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Will Hitler be seen in a more positive way in the far future?

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Actually, straight after WW1 Hitler went to psychiatrists as complete wreck of man (...not to mention his complete and utter lack of any charisma and leader skills), and it was after a therapy when he emerged as... Very different man. And then he started his political career.

Don't remember the name of this psychiatrist who was, by the way, assasinated to cover former Hitler's weakness and fall.
Did he? I didn't know this. I'll look into it.

I wonder if Aleister Crowley had anything to do with it.

I've heard, too, that Hitler was very much influenced by Shakespeare in his speechifying.

it's quite sad that such a great nation as Germany would follow such a xenophobic, screaming tyrant.
On the other hand, he drastically improved their economy after world war I, or am I mistaken?
I don't think he had any effect on the German economy until after '33 at the earliest.

But certainly, by heavily mortgaging the future, he might be said to have expanded employment* in Germany.

I don't know. It's quite a complicated picture. So, I probably have it completely wrong.

edit: * Nah! On second thoughts, I really don't know. (I should learn to keep my fat mouth shut.)
You got it quit right. Well actually there were two different factors at play:

(1) Natural recovery
(2) Debt debt debt debts more debt

The German finances under Hitler make the Greek trickery look cute and things were not far from coming down like a house of cards.

The economic master plan can be summarized like this:

Hopelessly indept yourself without restraint
Conquer and exploit other people to service or nullify debt

I never heard of the psychiatrist-story, but it got me very curious. Know where to look for some more info by any chance?
it's quite sad that such a great nation as Germany would follow such a xenophobic, screaming tyrant.
On the other hand, he drastically improved their economy after world war I, or am I mistaken?

except that already happened. remember old buddy William II?

granted, he wasn't as bad as Hitler, but i'm sure if he was a bit more saner, well, maybe the WWI would get postponed by say, 10-15 years?
the Kiel Canal would be completed in 1914 ; Russians would complete railroads in Poland by 1916 ; we would fight a 3rd Balkan war (one we might have won) ; America and Japan were building more Dreadnoughts which might have complicated the Pacific Front of any global war . 1914 was even delayed ...
You got it quit right. Well actually there were two different factors at play:

(1) Natural recovery
(2) Debt debt debt debts more debt

The German finances under Hitler make the Greek trickery look cute and things were not far from coming down like a house of cards.

The economic master plan can be summarized like this:

Hopelessly indept yourself without restraint
Conquer and exploit other people to service or nullify debt

I never heard of the psychiatrist-story, but it got me very curious. Know where to look for some more info by any chance?
So you're saying they were beholden to bankers? :cringe::o
Pretty much. Seriously, by 1939 over half the national budget was deficit spending and it was only getting worse; if not for the war breaking out when it did, the German state would have gone bankrupt some time in 1940, I believe.

That's a bit silly when you think about it.
That's a bit silly when you think about it.

Yeah. What's really silly is how Hitler and his regime managed to last as long as they did, everything was so ridiculously unsustainable and unstable. That it actually proved necessary to fight a multi-year war to the bitter end to get rid of them, instead of the Third Reich metaphorically choking on its own vomit on the bathroom floor... it beggars belief.
Dunno. I'd say that they did some pre-war actions that netted them some sweet cash - like that one time they strolled into the Jewish quarter and broke all the glasses, so that the hard-working German insurers would get their money.
It was an absurd situation in every way, when you think about it. But also a tragic one.
I thought rape and pillage was a pretty old system for wealth accumulation?
instead of the Third Reich metaphorically choking on its own vomit on the bathroom floor... it beggars belief.

Such poetic methafor :goodjob:

Yeah, Hitler's and Mussolini's administraton was pretty incompetent. I don't like when people say ridiculous stuff like 'at least during Mussolini regime trains weren't late' etc.
Yeah. What's really silly is how Hitler and his regime managed to last as long as they did, everything was so ridiculously unsustainable and unstable. That it actually proved necessary to fight a multi-year war to the bitter end to get rid of them, instead of the Third Reich metaphorically choking on its own vomit on the bathroom floor... it beggars belief.

Didn't they steal money from the Jews or something?

Just a thought though.
Didn't they steal money from the Jews or something?

Yes. As well as - for example - stealing 500,000 works of arts from Polish museums, but that during WW2 (see video below, German subtitles):

Viewer discretion please, if you can't stand watching victims of German death camps:


Link to video.

I also wonder how did annexation of Land of Sudety, Czechoslovakia, Austria, etc. increase German GDP ???

Czechoslovakia was home to nearly entire heavy industry and a lot of mining industry of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Since Hitler's rise to power in 1933 until 31.08.1939 Germany increased from 468,787 km2 to 633,786 km2 - by 164,999 km2 (35.2%).

All of that "without a single shot". How is annexing 165 thousand km2 with a lot of resources improving a country's economy ???
By the way, Germans had a slightly different definition of who was a "Jew" in each occupied country.

In Poland Germans applied a distinction for "Jews" and "Jewish cross-breeds" (in Germany they had "full Jews", "1/2 Jews" and "1/4 Jews").

According to the ordinance issued by Hans Frank on 24.07.1940, a "Jew" in Poland was the one whose either three grandparents were "in racial terms" (in practice it meant grandparents whose ancestors adhered to Judaism, unless a person had a "typically Jewish" look) of "purely Jewish" extraction / descent, or whose two grandparents belonged to a Jewish religious community. While a person whose one or two grandparents was / were of "Jewish descent", was according to German definition a "Jewish cross-breed". Also companies were recognized as "Jewish" if at least one or more of their owners was / were Jewish.


Let's also quote data from Polish 1931 census on mother tongue / ethnicity among Jews in Poland (all numbers in thousands):

Spoiler :

1) Adherents of Judaism (also called Israelites or adherents of "Mosaic confession"):

Total - 3113.9, of whom (mother tongue / ethnicity):

Polish - 371.9
German - 6.8
Ukrainian - 0.2
Ruthenian - 0.3
Belarusian - 0.2
Russian - 0.4
Jewish* or Hebrew - 2731.4
Other or not given - 2.7

*Can be also translated as Yiddish.

2) Speakers of Jewish or Hebrew mother tongues who were not adherents of Judaism:

Total - 1.2

Grand Total in these groups: 3115.1

As you can see Polish Jews were very religious, compared to those in other European countries.

Apart from high levels of religiosity, Polish Jews also preserved a high level of linguistic distinctness. For example vast majority of Jews in France (who were less numerous than Jews in Warsaw alone) spoke French as first language and dressed like their French neighbours (as most of French "Jews" were not religious, let alone religiously Orthodox). That wasn't the case in Poland. Majority of Polish Jews were Orthdox Jews, dressing in traditional Jewish clothes. Most of them were bilingual and could speak Polish, but not as their first language (mother tongue) and thus with heavy Jewish accent, often also not fluently enough. As of 1931 only 12% of Polish Jews spoke Polish as their mother tongue, primary language. That proportion perhaps increased** to 15% by 1939 (my guess).

My guess is also that majority of Holocaust survivors in Poland were people from among those 15% of best-assimilated, Polonized Jews. Not only because attitudes of Christians towards such Polonized Jews were different (much warmer, since there was no sense of "alienness" typical in relations with very religious and very traditional Jews), but also because their skills - perfect knowledge of Polish, indistinctive dress, different environments in which they lived (usually in Christian or mixed neighbourhoods), etc. - were making their chances to survive much bigger than those of Orthodox Yiddish-speaking Jews.

**Since 1918 Jews in reborn Poland were gradually assimilating into that nation. There were Jewish circles who favoured assimilation and full integration with Christian Poles, but there were also traditional circles who opposed any integration and considered intermarriages with "goys" sins.
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