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[NFP] [] Culture Industry 999+ production on specialty districts [solved by Leader Pass update Dec 15 2022]

Well, this was a fun bug to encounter.
Feel ashamed I let this bug crush 3 games I was playing till I found out out this thread. A big thank you to the OP. No more dramatic ages mode for me now...no big loss since in the last game I was playing, a dark age completely took the Zulus out, even going through a golden age myself I couldn't keep their cities for me or even liberate them and thus resurrecting the AI, they would always become free cities.
One question. Does the Culture Industry card affect the AI or only the player? If true that it can affect the AI as well and coupled with the mode being able to wipe-out the AI to the point that I described, that makes this mode a little uninteresting in the meantime.
One question. Does the Culture Industry card affect the AI or only the player? If true that it can affect the AI as well and coupled with the mode being able to wipe-out the AI to the point that I described, that makes this mode a little uninteresting in the meantime.

As it is a systemic bug with the policy, I assume it affects the AI as well, but this needs confirmation.
Noob question...Is it possible for the player to find what policy cards is the AI using?
Noob question...Is it possible for the player to find what policy cards is the AI using?
In-game it is possible, if you have open relationship enough (I think it's "secret" or "very secret" level), you get notices about slotting in policies.
Out of game, it should be logged in one of the game database files, perhaps someone else on the forum knows exact location. Using it in game is a bit of cheating, but it is useful for debugging.
bug bug bug ...
version [] (564030)

And when you are in for a loooooong game (marathon with no turn limit, huge, deity, all options on i.e. apocalypse / zombie / secret societies / corpo / Dark+Golden Ages, etc), it is so frustrating to be stuck at rounds 700 with still many turns to come, and 999+ (or 1785 turns for an harbor, in a city with 50 prod...)!

I have now subscribed to this mod, fixing the issue, but it will work only for my next game... if any.

Why Firaxis, why are you so deaf and slow solving it ? (and CTDs or freezing games at end-turn, with the new Frontier addition).
Now +1345h playing civ6/steam, and I had 0 problem until the NFP addition and February patch...


  • HOJO TOKIMUNE 743 1694 AD.Civ6Save
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Don't you have auto save enabled to reload a previous save?

If you talk about returning to a saved game BEFORE the 999+ bug occurs, the answer is simple : an hour before I posted here, I thought the 999+ was a new event in Frontier Pass, and not a bug!
Something like a limiter for huge civilizations, and it is always my case...
In my games, I usually win before the faulty policy card is triggered, hence I did not worry about the couple of times where I saw the 999+ toward the very end of my games.
It is especially true at deity difficulty that I always play for years now: and as the dark age mode is enabled, it is VERY easy to win by simply being patient: the AI tends to over-build, and as soon as a Dark Age comes, the cities rebel and it is a cascading event. Even big civs are destroyed. Self-destroyed. You just need to hold on your few city very close from each other and let the storm goes away, then the competition is gone...

Now, if you talk about the CTDs/end turn freezes:
Of course I have, keeping the last 100, all turns. When you play deity with all game options on, I am not good enough for surviving without restarting many times and I use and abuse the Time Machine...

And it is what save my day when bugs are invited into my party, and it allows me to proceed with my games for the last 6 months...

Just before hitting the end-turn, always manual F5 quicksave, and if Freeze or CTD (direct to 3) :
  1. - Ctrl+Alt+Del
  2. - Task Manager (with option "always on top"), then kill Civ 6 process
  3. - Wait a bit for steam/firaxis cleaning then reload the launcher + game
  4. - ... and check my latest save: as I indicated in other forums (reddit + steam community), I find 99.99% of the time the save game AFTER the frozen end-turn. By instance, if I end the turn at 600, I find when reloading the automated saved game for start of 601... and it loads properly and I can continue my game sometimes for hours...

It means that the end-turn does work (most of the times), but a process at the end blocks or fail to return a green light...
I only have a CTD 2 or 3 times this last month, and freezing end-turn perhaps 80 times or more.

And only 5 or 10% of the time, when ending Civ6 process, I can also see the sub-process Firaxisbugreporter.exe, but stuck, and only 1 time (in perhaps 50!), it asked me to send data to Firaxis, which means that bug reporting did not work as intended and sent nothing most of the times as I also monitor internet traffic... but 50% debug data is sent to Microsoft.
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Apparently, this is STILL a problem? Just played a game after having taken a many months-long break and BOOM. Had totally forgotten it existed. Am I correct in that if I do not play in the Dramatic Ages setting, all will be well? (Or if I remember not to use the Culture card)
Just seems like there SHOULD have been a patch at this point, since it has been a known bug for over a year. clearly, they are done with Civ VI. It very well could be a mod. I have a few added leaders from JFD's mods.
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Just started trying Dramatic mode, and I ran into this error, more than 1 year after people had reported. Boo, Firaxis!
Ran into the same bug. Really annoying. Been playing since Civ6 came out; surprised I just ran into it. Maybe so few players run into this that they don’t fix it. Or maybe it’s one of those bugs that just can’t seem to be fixed. I’ve coded (occasionally to help myself on my real job as a land surveyor) since the days of punch cards. Their are some bugs that I fixed that created other issues. Their are some bugs that I gave up on and just completely rewrote the program. I cannot imagine how complex the coding is for this game. What really disappoints me is that the BUG-TEAM (dev) doesn’t let us users know. Like what is the reason why it hasn’t been fixed?
Well, here's hoping they fix a whole heap of bugs along with releasing the Leader Pass.
Will it patch the NFP DLC and or base game on all platforms?
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