an interesting thing the higgs feild ships... and I think i have an idea for the implimentation of them...
- that is, make them strong defender ships- poor range, and poor attack, as the actual hardware on the ship isnt paved for mass firepower, or long distance travel... this means that real ships will be the main attack force, while "Higgs ships" will be the main defenders, utilizing the heazy armour generated by the feild...
-though all this leads me to wonder, if a feild can be generated to produce the disired effect of a higgs generator, couldnt an "anti-feild" be generated as well?
also, I have some personal curiosity on the whole time-machine concept
now, I really dont have a great deal of knowledge on temperol science, though I have paced around thinking about time travel, and more over the possible effect of it on everything from time to time, which is why I am wondering abit on the "time-worm hole effect' you mention in the last paragraph of your first post... isnt messing around with the exact quantities of meterials from the time of universal creation a bit dangerous? I mean, it all sort of depends on if "time' is a circle, or a line in the great scheme of things, but I would suspect that either A)assuming that if a tech like that was created, and people began to do that, it could have very drastic conseqeunces on the rest of the timeline, as oyu would be takeing away from the materials used to create the universe as they know it that time...
B)if time is a circle, then technically, everything that has hapopend, or will happen is basically going on the same time, which means that if a tech like that was developed, and used, then it is *possible* that we right now have developed in a universe that is already missing these gasses, and has gone on with it...
as you can see, a rather interesting thing to deal with...