More Unique Components for Vox Populi

3rd and 4th Unique Components for VP - Official thread 88

It is indicated on the first page of this thread that the current version of MUCfVP is only compatible with "VP 03-14 and later", so it's totally normal if there are problems with previous version of VP. Concerning the Inuit, it is also said on the civ thread that it is only compatible with "VP 03-28 or later", so it's also unsurprising that you have problems when using the 03-14 version.
If you try to use Inuit without the custom DLL that I linked to on the main page of that civ’s thread then none of the UCs will work except inuksuk.
I'm not blaming anyone :) Just reporting. And with all respect to Gazebo's work, I also feel kinda frustrated that recent versions bring so many changes. I don't have that much time anymore and somehow I feel that playing with modmods is a lottery if (or rather when) I'm going to get CTDs.
The Brazilian sambodrome actually seems to provide +15% culture despite that its description says +10%. Perhaps intentional?
The Brazilian sambadrome actually seems to provide +15% culture despite that its description says +10%. Perhaps intentional?
Thanks for catching that. It will be 10% in the next version.
I've had that issue a couple of times in the past and this is the only way I've been able to fix it:
  1. Remove all mods in the MODS folder, then load up the game to verify nothing there (especially if you have workshop items); close the game
  2. Download & install VP, then load up the game, enable all VP components, and get to the game setup; close the game
  3. Download & install 3/4 UC, then load up the game and it should work
Basically, I remove everything then gradually reintroduce it. It's tedious but it works every time.
To me, this sounds like a load order issue, no? The game is not applying mod references correctly again? @pineappledan
I just finished a game with Austria on King difficulty, Standard size and speed. I went Tradition>Statecraft>Imperialism>Freedom.

Regarding their UU, Landwehr, it feels a bit underwhelming. Since this unit comes quite late (Industrial era), their kit seems rather weak. The Regimentsmarsch gives such an insignificant amount of :c5culture: Culture that I wonder why we even bother. If they give a bit more :c5culture: Culture when garrisoned in cities and that extra :c5culture: Culture is added to the pool of the city, then I can see it having a bit more impactful with all the modifiers. Otherwise, this promotion seems useless at this point of the game (I had about 600 :c5culture: Culture/Turn when I unlock the Landwehr and not in a GA). The other promotion, Imperial Vigilance, seems to have less impact with its +25% :c5strength: CS. At this stage of the game, you will hopefully have other sources of bonuses that diminishes the extra :c5strength: CS from this promotion. In addition, the Landwehr has 3 more :c5strength: CS than a Fusilier which doesn't help the Landwehr deal with one of its biggest threats of this time, Gatling Gun. I know Landwehr is designed for defensive wars but, when on the offensive, it's really not that much better than the Fusilier it replaces.

Then, we have the UB, Schützenstand, that have a kit that doesn't work smoothly in my opinion. The :c5production: Production and :c5culture: Culture, both yields and those from CS, are really solid. It's the +15% :c5production: Production towards Land Military Units, +15 XP to Gunpowder Units on Training and +30%:c5production: to Gunpowder Units that's in an odd spot. Now, this UB gives the same amount of supply as Arsenal from :c5citizen: Population. In my game, I built this in all my cities (7 owned in total) and I have about 30 military supply. If I had went for Authority, I would have quite a bit more. The UB allowed me to reach my supply cap quite quickly and then a good portion of the kit is then rendered useless. Ideally, I don't lose units so I won't need to replace those lost units. In addition, the UB becomes less relevant once I went Freedom as buying units with full experience is far more useful than building a Gunpowder unit from scratch. Overall, I find it weird when I can build units faster but supply cap is the biggest issue, especially when the UB replaces the Arsenal). I feel making the UB give +25% :c5war: Military Supply Cap from :c5citizen: Population helps their kit more. If that's a bit much, remove the +15% :c5production: Production towards Land Military Units so the Landwehr (hopefully after a small buff) gets to shine more.

Anyways, these are my thoughts on Austria. I don't mind hearing opinions of others about this civ.
Pending review/assent by @adan_eslavo, v44. will be coming soon.
- compatibility:
    - UnhappinessFromXSpecialists ==> Added no urbanization unhappiness from X specialists to Baan Chang, Pairidaeza, Riad, Steam Mill, and Japanese Guilds
    - Polder ==> Removed ability to build on Marsh (can now do that in base VP)
    - Removed unnecessary settings ==> Event_plot and Event_espionage no longer used with addition of Marsh Polder and White Tower to VP 
- tweaked/modified:   
    - Pogost ==> Added no urbanization unhappiness from 1 specialist to Stage 2
    - Steam Mill ==> Updated Steam Mill to match HungryForFood's Steam Mill... Again.
    - Eagle ==> reduced worker conversion rate to 25%. gave Woodsman and 25HP heal. reduced CS to 15. 
        ==> Jaguars instantly upgrade to Eagles after 10 kills.
    - Legions ==> Pilum now is lost on upgrade.
    - Sambadrome ==> reduced Culture modifier to the intended 10%
    - Six Horns Council ==> fixed lua error that disabled text notification
Are there discussion threads for this mod for players looking for strategy tips, or for ranking leaders on there new uniques?
Are there discussion threads for this mod for players looking for strategy tips, or for ranking leaders on there new uniques?

I would be happy to see it. Right now, we've had a collection of individual civ review, but no general comparison or strategic guide.

One problem that could arise is that discussion of that kind could clutter this thread or be drowned in other discussions. If enough people are asking for it, maybe we could ask for a second thread dedicated to actual gameplay reviews around MUCfVP. What do you think @pineappledan ?
Sure. I won’t start it/moderate it though. I’d be happy to give my 2 cents though.

If you check the first page, @a1nosugar, Hinin and I made some quick new strategies based on what was built.
The Brazilian Sambadrome is also giving +2 :tourism: tourism at Radio, instead of 3.
@pineappledan I'm curious if the CS of the Monitor for America is changed for the next version given that VP sees the Ironclad getting 5 extra CS.
Yes, the monitor’s CS is anchored to the ironclad’s base value. It might be too high now, but wait and see.
just came here to check my install was okay - and noticed what appearsto be a hotfix for current VP version. Problems with diplo tooltips solved!
I will check v44 and release it today or tomorrow. Sorry for delay.
Sweden seems to be missing it's deserved Tundra bias, making the UB pretty bad

I disagree with this. The fact that the UB replaces Baths and you can build it in all cities already makes it very powerful. Sure, you miss out on that extra :c5science: Science but are you really going to work ordinary Tundra tiles? If anything, you want tiles that are food heavy to really benefit from it and Tundra tiles usually aren't.
FWIW, I would rather axe the tundra bonus than change more base VP components, if it comes to that
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