World Trade Center (WTC New York pre 9/11)

this model is has the scale 1.0 like most of the ongamescreenshots i made.

in fact i just put the models instead of original buildings, because i just don´t have the time to install the new buildings in the xml-files. so i made the screenshots from the worldbuilder.
i have to add, that i have rescaled all my models with this "update", because they were all a "bit" to big, so that in the xml-files it was neccessary to scale them partly with 0.05 etc. Because of that I rescaled them yesterday, so that in the xml-files it can be used a scale-range from 0.8 to 1.0.
I've been working on a Modual using your artwork but I've run into a few quirks and was wondering if you would consider some touch up work.

Firstly I noticed that the whole structure and the square plaza its in is rotated slightly out of alignment with the citys grid system by about 15 degrees.

Second the plaza texture square tends to either get completly obscured or jut out knife like when the building is on un-even ground, I would recomend droping it. In a similar vein the smaller buildings of the Center get plunged underground with only their roofs showing when its on a hill. Adding some "basement" to the building would probably be good as well.

I find the textures to be overly grey and full of fine lines that produce some weird pixelation ripples when zooming and moving. The button is also in need of improvment, I recomend a view from the water getting the towers and some of the surounding skyline.

Effect wise I'm giving it...
+1 Trade routes all cities
+2 Free Merchants
Can turn 2 citizens into Merchants
Avalible at Plastic
Can someone tell me where to put all of the files and everything I mave to do so that I can do it.
political debate aside, AWESOME---skycrapers! :clap:
Very nice modell!
I tried it as a shrine, but unfortunately it's much more smaller then the other Buildings (houses) in the city. Any ideas why? Thanks for some help.
trying to get this building working, can't do
please, help and advise me how to do that in this topic -

( there is attached file with all my xml's )

thank you and i hope this building will be in my next MaxRigaMod5.3 update

hi, maxriga!
I just embedded my wtc-model and it works.
but you made a miracolous error: sometimes "copy and paste" in the xml-files causes errors in civ4 (don´t know why...). I had this problem too.
when I copy YOUR entries of the artfile, I got the same error as you got, and if I write the same text manually (or just copying a other entry of the original file and just replacing the variables (paths, etc.) it works... anything seems to be corrupt at your code...
(just not tested: maybe it is the ',' (in german: Komma) before the button-path??? in my file i had to set it)

you may test it:
1. open your CIV4ArtDefines_Building.xml
2. copy one entry (for example the versailles)
3. rename this entry to ART_DEF_BUILDING_WTC
4. now you can start the game, and your changes in the other xml-files are made, but still the old versaillesmodel and button are there.. just to see, if all settings are correct.
5. quit game, and replace the paths of wtc nif-file to
6. the button to

7. fscale = 1.7
8. finterfacesclae 0.5 (or 0.4)

I made it a 3x3-leaf building
as you see on my screenshot, it works...

here all entries:
CIV4ArtDefines_Building.xml in XML/ART:


CIV4ArtDefines_Movie.xml in XML/ART:


CIV4CityLSystem.xml in XML/Buildings:

<!-- LEAF 3x3 BUILDINGS -->
<ArtRef Name="building:BUILDING_WTC">
<Attribute Class="Rotation">0,90,180</Attribute>

CIV4BuildingClassInfos.xml in XML/Buildings:


CIV4BuildingInfos.xml in XML/Buildings:


Textkeys-file in folder XML/TEXT:

<English>World Trade Center</English>
<French>World Trade Center</French>
<Text>World Trade Center</Text>
<Italian>World Trade Center</Italian>
<Spanish>World Trade Center</Spanish>
<English>The World Trade Center in New York City (sometimes informally referred to as the WTC or the Twin Towers) was a complex of seven buildings, mostly designed by American architect Minoru Yamasaki and developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It was initiated in 1960 by a Lower Manhattan Association created and chaired by David Rockefeller, who had the original idea of building the Center, with strong backing from the then New York governor, his brother, Nelson Rockefeller. Larry Silverstein held the most recent lease to the complex, the Port Authority having leased it to him in July of 2001. The complex, located in the heart of New York City's downtown financial district, contained 13.4 million square feet (1.24 million m²) of office space, almost four percent of Manhattan's entire office inventory.

Best known for its iconic 110-story twin towers, the World Trade Center was beset by a fire on February 13, 1975 and a bombing on February 26, 1993. All of the original buildings in the complex were destroyed in the September 11, 2001, attacks, including 1 WTC, 2 WTC (North and South Towers) and 7 WTC which collapsed; 3 WTC (Marriott Hotel) was crushed by the collapses of 1 WTC and 2 WTC; and 4 WTC, 5 WTC, and 6 WTC were damaged beyond repair and later demolished. In addition, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (not part of the complex) was destroyed by the collapse of 2 WTC.

During the post-World War II period, the United States thrived economically, with increasing international trade. At the time, economic growth in New York City was concentrated in Midtown Manhattan, with Lower Manhattan left out. To help stimulate urban renewal, David Rockefeller, with support from his brother, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, suggested that the Port Authority should build a "world trade center" in Lower Manhattan.

Initial plans, made public in 1961, identified a site along the East River for the World Trade Center. Objections to the plan came from New Jersey Governor Robert B. Meyner, who resented that New York would be getting this $335 million project. Meanwhile, New Jersey's Hudson and Manhattan Railroad was facing bankruptcy. Port Authority executive director, Austin J. Tobin agreed to take over control of the H+M Railroad, in exchange for support from New Jersey for the World Trade Center project. With this acquisition, the Port Authority would obtain the Hudson Terminal, and decrepit buildings located above the terminal in Lower Manhattan. The Port Authority decided to demolish these buildings, and use this site along the Hudson River for the World Trade Center. The complex towers were designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki with Antonio Brittiochi and Emery Roth and Sons as associate architects. The World Trade Center was one of the most striking American implementations of the architectural ethic of Le Corbusier, as well as the seminal expression of Yamasaki's gothic modernist tendencies.

The World Trade Center included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and construction. The towers were designed as framed tube structures, with columns grouped around the perimeter and within the core. The perimeter columns supported virtually all lateral loads, such as wind loads, and shared the gravity loads with the core columns. All columns were founded on bedrock, which unlike Midtown Manhattan, where the bedrock is shallow, is at 65 feet (20m) below the surface.

<French>Situé dans la pointe méridionale de la presqu'île de Manhattan, le World Trade Center était un complexe de six immeubles d'affaires dont la construction, sur les plans de l'architecte Minoru Yamasaki, avait été réalisée entre 1969 et 1977 par les Autorités portuaires de l'Etat du New Jersey. Six semaines avant les attentats, cet ensemble fut privatisé, l'acquéreur, Larry Silverstein, étant déjà propriétaire de l'immeuble de 47 étages situé juste au nord du complexe, nommé par extension WTC7. Le nouveau propriétaire assura immédiatement les-dits immeubles contre les actes terroristes pour la somme de 2 milliards de dollars. Une tour avait en effet été victime d'un attentat à la voiture piégée le 26 février 1993, tuant 6 personnes et faisant 1 042 blessés.
Environ 50 000 personnes y travaillaient quotidiennement. Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 y ont fait 2 749 victimes.

Les deux tours emblématiques du World Trade Center (WTC1 et WTC2 appelées aussi Twin Towers) étaient les plus hauts gratte-ciel de New York (417 et 415 mètres, 110 étages); leur surface habitable était de 800 000 m², tandis que leur poids respectif atteignait environ 4.5 millions de tonnes.

Les choix faits par les architectes relatifs à l'utilisation d'une structure générique pour l'ensemble des étages sont toujours objet de critiques, six ans plus tard.
<German>Das World Trade Center (deutsch Welthandelszentrum), abgekürzt WTC, war ein 1973 vollendeter Gebäudekomplex am Südende des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan. Die markanten Zwillingstürme (WTC 1 und WTC 2), die Twin Towers, waren nach ihrer Fertigstellung kurzzeitig die höchsten Wolkenkratzer der Erde, wurden aber bereits 1974 durch den Sears Tower in Chicago übertroffen.

Das WTC wurde von dem amerikanischen Architekten Minoru Yamasaki entworfen und zwischen 1966 und 1973 gebaut. David Rockefeller war Chairman der Chase Manhattan Bank und unterstützte die Finanzierung der Twin Towers. Die Türme wurden David und Nelson (Rockefeller) genannt. Die Karl Koch Erecting Co. errichtete die Türme, die bei ihrer Vollendung 1973 die zweithöchsten Gebäude der Erde (521 m), nach dem Fernsehturm in Moskau (Ostankino-Turm, 540 m), darstellten, jedoch schon 1974 vom Sears Tower, Chicago (527 m) auch innerhalb der USA übertroffen wurden.

Bestand das WTC eigentlich aus sieben Gebäuden, so ging die Faszination von den beiden Zwillingstürmen aus. Etwa 50.000 Menschen arbeiteten in diesen Gebäuden, hinzu kamen täglich 80.000 Besucher. Die Türme besaßen obendrein eine eigene Postleitzahl.

Die Konstruktion der World-Trade-Center-Türme bestand aus Stahlstützen außen an den Fassadenwänden. Die Fassadenelemente konnten die statisch notwendige Ableitung der Windkräfte sicherstellen. Im Inneren war neben dem Erschließungsbereich ein sonst massiver Stahlgitterkern mit allen Fahrstühlen und Versorgungsleitungen. Dazwischen spannten sich die Gitterträgerdecken (Stärke etwa 80 cm). Als Notausgänge waren drei unabhängige Treppenhäuser im inneren Erschließungsbereich vorhanden.

<Italian>Il World Trade Center di New York era un complesso di sette edifici situato nella parte sud dell'isola di Manhattan (in inglese locale, Lower Manhattan), famoso in particolare per le torri gemelle o Twin Towers, e per l'attentato dell'11 settembre 2001 che le distrusse. Con il crollo delle torri (denominate WTC 1 e WTC 2) anche gli altri edifici minori (WTC 3, WTC 4, WTC 5, WTC 6 e WTC 7) furono distrutti o danneggiati irreversibilmente, e quindi abbattuti nei mesi successivi.</Italian>
<Spanish>El World Trade Center era un complejo ubicado en la isla de Manhattan de Nueva York, Estados Unidos donde se situaban las Torres Gemelas, dos grandes edificaciones diseñadas por el arquitecto estadounidense de origen japonés Minoru Yamasaki.

El complejo del World Trade Center empezó a construirse en 1963 con la torre norte y a continuación le siguió la torre sur. La primera se terminó en 1972, y la segunda en 1973, año en que fue inaugurado el complejo. Pero además de contar con las famosas torres, el World Trade Center albergaba cinco edificios más: el WTC 3 u Hotel Marriott, edificio de 24 pisos con 74 metros de altura cuya construcción acabó en 1981. El WTC 7, que era un edificio un poco retirado del centro del WTC, medía 174 metros, tenía 47 pisos y se finalizó en 1987. Y para acabar seguían el WTC 5, 4 y 6. Éstos edificios tenían entre 7 y 9 pisos y se finalizaron entre 1972 a 1977.

Fueron destruidas por los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 donde murieron 2.749 personas que trabajaban allí, sin contar las que murieron en otros sitios.

El sitio donde alguna vez se alzaron las torres gemelas del WTC es conocido popularmente como Zona Cero (Ground Zero), y se ha convertido en punto de convergencia de turistas de todo el mundo. Actualmente se realizan trabajos en este sitio para construir una torre de 417 metros de altura bautizada como Freedom Tower. En octubre de 2006, se desató la polémica al encontrarse huesos humanos en el sitio de construcción, lo que ha motivado quejas de parte de los familiares de las víctimas de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, ya que estos consideran que los organismos gubernamentales no han hecho suficiente para recuperar todos los restos humanos.
<English>The [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]World Trade Center[COLOR_REVERT] increases the commerce using an [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]airport[COLOR_REVERT] and [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Great Person[COLOR_REVERT] birth rate.</English>
<French>The [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]World Trade Center[COLOR_REVERT] increases the commerce using an [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]airport[COLOR_REVERT] and [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Great Person[COLOR_REVERT] birth rate.</French>
<German>Das [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]World Trade Center[COLOR_REVERT] steigert den Handel, wenn ein [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Flughafen[COLOR_REVERT] vorhanden ist und erhöht die Geburtsrate für [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Große Persönlichkeiten[COLOR_REVERT].</German>
<Italian>The [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]World Trade Center[COLOR_REVERT] increases the commerce using an [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]airport[COLOR_REVERT] and [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Great Person[COLOR_REVERT] birth rate.</Italian>
<Spanish>The [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]World Trade Center[COLOR_REVERT] increases the commerce using an [COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]airport[COLOR_REVERT] and [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Great Person[COLOR_REVERT] birth rate.</Spanish>


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Revised french tranlation :

<French>Situ&#233; dans &#224; la pointe m&#233;ridionale de la presqu'&#238;le de Manhattan, le World Trade Center &#233;tait un complexe de six immeubles d'affaires dont la construction, sur les plans de l'architecte Minoru Yamasaki, avait &#233;t&#233; fut r&#233;alis&#233;e entre 1969 et 1977 par les Autorit&#233;s portuaires de l'Etat du New Jersey. Six semaines avant les attentats, cet ensemble fut a &#233;t&#233; privatis&#233;, l'acqu&#233;reur, Larry Silverstein, &#233;tant d&#233;j&#224; propri&#233;taire de l'immeuble de 47 &#233;tages situ&#233; juste au nord du complexe, nomm&#233; par extension WTC7. Le nouveau propri&#233;taire assura imm&#233;diatement les-dits immeubles contre les actes terroristes pour la somme de 2 milliards de dollars. Une tour avait en effet &#233;t&#233; victime d'un attentat &#224; la voiture pi&#233;g&#233;e le 26 f&#233;vrier 1993, tuant 6 personnes et faisant 1 042 bless&#233;s.
Environ 50 000 personnes y travaillaient quotidiennement. Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 y ont fait 2 749 victimes.

Les deux tours embl&#233;matiques du World Trade Center (WTC1 et WTC2 appel&#233;es aussi Twin Towers) &#233;taient les plus hauts gratte-ciel de New York (417 et 415 m&#232;tres, 110 &#233;tages); leur surface habitable &#233;tait de 800 000 m&#178;, tandis que leur poids respectif atteignait environ 4.5 millions de tonnes.

Les choix faits par les architectes relatifs &#224; l'utilisation d'une structure g&#233;n&#233;rique pour l'ensemble des &#233;tages sont toujours objet de critiques six ans plus tard.

I'm impressed by such a long post charly ! I've made slight modification to the french description and I can make it to match better the english text if necessary.
I'm impressed by such a long post charly ! I've made slight modification to the french description and I can make it to match better the english text if necessary.

well, for me personaly it is only important to have a good german text :king:
for all the others may the users which need a other version be responsible for... :lol:
i am just wondering, that in wikipedia are so many errors :confused:

and of course each one could use other values for what it does.. i just tried to show a possibility of giving economical improvement in the context of the real world trade center (incresed great person birthrate with great merchant as dominant GP, increasing number of trade-routes, needs a airport (busynessmen from all over the world come using planes), etc.)

maybe it could be changed a bit: costs more, but brings also more money
k man, now it works, have no idea what was the reason, not sure it's because of this - ,Art/Interface/Buttons/Buildings/ sonce all my units buttons without it, any way, thank you for ur help and ur building is in the mod for the next 5.3 update! )))
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