with Barbarian World, they're weak tea.

I wonder if the barbs should have a World Spell of their own (Goblin Horde? Orcish Onslaught?) that would cause a bunch of barbs to flock around a leader before launching a concerted invasion. It would eventually lose steam after conquering several cities (due to garrisoning needs or plentiful booty for the tribes) or if they meet too stiff a defense. They would then just scatter and act like they normally do. Not sure the AI can be coaxed into doing something like that.

The original Civilization board game (by Avalon Hill) which the computer game is based on later had an expansion, "Advanced Civilization". The expansion added a Barbarian Horde calamity which essencially worked the way you describe. A certain total number of units flooded in from the unlucky player's starting territories at edge of the board, attacking the player's weakest territory on that edge. A garrison force would stay and the remaining forces would then proceed to the next territory, whichever one was most vulnerable. This would continue until battle casualties and garrisoning eventually whittled the invasion force down to ineffectial size. Those territories would remain occupied (but the forces wouldn't increase) until reconquered.

In general that game is/was brutal but fun!
City Flipping after Conquest
Raging Barbarians
Permanent Alliances
New Random Seed ( to avoid Goblin event ...)
Barbarian World
Blessing of Amatheon
Living World
Flex Difficulty
All Unique Features
MAP : Erebus
SPEED : Normal
GRAPHICS: High settings in general

Here is my classic game

Where is this one ? Would be useful in Deity ...
No Tech Brokering
I like trading stuff around but don't like the AI's habit of sharing stuff so easily with each other.

Permanent Alliances
I like being a part of them and I like fighting against them. Really helps the conquest victory occur more smoothly without having to declare war on a powerful friend for no real reason.

All Unique Features
Makes the world more fun. Love this one.

Random Seed on Reload
I almost never reload, but it's nice to know it's there.

Animals disappear fast enough when there's hardly any of them around. Doubling the number helps a few survive in at least the lest traveled areas of the world.

Live World
There are so many events that do almost nothing. Going with living world at least gives you more chances to see something interesting.
Where is this one ? Would be useful in Deity ...

It, like GAMEOPTION_CAPTURE_ALL_BUILDINGS, is a hidden option meant only for scenarios. I like to make all such options visible by replacing all <bVisible>0 with <bVisible>1, so that I can easily turn them off if playing FF turned them on.
It, like GAMEOPTION_CAPTURE_ALL_BUILDINGS, is a hidden option meant only for scenarios. I like to make all such options visible by replacing all <bVisible>0 with <bVisible>1, so that I can easily turn them off if playing FF turned them on.

Is that xml or is it in the .ini somewhere?
It is in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Gameinfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml

You could turn the options on by editing the .ini, but not make them visible. I prefer being able to see and change them at the start of each game.
raging barbs -
wildlands -
barb world -

Barbarians are super fun in this game, they have more meaning and purpose. i hate being without them, and i enjoy forcing each civ into a starting OCC situation where its very difficult to expand. When i use this, i also check the option to only give 50% of combat bonuses or else the barbs will suicide on you until you have a god-unit.

large map (6 civs) or huge map 8 civs -

I love the feel of an empty world, "rush-free" and this lets the AI develop better, bigger empires.

no tech brokering -
I will NEVER play again without it. i used to get so sick of civ having a skip-through middle ages. once someone gets alphabet, the tech whoring starts and within 40 turns, the whole world is racing to assembley line.

live world -

i HATE goody huts, and turn them off - even here. but the random events are funner. i also like the unique terrain features.
I hate the permanant alliances setting. Why is that even there?

Why should you have to purposely enable a game feature?

I think PA should be on by default, and the option be there to disable it instead.
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