I don't think it would be possible to actually move matter past the speed of light. The reason being as you increase your speed, the kinetic energy would generate large amounts of gravitaional force; regardless of inertial resistance. If you used an anti-grav core, the power need to keep the ship stable would be imense and generate large amounts of gravity itself. An alternate idea to actually moving is to (
somehow, though I have no idea how ) coordinate all the quantum randimocities of every particle that makes up the matter to move in sync. Then increase the quanta level of the matter, and the randomized position would be largly signifigant. If you could control the position of the ship's quantum mechanical state then you could, in theory, travel instantaneuosly anywhere. You could call it orginized quantum displacement or something like that. Of course you always risk adding to much quanta, and changing the ship to pure plasma (
and everyone in it for that mater); boom, no more ship. Not to convelute the mater, just trying to make the mod more realistic, IMHO.
A nuetron/neutrino dirve works by making the massive amounts of almost undetecable particles, known as nuetrinos, that stars emit to collide with nuetrons. When this happens the nuetron emits a blue cone of light, and therefore energy. If we could condense the nuetrons, or in some other way improve the effeicentcy of the system, we could produce massive amounts of energy from virtually nothing. Just being near a star would be enough. Every second, billions of nuetrinos from our sun pass through the tip of your finger every second; so there's obviously abundant energy passing through us every second, it just doesn't interact with us. That's why I wanted to make sea system space, ships that rely on a nuetron/nuetrino drive, would have to stay near a star to generate their energy.
A quark-plasma drive smashes highly energized particles at high speeds, 99.999etc...% the speed of light, directly into each other via powerful, linear atom smashers. This breaks even the most fundamental particles down to highly energized quarks (
theoretical sub-sub-atomic particles that make up everything, i.e. the basic building block of physics). Creating a mesh of pretty much just energy, which is then shot out the back as it expands and reforms into sub-atomic and atomic structures. An explosion caused be a mechanical error would basically be imense amounts of radiation coupled with just about any particle that can feasably exist. That is of course if you have enough quark-plasma. It would be very pretty though,
A planetary seige weapon could be used to destroy the native working inhabitants, or you could point it at a space colony. It should, with the materials you're using, generate large amounts of heat, electicity, radiation, light, sub-atomic particles, etc... Just pretty much particle choas, and radioative "soup."
Concering comunication, they have already "moved" one of mozarts symphonies 5x the speed of light, via microwaves. "Moved" being used loosely, since we didn't do anything. They first split the microwave beam into 2, and sent one directly into an insulator with a microwave reciever on the other end. The sigle picked up on the other end, though slightly distorted some of the time (
due to the quantum randimocities all photons contain), was still recognizable and got there 5x faster than the normal microwave beam. So communication might not be as slow as previously thought. Though I still like the idea of hollograms, just saying your map can be bigger than previously thought.
Nukes are expensive too, and can be shot down (
which I always found to be a great lose).
Explosions in space would only be spherical if the hull had the same strength all the way over, and if no inertia/movement effecting feilds were present (
though they almost certainly would be, due to the advance nature of the ships we are currently discussing). Movement effecting feild being anit-grav feild, microwave, gamma, etc...
How would you transport foot units if the land was space, the AI has no land transport handlers. Also, all ground based units (
as in foot units, not ships moving on tile that were technically land, but consedered space) would have to be immobile, which means you couldn't make them attack or defense.
Sorry if I'm complicating things too much here. Are you basing this mod off a book, or what you actually think the future's going to be like?