Wildmana 6.0 beta


Jan 25, 2009
I have uploaded a beta for those interested. It's also a good way to give feedback on the new features.

Download for Beta (Version 3)

if you already had a wild mana beta installed, please uninstall that first.

Should you find a bug or weird AI behavior please post a save.

Changelog from Wildmana 5.0
Spoiler :

  • FIX: events aren't loaded modular for now (could cause bugs/OOS)
  • FIX: AI tech trading
  • FIX: Scoreboard shows War Status
  • fixed an display issue with manors/pillar of chains
  • FIX: Pieces of Barnaxus will be removed from the game if they are the only unit from Luchuirp and they can't be permanently destroyed by HN units.
  • FIX: possible CTD when declaring war fixed (was related to the CAR mod merge)
  • FIX: some rarely happening WoCs (waiting of civilization loops)
  • AI: Patrols improved
  • AI: Summon use improved
  • AI: Prefers to Heal in City if it is close
  • AI: starting settler now moves distance depending of world size
  • AI: Barbarian Cities gain access to strategic resources later in the game
  • AI: Elohim/Malakim also go into Conquest Mode
  • AI: leaders will pressure other leaders only into their favorite Religion
  • AI: favorite Religion and Alignments have a much larger impact on AI diplomatics
  • AI: able to give help to other friendly AI (same way it sometimes gives help to friendly human player)
  • AI: able to make demand maps/gold/techs from hostile AIs (same way it sometimes makes demands to human player)
  • AI: in ConquestMode more likely to ask someone else to join its war
  • AI: in ConquestMode more likely to join someone else war
  • AI: will ask to stop trade less often
  • AI: Altar Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Culture Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Religion Victory Strategy added
  • AI: Production choosing improved
  • AI: Conquest Logic improved
  • AI: fixed a few issues with promotion selection
  • AI: improved use of Equipment (orthus axe, spellbooks)
  • AI: Better tactics to deal with Barbarians
  • AI: Lots of leader related improvements
  • AI: Prophecy of Ragnorok blocked for non evil AI
  • AI: Defense of Cities adjusted to stronger animals/barbarians
  • AI: grouppower function added to improve battle calculations
  • AI: if attacks odds aren't very high, AI will prefere to attack with low lvl units to soften up defenders for it's high level units
  • AI: fixed problem that could cause conqueststacks to retreat to cities too often
  • AI: will use conquest civic a bit smarter
  • AI: better AI gold management
    • allows AI to save up gold used only to hurry victory buildings
    • allows AI to save up gold used only for trading
    • allows AI to save up gold used only for production hurry (or better said this allows the AI not to waste their gold on production hurry)
    • allows AI to save up gold used only as a reserve (Khazad, events)

  • Gameplay change:impossible now to hurry victory buildings
  • Gameoption: can hurry victory buildings added
  • Gameplay change:Conscripting has a small chance to create several units (since units without XP are at a greater disatvantage in FFH I think the mechanism needed a boost)
  • Animals are now at war with Barbarians
  • Animals have a small chance to enter a Rage
  • Animals/Wild Mana Guardians strength increases later in the game.
  • more dens for Animals (from Orbis)
  • destroying Animal dens now can give unique results like rescuing a hunter. Hunting Tech gives better results for this.
  • SPEEDBOOST: Gameoption Barbarian World
  • lairs always start with a defender
  • Improved Placement of Unique Improvements
  • Gameoption Influence Driven War improved
  • Maximum trade routes in City increased from 8 to 12
  • ADDON (or maybe its a FIX?): CommerceChangeDoubleTime mechanic from BTS got to working again.
  • gameplay change:UnhappyProduction (used by manors and pillar of chains). Bonus to :hammers: from happy population reduced by 50-66%, bonus from unhappy population increased by 50%
  • high level units are immune to many bad effects from lairs
  • balseraph puppet spells can be set to autocasting
  • Tradesroutes are now better displayed
  • merged Hated Civic Concept (from Operas LENA mod)
  • merged better Blizzards (by TC01) and rebalanced a bit
  • merged a few Animals from FF+
  • merged militiamod (made by Tholal)

  • module tweaked buildings added (small tweaks to buildings to make build selection more interesting. Granaries/Smokehouses now allow cities to export small amounts of food to another city)
  • module tweaked Civics added (some civics got a small boost (republic, consumption,...), agrarism a small nerf. Most civics unchanged). Idea is to make civic selection more interesting.
  • module Balseraph+ (a few leaders added with unique traits. Courtesan UU requires halls of mirrors and has shapechanging abilty, taunt spell should work more stable)
  • module Scions lite added (will need quite a bit of work since FF has a lot of custom functions I do not use). Civliziation is set to human only so they won't show up as AI.
Can't tell you if I still get a WoC - the save won't load with new beta... :p

Anyway - 1st small thing to report about the beta - the second option is crossed. Unfortunately, it doesn't say what it is (if anything) ;)
Just lad a LOLtastic bug.

Beat up a tiger with an adventurer hunter, got this.

ended up getting about 10000 gold and 750 units.

It's reproducable also.
cool gameoptions like Aggressive AI, Raging Barbs, Barbworld, Wild Mana, No Lairs are still not visible, but I don't care much... I do demand ( :p ) to know if Barbarian Groups has become the new default barbarian spawn mechanic and if not... where has it gone?

lairs are supposed to always spawn with a defender on them, but I've seen a goblin fort with no defender on turn 0.

also, the sabretooth tiger den is called just "sabertooth", it should be "sabertooth den" or something I guess ;)

one thing that greatly annoyed me was after I made Aggressive AI visible again, it was missing its text key... it's a tiny thing but it was annoying :lol:
Just lad a LOLtastic bug.

Beat up a tiger with an adventurer hunter, got this.

ended up getting about 10000 gold and 750 units.

It's reproducable also.

I just had the same with a wolf lair.

I found a lot of adepts that had got lost on a research trip... And quite a few hunters! :)
yea, i would also like to know why a number of gameoptions have been set to invisible. i made them visible. but if they cause a CTD or mess with somehting else ill turn them back off
here is a quickfix for the new animal lair exploring system. nasty loop in which one adept would rescue another one. I'll update the download tomorrow. As for the Gameoptions, you can enable or disable whatever you want, there shouldn't be any Ctd or the like. But many like the Aggressive AI gameoption don't do much at the moment.

cool, thanx for the quickfix Sephi ;)

so, what about the Barbarian Groups gameoption? sorry for nagging so much about it, but I really loved it :D
The barbarians seem way too powerful with that on. I don't like spending the first 200 turns just fighting barbs and having to keep 3+ warriors in every city. It really slows the game down. AI's seem to be dropping left and right to it also, and it makes building settlers pointless.

Another bug, the Lanun seem capable of building the Scion's unique buildings.
Another bug, the Lanun seem capable of building the Scion's unique buildings.

which one?

some barbs will run around in groups, some will try to plunder on their own, and they will have different behavior.

I plan to make two gameoptions, one that makes both animals and barbarians stronger and one that makes both of them weaker. Since they are at war now there should be some balance between them.
I saw their temples at a minimum. Forget what elese.

Imperial Cenotaph.
reuploaded the beta with both the animal lair and scions buildings bug fixed.

Do you have a save pimparel?
Attached. Installed after installed last ffh patch, is it correct?


  • AutoSave_AD-0114.CivBeyondSwordSave
    259.8 KB · Views: 66
I forgot to include a customized config file into the beta like FFH does to prevent the game from reading gameoptions from civ ini file. In your game the gameotion no healing for humans had been selected because of that (f8 shows all gameoptions). Either start a PLAY NOW game or open the config file in the wild mana beta folder and set ForceGameOptions to 1.
which one?

some barbs will run around in groups, some will try to plunder on their own, and they will have different behavior.

I plan to make two gameoptions, one that makes both animals and barbarians stronger and one that makes both of them weaker. Since they are at war now there should be some balance between them.

that's cool, but I was referring to them SPAWNING in groups, size of which depending on game difficulty and gamespeed ( the barbarian groups gameoption that came from FF ) if now they spawn in groups sometimes and singleunit some others, that's nice :D
I seem to have a comparative strength of -0.0 to (every single one of) the AI. Now, I know I'm at Deity, but after 127 turns on marathon, with a hunter, 6 bloodpets, and an adept, it seems more likely that this is an error in the calculations, than they are incredibly powerful compared to me...

Edit: got a repeatable CTD. Save attached.


  • Greg AD-0058.CivBeyondSwordSave
    348.3 KB · Views: 71
I forgot to include a customized config file into the beta like FFH does to prevent the game from reading gameoptions from civ ini file. In your game the gameotion no healing for humans had been selected because of that (f8 shows all gameoptions). Either start a PLAY NOW game or open the config file in the wild mana beta folder and set ForceGameOptions to 1.

it was at 1.

edit: sorry. wrong file.
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