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Who's cooler? Pacino vs De Niro

Who is cooler?

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Very tough! I think Al Pacino though, because of The Godfather and Scent Of A Woman. But if DeNiro trails Pacino in my mind it's by like hundredths of a percent. They're both cool.
I choose both:

I mean really, it's too hard to choose that one.
You guys mentioning the Godfather do recall that DeNiro was in II as Vito, right?

But if this is a battle of the Als, neither of them win.

Keeping flannel fashionable 30 minutes at a time!
You guys mentioning the Godfather do recall that DeNiro was in II as Vito, right?

Michael is cooler. More ruthless. He doesn't let any of his enemies survive even if their family.
After Godfather De niro wins. Taxi driver is masterfull but not on the same level than Godfather. So if you asked who was the best actor at the time of the Godfather , i would choose Al Pacino. Generally i prefer De niro.
Oh, man. Both are great actors, and have played a fantastic range of parts wonderfully, so such a thing would depend on my mood at the time. Right now, I'm leaning in the DeNiro direction, but I'm sure if I went and watched Scarface right now I'd change my mind.

Say hello to my LITTLE FRIEND !
I think if I watched "Analyze This" I might change my mind :(

But then I would watch "Ronin" and change it back :)
Wow, it's half-and-half. Exactly what I'd expect. How can you rate one above the other?
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