raging barbs -
wildlands -
barb world -
Barbarians are super fun in this game, they have more meaning and purpose. i hate being without them, and i enjoy forcing each civ into a starting OCC situation where its very difficult to expand. When i use this, i also check the option to only give 50% of combat bonuses or else the barbs will suicide on you until you have a god-unit.
large map (6 civs) or huge map 8 civs -
I love the feel of an empty world, "rush-free" and this lets the AI develop better, bigger empires.
no tech brokering -
I will NEVER play again without it. i used to get so sick of civ having a skip-through middle ages. once someone gets alphabet, the tech whoring starts and within 40 turns, the whole world is racing to assembley line.
live world -
i HATE goody huts, and turn them off - even here. but the random events are funner. i also like the unique terrain features.