XTR1--- Regent SG

I think we should get pottery first, on 100% science. Then go alphabet>writing>literature>GL at 10%.

We can use a palace or the pyramids as a prebuild for the GL in like our 5th city.

I think we should buy the workers, they are there so you might as well.

I could only manage a 5 turn settler factory, what am I doing wrong?
please take the save gozpel that would be great, as for research, if we are planning for a settler factory seems to me that pottery is a must
Ok, I got it!

I'll be back soon to show you the results.

And Alphabet after Pottery is noted :)
Turn 0: 4000 BC - Change some stuff in prefs.

This is a nice starting spot so I settle and Istanbul is founded. Warrior pops out of goodyhut and I send him SE onto hill. We start another warrior in town and worker goes to the cow. Research Pottery at 100% - 16 turns. Interesting to see that we have a wheat on plains, I have to figure out if we can make a 4 turn settler/warrior city, we certainly have enough bonus-shields after expansion and a wine ( we have 3 wines as far as I can see ) on plains that can be mined. Ah well. that's for later.

Turn 1: 3950 BC - Worker starts irrigating cow. Warrior moves SE and sees only hills and mountains.

Turn 2: 3900 BC - Warrior steps E onto mountain and spots a goodyhut eastwards, but more important is a wheat on grassland. A good spot for a second city already! Some jungle to deal with there later tho, but our industrious workers will take care of that :)

Turn 3: 3850 BC - Worker done irrigating, I havn't done the maths and you can tell me later, but I will drag water to the wheat on the plains. Withouts roads for now to save growth turns. We will get Pottery in good time anyways. Warrior is next to goodyhut.

Turn 4: 3800 BC - Warrior gets maps from GH. lots of wheat around and more jungle. There are spices south-east-wards of Istanbul. Worker starts irrigate grassland.

Turn 5: 3750 BC - Istanbul warrior -> warrior. New warrior NW. Southern warrior SE.

Turn 6: 3700 BC - SE warrior continues SE, spots more grassland wheats and more jungle. N warrior goes W. Worker finsihed irrigating, moves to wheat. Pop is 2 now and the computer just loves those forests, so I veto that and change one citizen to bonusgrass. Next warrior in 2 turns.

Turn 7: 3650 BC - Worker starts irrigating wheat. N warrior goes W and finds game in forest, are we in a breeding spot or what? S warrior goes S.

Turn 8: 3600 BC - Istanbul warrior -> settler. New warrior N. Other warriors scout but find nothing interesting, except coast to the NW.

Turn 9: 3550 BC - Worker done irrigating wheat, starts road. Yep, an ocean north of us, other scouts has nothing of value to report.

Turn 10: 3500 BC - Istanbul expands its borders and of course citizen starts to work forest, I change that to wheat. We have 5 food/turn now fellows! Scouts scout and find very little.

Turn 11: 3450 BC - Istanbul is now pop 3 and need some luxes - 10 %. Again citizen likes the forest better than food, so I change. Worker moves from roaded wheat to bonusgrass. Scouts report nada, only lots of lands for us to settle. Good news in a way :)

Turn 12: 3400 BC - Worker starts mining bonusgrass. Southern warrior spots another goodyhut. Northern scout stumbles over a cow near the coast.

Turn 13: 3350 BC - Northern scout stumbles over a another cow near the coast.:) Western scout finds another cow, this is food galore here guys! S warrior next to goodyhut.

Turn 14: 3300 BC - We learn Pottery -> Alphabet 90 % - 32 turns. S warrior onto goodyhut and finds angry barbs, but spots yellow borders S. W warrior sees pink borders.

Turn 15: 3250 BC - Southern warrior gets attacked over a river and dies :(, well he was a conscript after all, but now we have to walk all that way to say hello to yellow. Meantime pop 4 and mine is done and settler is timely produced. Worker on line next and will take 4 turns, matching next pop. Send settler towards wheats SE. Worker roading mine. Again citizen choose to work on tiles that don't give us 5/turn food and I change

This is important, for every pop, settler, worker or border expansion, please check the city so we have 5 food per turn!

Turn 16: 3200 BC - Say hello to Arabia to the west, they got Burial. Im not selling Masonry for CB and 35g. Masonry can be worth trading better stuff with, no need to hurry.

Turn 17: 3150 BC - Worker finished roading mine, move to next BG. Scouts report very little.

Turn 18: 3100 BC - Worker starts mining BG. Scouts finds nothing.

Turn 19: 3050 BC - Istanbul worker -> granary/20t. Same as always, with pop change the comp chooses less food an more shields...I change yet again to 5 food per turn. New worker onto forest for chop. Edrine founded E of Istanbul, set to warrior. N now NE warrior spots 2 goodyhuts!! Something for next player to enjoy :)

Turn 20: 3000 BC - For reasons unknown the people present us with a new lawn for the palace. New worker starts chopping forest to help granary build. Move W warrior W and he's next to another goodyhut. So there, 2 warriors next to GH's and who will take over to find out what treasures are hidden?

Alphabet in 16 turns, let worker finish chop and it is time to connect wines for happiness.

And please, do not forget check the city after every pop-change or border expansion. We want it to stay at 5 food per turn!

The Save
We are ok so far, too bad about that lost warrior in the south, but next player might fix that with the warrior coming from Eridne in a few turns. Eridne will be an excellent place for workers and warriors.

Here is the world as we know it, or at least most of it.

Good luck to next player :)

Paint, for example?

Anyway, who's up?

Good job gozpel :)
Perhaps we go in reverse, since he started? In which case, it is my turn. Yay horay... Got it. :)
3000 BC IBT: Change some preferences. Debate changing the science to 20%, decide to wait until later.

2950 BC : Get some maps from a goody hut, pop barbs from the southwestern hut, kill one, the rest fortify. Spot tealish borders Yay!

2900 BC : Move closer to those borders. Send the other warrior to the eastern hut.

2850 BC : Istanbul grows, still making 5 food a turn.

2800 BC : Persia is contacted, Xerxes has warrior code, he will trade it for pottery. Istanbul gets disorder (doh) worker is moving to complete a road to the wines. Erdine also completes a warrior, who moves to istanbul so I can take the lux back down.

2750 BC : Warrior code is learned from a goody hut, yay horay. :p

2710 BC : Wines are connected to istanbul, lux taken back down. Green borders spotted to north east. Warrior checking them out.

2670 BC : Worker moving to connect road to Erdine, the other building a road under a mine. Warriors still scouting, haven't contacted those greens yet.

2630 BC : Istanbul grows to size 4. Warrior garrison arrives. Warrior moves into green borders, need the contact.

2590 BC : Warrior is built in Erdine, moving up to istanbul to be an escort. Alexander of the Geeks (not greeks) is contacted. He has ceremonial burial and alphabet, he wants to trade ceremonial and 10 gold for pottery, I take it.

2550 BC : Granary complete in Istanbul, production set to warrior, 2 turns until size 5.

2510 BC : Roads still being built to Erdine, all to report.

2470 BC : Istanbul grows, completes a warrior, we get alphabet, I set research to 20% writing. After much deliberation I decide to trade alphabet with the Arabs for the Wheel, I need to find those horses ASAP. They show up next door to our capital!

2430 BC : Goody hut spotted from a warrior, some barb activity spotted. Road to erdine almost finished.

2390 BC : Istanbul grows, Warrior escort built in Erdine, road connected, Workers building mines to increase production to deal with our insane rate of settler production.

2350 BC : Pop a warrior scout from that goody hut. Settler almost done. I check tech with the other civs, I am 4 ahead of persia, one ahead of arabia, and two ahead of the Geeks.

2310 BC : Shaka of the zulu is contacted via a warrior. He doesn't have anything to trade, he's worthless.

2270 BC : Settler complete, he and a warrior escort move off towards the Geeks, as they have 3 Silks outside their border I'd like to take. Brown borders spotted near the Greeks.

2230 BC : More boring stuff, those brown borders are a capital, I can't see anything :(.
Missed writing these next two turns down, nothing happend and I started watching the snow. :lol:

2110 BC : Settler completed, sent off northwards. Note to next, they are on a go-to, by the cattle and the two Bgrass. I think that is where we should start our pyramid prebuild for the GL.

And the SAVE
good job guys, the reverse order sounds fine to me that means it would be:

1.Hakon - Up
2. Smellincoffee
3. gunnerxtr
4. gozpel
5. affirmative
i am quite an ametuer when it comes to settler factories, so if someone could give me some hints and tips on how to not screw ours up that would be great, thanks
We managed to get it set up. If you notice, at size 5 we grow in 4 turns, we also produce a settler in 4 turns. Therefore, we grow to size 6, and then on the same turn the settler is produced, we grow to 7. This offsets the 2 pop points the settler takes, and starts us back at size 5.

For it to work correctly you need to be producing 5 food a turn. 10 food = 1 pop point. 20 food = 2 and so on.

Just check after every new settler and make sure it is still producing 5. Also, for it to work, you would need to only produce settlers, although I think there is a way to worker/warrior it and still keep the growth rate normal.
Good turns Affirmative and great call on the trade for the Wheel. We love those horses! We are sitting good here and I hope next player can set up Eridne for a worker station, if he irrigates the wheat. Maybe barracks is in order as well there.

Hmm, why are we speculating about the Great Library. If we are turning off science later for upgrades ok, but I can't see anyone beating us in the science department :)

I'm thinking about the settler/warrior factory...it had something to do with half of the foodbox full and we have 8 shields and 5 food. next turn we pop and we get 2 shields automatically and warrior is done. Now we have 10 shields and 3 turns for a settler.

Perhaps I was wrong and then wasted a couple of turns in the beginning. I always try to outsmart myself, but I shouldn't go public with it...
The reason I want the GL is so we can do a massive horseman>knight upgrade and run over one of the nearby countries, probably arabia because their UU will just be coming into use, where the greek UU is still = to a pikeman.
Ok, good enough reason for me. It's a valid strategy, even if I suspect we could run over those arabs with horsemen and a few swords :)

But first we have to scout in all directions (remember yellow borders south) and spread out our civ. Settlers are coming fast and they need guidance.
Very true. I wish to see you run over the arabs with horsemen and swords. I've never tried it, I find horsemen too weak to make a dent in fortified spears.
I have a request of you Hakon. Can you make a full-sized world map, with screen shots? Kind of like a collage that you put together and make a full sized picture. Trying to figure out the best cities to take/civs to destroy to utilize resources.

Actually, nevermind, because not that many resources will be shown when we get to your turns.

Duh. :lol:
forgot to metion that this is a lienient 24/48 game, so in theory hakon has like a few hours to grab the game, however since i didnt make this clear we will give him until tommorow
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