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  • Sorry to keep bothering you, but I did everything you said, and it still doesn't work. It says the application is Beyond the Sword 3.19.exe (or something like that), and the fault was "found" with the CvCoreGameDLL.dll. PLZ HELP!

    EDIT: The mod doesn't work when I try to load it, the game works fine.
    hey The_J how do you get the 50-Civ DLL for BtS 3.19 to work? I tried it as a mod and it doesn't work. :(
    Hi there! I've been here a loooong time ago. Is there a Civ 5 mod, worthy to enjoy? :D
    J...bitte änder doch mal mein Threadname hier von Addon Planetfall zu Conflict on Chiron! Ich das schon versucht aber es tut sich nichts, vielen Dank!
    dear mr the j (sounds odd in english), cheers for uploading your alchemy lab, i get it now . . . interesting idea.
    Thanks. :)
    Also, Freemasonry isn't a religion. You need to believe in god to join the Freemasons, but it doesn't matter which one. Still, I think it's better to classify Freemasonry as a religion in the game because, well, what else would you classify it as in Civilization? :p

    Also, I started a group on the site:
    Do you want to join? You don't have to if you don't want to.
    Hi! I made a thread in the "Civ 5 Modding tutes and reference guide" that should possibly be in the "Civ 5 creation and customization" page. That's what I get for looking for spending too much time reading documentation rather than paying attention to where I was posting... Sorry. If you think it's in the wrong place, could you please move it.
    Hey J! I was wondering if you might be able to rename my thread for me? It should read the same as I've edited the first post to say: [BXP][Module] Native Civs Pack for BAT
    Thanks! :3
    Hatte mein Passwort vergessen (siehe deinen letzten post hier
    Hab mich jetzt beim Namen vertippt (lfgr statt lfgr2000) und war drinnen...
    Ich hab keine Ahnung was da passiert ist, wenn du das warst dann danke, auf jeden fall kann lfgr2000 jetzt gelöscht werden
    Can you close a thread I started called "whose switching back to civ 4?" The poll won't work so I'll try again later.
    Why don't we civfanatics make a more specific civilization page on wikipedia ( eg. list of civ 4 mods)? If we make a list of mods kinda page( because we already a HUGE number of BTS Mods) have we might attract more users to play those mods too. Hope you like my idea :)
    8 days since I uploaded my original file, and 2 from a 2nd one. Still they are in the moderator queue... What is happening to the files moderator? :(
    Sorry, but I'm still waiting for the moderator aproval of my upload file, and I uploaded that in sunday afternoon (CET time). Could you please solve that? Than you in advance.
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