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Why are you a crackpot?


Tyranny and Mutation
Jul 20, 2007
New York State
What kind of ridiculous theories or conspiracies do you subscribe to that I can make fun of you for? Have you always felt this way? Do you refer to non-believers with a term created from the words "sheep" and "people" ??
Moderator Action: This will be the last of the copycat threads. And no flaming or trolling those with weird beliefs
What kind of ridiculous theories or conspiracies do you subscribe to that I can make fun of you for?

Most of the weirdo theories are just that, but I do think there is something to the Kennedy assassination. Maybe Johnson (like my mom is convinced of), maybe the mob because they helped him win Chicago (then the election) only to have him turn his brother loose on them. Who knows.

Also, I think something weird IS living in Loch Ness, and there may be something to the bigfoot/yeti stories.

EDIT: Yikes, sorry El Mac, didn't know it was a copycat thread.
What are you talking about?
Most of the weirdo theories are just that, but I do think there is something to the Kennedy assassination. Maybe Johnson (like my mom is convinced of), maybe the mob because they helped him win Chicago (then the election) only to have him turn his brother loose on them. Who knows.

Also, I think something weird IS living in Loch Ness, and there may be something to the bigfoot/yeti stories.

EDIT: Yikes, sorry El Mac, didn't know it was a copycat thread.

You dont think Castro ordered a hit on JFK?

And what about alien abduction? Are we alone?

What are you talking about?

Are you trying to get into my head?
I'm a part-time archist (it's like a reactionary, but more so), and I got that way by reading Mencius Moldbug, Lord of the TL;DR. HereticCata tells me that even the summary of his views is TL;DR.
You dont think Castro ordered a hit on JFK?
That is certainly a possibility, but I don't think the Ruskies were that crazy and I suspect he'd never pull it off without their okay.
And what about alien abduction?
Nonsense. Utter nonsense.
Are we alone?
In the whole universe? Almost certainly not. But that doesn't mean they've come anywhere near our solar system or even left theirs. To assume that out of the entire universe, God saw fit to seed sentient life on only this planet is the height of human arrogance.
Are you trying to get into my head?
Don't blame me, you're the one not wearing the tinfoil beanie.
My girlfriend seems to believe some of this sort of stuff. I say she seems to as she will argue that she is just keeping an open mind. ;)

She doesn’t think Neil Armstrong went to the moon but does think that we went there after that. :D She is convinced that the Royal family had Diana killed. :D She reckons there is more to 9/11 than the US Government lets on. :D

She probably thinks there are fairies at the bottom of the garden but is scared I will laugh at her some more. And I would be laughing as we don’t have a garden…
In the whole universe? Almost certainly not. But that doesn't mean they've come anywhere near our solar system or even left theirs. To assume that out of the entire universe, God saw fit to seed sentient life on only this planet is the height of human arrogance.

I think it's arrogant to think that an hyperintelligent being seeded life on this planet :p

As for me, the only crackpot thing I believe is that Poland will win the World Cup before 2100.
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